Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

Silver_Surfer said:
I'm down to 8 hens and 4 roosters now. A large coon got 3 hens a couple of months back b4 I got him and a hawk got another hen about 2 weeks ago. ( I haven't cured that problem yet and saw him again this morning)

No worries, I rule the roost when it comes to the outdoors; indoors is another story. :)

I would have a conversation with that hawk.. Tell 'em all the rabbits is fair game, but stay away from the chickens!- Can you set the dog to gaurding the chooks?
Celeste said:
I would have a conversation with that hawk.. Tell 'em all the rabbits is fair game, but stay away from the chickens!- Can you set the dog to gaurding the chooks?

The hawk is sneaky and tries to strike while my attention is diverted elsewhere, like while mowing the grass and can't hear the chooks alarm cry.

The dog isn't an option; that would be like letting the fox guard the hen house. :) The chooks are inside a fenced area.
That is a beautiful garden SS, I envy you. If I tilled up the yard, I could have that much space, but I might lose my happy home! LMAO!!!
I think I might stop on by one day, maybe while you are out, have a walk through the pepper patch. Pick a pack of pickled peppers...
millworkman said:
I think I might stop on by one day, maybe while you are out, have a walk through the pepper patch. Pick a pack of pickled peppers...

:lol: No need to wait until I'm out, I'll probably need all of the help I can get when pickin' time comes. ;)

Diablo said:
I mean this with all the respect n jealousy in world, I hate you. :) row cropslookin strong bro!

Thanks man. Time to go kill some more ants.
Good luck with the ants SS. You guys got a local ant eater rental shop?

Your county extension may have some ideas for handling fire ants. What method do you use?

Best of luck to you.
patrick said:
Good luck with the ants SS. You guys got a local ant eater rental shop?

Your county extension may have some ideas for handling fire ants. What method do you use?

Best of luck to you.

No anteaters for hire. :lol: I'm using DE ATM to divert their attentions.

WGB said:
:twisted:propane torch,like the kind for soldering pipes is fun.and precise.

Funny you should mention that, cause I ordered a torch that connects to a propane tank a few days ago, but I don't see it reaching down to the queen. :) I'll flame all of the bastards I can see though.
Looking good Surfer. ;) I remember dealing with fireants whilst down in TX. Lil buggers are NASTY! Btw, Fish seedlings are looking good, got first set of leaves already and have 7 of them growing. :woohoo:
Maligator said:
Looking good Surfer. ;) I remember dealing with fireants whilst down in TX. Lil buggers are NASTY! Btw, Fish seedlings are looking good, got first set of leaves already and have 7 of them growing. :woohoo:

Yeah, they are bad news. They've taken over the south and are moving north a little more each year. I've learned you can't wipe them out, just deal with them the best you can each season.

Good to hear you've caught some fish; hope you reel in a bountiful catch of pods this year. :)