Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Man SS if only I had a plot of land to grow on like yours! Beautiful dirt and lots of compost should keep the ghosts up across the street at night. I counted close to 90 plants in the bed of your truck all looking very good. Will you be growing corn and other crops or only peppers in your newly prepped garden plot, remember you having a lot of different stuff growing last year and your peppers were in containers. I know you will be the envy of chileheads worldwide once your field of dreams is planted. You have no excuses not to have a great season!
A most excellent looking grow dood. That plot of soil is awesome. We have some good soil over here too. I'd wish ya good luck, but let's be honest, you don't need it:)
your garden plot is to die for SS...

I assume you are getting ready for tonight/tomorrows cold's supposed to get to 32 in the morning here...

only thing I can say about your plants is that you are miles ahead of me...I haven't transplanted anything to larger than 3.5" square containers...and just counted, I have 14 more 72 cell trays lthat need to be transplanted over the next week.....

If I didn't grow so many plants, I could take better care of the ones I do grow

outrageous my friend...
Thanks guys, I only hope I can make these plants produce since many of the varieties I've never grown before.

Cappy, I'll be planting 3 rows of peppers in that patch along with, tomatoes, beans, corn, squash, okra and cukes. No melons this year, the peppers claimed their space. ;)

AJ, It's only supposed to hit 38 or 39 for the low here two nights in a row then warms back up to 50 for the low. Thunderstorms in the early AM. I'm shooting for the first week in April for plant out.
We had a light frost this morning, so I waited until around 9AM to drive my plants out
of the garage and found...

six plants decapitated. Damn mouse


Compost is finally all spread, bedded and tucked in. The weather looks good for the
remainder of this week, so I'll probably start things in the garden very soon.
Time for some sticky traps on the plants. Damn SS, looking real good man. One question, when they are small how do you get water to them with the plasitc mulch in the way?
millworkman said:
Time for some sticky traps on the plants. Damn SS, looking real good man. One question, when they are small how do you get water to them with the plasitc mulch in the way?

Going forward from here it looks warm enough to leave them outside for good, but I'll be setting traps this evening and feeding that devil mouse to my chooks.

Thanks MW, there is a soaker hose running the lenghth of each row under the plastic mulch. I just haven't connected them to the header pipe yet.
Silver_Surfer said:
Thanks MW, there is a soaker hose running the lenghth of each row under the plastic mulch. I just haven't connected them to the header pipe yet.

Makes sense now. Are you planning on using it all season, or once they get established letting the rain take care of it? Using nutes through the hose?
Rats, that blows after getting those plants almost to plant out and this happens. Hope you have extras of each of those 6 plants SS! Very professional looking garden rows, hope you have a tractor and didn't do all that by hand. I got your address and should be traveling down that road around harvest if your missing a few bushels.:P

Time for some cats, mine brings me a mouse every other day and leaves it on the doorstep.;)
Good luck with the mousie hunt SS, show no mercy.

You've put a lot of work into the pepper growing thing we do, can't wait to see the pay off. Best of luck to you bro.
Woooooow, what a nice place of gardening. And a cool photo of your truck carryiung the chili plants ("...driving home for hotness...") ;)

Wish you all the best luck in getting the mouse away.
millworkman said:
Makes sense now. Are you planning on using it all season, or once they get established letting the rain take care of it? Using nutes through the hose?

Rain can't get through the plastic other than what wicks up from the middles. They'll be fed lightly and watered with the drip system, but since the plastic mulch controls evaporation much less water will be needed. I'm looking for a large plastic container to use as a mixing/water holding tank.

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Rats, that blows after getting those plants almost to plant out and this happens. Hope you have extras of each of those 6 plants SS! Very professional looking garden rows, hope you have a tractor and didn't do all that by hand. I got your address and should be traveling down that road around harvest if your missing a few bushels.

Time for some cats, mine brings me a mouse every other day and leaves it on the doorstep.

I don't get mad often, but after seeing the damage I could have bit a nail into. One variety didn't have an extra so started some more today. :(

I have a few tractors, but not the implement needed to build the beds, so all of the raised bed work and mulch laying was done by hand with the tools in the pic. Oh, my aching back!!!

Come on by; you're welcome to all the peppers you want, but I'm sure you'll be overloaded with pods this season, since you're growing far more plants than I. :lol:

Cats and my dog don't get along.

patrick said:
Good luck with the mousie hunt SS, show no mercy.

You've put a lot of work into the pepper growing thing we do, can't wait to see the pay off. Best of luck to you bro.

Thanks p, no hunt involved, but I did set 11 traps.

Ballzworth said:
that is one sweet setup. truck load of peppers, tonnes of space, tonnes of sun. Can't ask for much more than that. Very nice.

Thanks, I hope all the work pays off this season.

Espechili said:
Woooooow, what a nice place of gardening. And a cool photo of your truck carryiung the chili plants ("...driving home for hotness...") ;)

Wish you all the best luck in getting the mouse away.

Thanks, that mouse is certain to be chicken food by morning.
Very impressive man, totally jealous over here on the left coast.

We got so pissed at mice one year we set out crackers with peanut butter and hid and waited with pellet guns. We felt good after that day.
Diablo said:
Very impressive man, totally jealous over here on the left coast.

We got so pissed at mice one year we set out crackers with peanut butter and hid and waited with pellet guns. We felt good after that day.

Thanks Diablo. It looks like I should have used a pellet gun cause the mouse traps weren't quite large enough to do the job. One of the traps did knock the bastard silly long enough for me to plant a #13 on his head though.

Find Waldo.

R.I.P. No more pepper plants for this critter.

A few of the ravaged plants may survive the severe pruning.

It's putting out a few new shoots.