Silver Surfer's 2010 Grow

I found him I found him!! Dead bastage.

Good to see the peppers overcoming that plant chewing SOB SS. Probably be a couple of your biggest producers.
Glad you got him SS. Hopefully there are not others to continue the damage. At least they are rebounding, even if they are a little behind, it will be quicker than starting new seeds.

That plot looks great and I hope you have a great season!
Dude, stomped him with your shoe? I'm having a Full Metal Jacket flash back, the scene where they catch up with the sniper in the building. Hardcore man.
Yep Diablo, crushed his skull with one stomp while he was dazed and confused. I'm sure that was the only one and he must have slipped in one day I left the garage door open. My next battle will be with rabbits and deer in the garden, but those usually don't pose a problem anymore since I started pouring a perimeter of recycled Bush beer in the grass surrounding the garden. ;)
Great ;). Will have to drive my plants too in a few weeks.


Plants look good!. Do you keep them in containers?
Diablo said:
hahahahaha, spoken like a true super hero.

Course, rabits and deer are quite edible...

Not too crazy about rabbit, but I do keep my freezer stocked with venison. :)

lee said:
Great ;). Will have to drive my plants too in a few weeks.

Plants look good!. Do you keep them in containers?

How's your new garden plot coming along?

Thanks lee, most in the truck will go in the garden, but I have several late starts and pubes that will be grown in containers this year. I had planned on putting them in the ground this week, but it's supposed to drop to 39F Friday, so plant out will be delayed another week.
SeeYouJimmy said:
Stick him in one of the pots so your plants can feed on him...

Dunno if I could stand the stink. It's too late for that though, as my chooks have ripped him to shreads and converted him into brown eggs. :D
I'm down to 8 hens and 4 roosters now. A large coon got 3 hens a couple of months back b4 I got him and a hawk got another hen about 2 weeks ago. ( I haven't cured that problem yet and saw him again this morning)

No worries, I rule the roost when it comes to the outdoors; indoors is another story. :)
FadeToBlack said:
Very nice setup SS, I wish I had all that space to plant in ground.

Thanks, it requires quite an effort to setup, but the plastic mulch should be a labor saver in the end. I still have some landscape fabric to deploy to the middles and need to stake them all.

millworkman said:
Ok, so just where do you live SS?

Bama, not far from the home of the Crimson Tide. :)
Got your own little piece of Heaven there don't you SS? Good to be the king. Going to be a good year I believe. Best of luck to you bro.
Thanks p, I sure hope the weather is better than last year. With the current unseasonal temps, it sure looks as if this summer will be a scorcher.