Silver_Surfer's season starts

... I'd rather have aphids then spider mites.....

Really???? Smider mites over aphids???? Wow, not me. A little pyrethrum does the trick on the mites, but the aphids...... I'd rather burn an acre of plants than deal with those things...maybe just me tho! :crazy:

Looking great SS!! I almost kept a couple overwintered's uncut, but felt space was a concern.

What type of compost did you use last year? Adding anymore this year? There is a nursery here who claims their mushroom compost is worth $900 for 20 yards?? But the "other guys" who have $400 loads don't seem to have quality material...

Sorry for the ???s, But I was intrugued at your methods last year and think I may try something VERY similar. The compost, rows, weedcloth, mulch, soaker system.... For me, it will be like attacking all angles of work to make LIFE easier. I have all the materials except the compost and weedcloth. Kinda stuck here on what type to get. Ordinary weedcloth may get tooo hot here in North Texas, but maybe 4-6 inches of straw will help with that.

Keep it up big guy!!
In my containers I use composted chicken manure and in the garden I spread 25 yards of composted horse poop.

Yeah, cover it with 3 or 4 inches of wheat straw and it will solve the heat problem.
I used 4' plastic mulch in the row and split 4' rolls of landscape fabric to lay 2' strips down the middles and covered that with wheat straw. The landscape fabric was supposed to be good for years, but was in sad shape by season's end.
Thanks SS, I know sometimes questions can be a bother. You seem to have your grow down perty well!! I like asking you guys who have been here on the forum for a bit!!

By the way, I saved a few seeds from some of the pods I bought from you last year. I had a really good germination rate with them!! Thanks again!!
Nothing seems to be going right lately. I overdosed a couple of plant trays with nutes because a phone interruption made me forget I had already added the fertilizer to the water and I added a second dose, fed em, then realized what I had done. Then I got interrupted again while bottom watering a tray and really got it super saturated. I lost 2 plants downstairs because I forgot to water them. I trashed a hydraulic line on one of my tractors and got sick from smoke inhalation during a field burn off. This just hasn't been my week. :(

The plants look like they'll survive though; peppers are tough.
Here's tray one, 4 weeks from seed planted on 1-20-11.
Those 2 tall Aji Panca plants are supposed to be C. Chinense, but are growing fast as C. Annuums.

Tray two, 4 weeks from seed planted on 1-20-11.
The Inorka is growing like a weed too; I thought it was a C. Chinense, but now I'm not certain.
What say you, Siling Labuyo?

These annuums were planted 1-30-11 and after 18 days needed to move today from the 72 cell tray.
After culling, these 32 were what was left. Dang I hate to toss all of those good plants.

I went ahead and moved these other starts that were planted on 1-30-11 as well.
It's a mixed bag of C. Annuum, C. Baccatum, C. Chinense, C. Pubescens and a C. Praetermissium.

Here's the final germination after 18 days on the last 2 trays.
Douglah x Scorpion	Silver_Surfer		C. Chinense	6 of 6
Trinidad Scorpion	Patrick/Hippy		C. Chinense	3 of 4
Scorpion Butch T	WickedMojo		C. Chinense	7 of 10
Scorp Morouga Blend	orrevs			C. Chinense	2 of 2
Harold's St Bart	smokemaster		C. Chinense	0 of 2

Bishop's Hat		Pepper Ridge Farm	C. Baccatum	4 of 4
Lemon Drop		PEPPERMANIA		C. Baccatum	4 of 4
PI 260560		orrevs			C. Baccatum	2 of 2
Polombo (PI439411)	PEPPERMANIA		C. Baccatum	5 of 6

Orange Manzano		Zanderspice		C. Pubescens	4 of 4
Red Rocoto 1		Brito's Pepper		C. Pubescens	6 of 6
Red Rocoto 2		Brito's Pepper		C. Pubescens	2 of 6
Villarta Dino		smokemaster		C. Pubescens	3 of 4
Yellow Rocoto		PEPPERMANIA		C. Pubescens	2 of 4

Wild Giant Cumari	Brito's Pepper		C. Praetermiss. 1 of 2

Cayenne Thick		 Geeme			C. Annuum	2 of 2
Chiltepin (wild)	 RedtailForester	C. Annuum	0 of 2
Holy Mole (hybrid)	 Park Seed		C. Annuum	4 of 4
Inchanga African/Cayenne Huntsman		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Jalapeno Biker Billy	 Burpee			C. Annuum	6 of 6
Jalapeno Gigante	 Burpee			C. Annuum	5 of 6
Jalapeno Mucho Nacho	 PEPPERGAL		C. Annuum	2 of 4
Joe's Long Cayenne	 Josh			C. Annuum	3 of 4
Kashmiri		 Huntsman		C. Annuum	0 of 2
Maui Purple		 RedtailForester	C. Chinense	2 of 2
Nardello		 PEPPERGAL		C. Annuum	4 of 4
Pasilla Bajio (Chilaca)	 Tomato Growers Supply	C. Annuum	3 of 4
Pimento Super Red	 PEPPERGAL		C. Annuum	2 of 4
Prik Key Nuu Dang	 Exavier		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Prik Key Nuu Suan	 Exavier		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Prik See Dang		 Exavier		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Prik Si Dang (Red)	 Exavier		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Prik Si Som (Orange)	 Exavier		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Purple Cayenne		 smokemaster		C. Annuum	2 of 2
Sahuaro Hybrid		 Park Seed		C. Annuum	4 of 4
Tiburon Hybrid		 Park Seed		C. Annuum	4 of 4

I'll try the failed ones again next year. I have enough to care for this season.

Here's a group shot of them all crowded under the T5 lights.

The weather looks so good this weekend I may let the first 2 trays get a taste of the outdoors.
SS if you overdosed ,give them a little water with a little molasses(1:500 dilution) or humic acid helps to detoxify them...
Plants look great BTW.
Looks like another great year is coming for ya SS. Good luck with them.

I have a bunch outside currently and have been leaving them out overnight for a couple days cause its been so nice.
Looking great SS, I also hate the culling process,
Seems such a shame. But it has to be done I guess! :lol:

Do you normally keep the lights that high above your seedlings,
Or was that just to get a pic?

Looking great SS, I also hate the culling process,
Seems such a shame. But it has to be done I guess! :lol:

Do you normally keep the lights that high above your seedlings,
Or was that just to get a pic?

Thanks Kevin.
Well, I did throw two dozen into some 2.5 inch pots as backups, but lots of nice ones will take a dirt nap in the worm bin. Total number of plants now with the few backups is 152. We'll see how many are still around when it's time to make the transfer to the garden.

Lately I've kept the lights at that height with the increase in ambient temps. If I lowered them the plants would bake and as I type this they are at 86F with the light where it is in the pic. I may move my grow op to the cooler garage next season after the seeds have sprouted, but so far the plants aren't too leggy.
looks like you are off to another great start SS...good luck this season...hope you get all you want...
Looking good SS, as Josh said I'm envious of your weather and I'm in CA. Was 70 for a day last weekend and now last 3 days of cold and rain. Hope your new week goes better.