Silver_Surfer's season starts

great! great! great! there's some prime land available in northern illinois with your name written all over it :)
No, sorry I don't. He just labeled the seed "Red Rocoto #1". I'll save you some seed if you want, but keep in mind our climates are very different. It knocks on 100F here too, but it is much more humid and that humidity really makes it quite miserable.

What other C. Pubescens varieties were flowering but failing to set fruit at the same time as the Red Rocoto #1? The Red Rocoto #2 (Brito's Pepper), Orange Rocoto (Zanderspice), Villarta Dino (smokemaster) or Yellow Rocoto (Peppermania)?

It would be interesting to see if isolated flowers on the Red Rocoto #1 still set to fruit.
Thanks for all of the wonderful compliments y'all.

What other C. Pubescens varieties were flowering but failing to set fruit at the same time as the Red Rocoto #1? The Red Rocoto #2 (Brito's Pepper), Orange Rocoto (Zanderspice), Villarta Dino (smokemaster) or Yellow Rocoto (Peppermania)?

It would be interesting to see if isolated flowers on the Red Rocoto #1 still set to fruit.

Hey Harry, none of the others were flowering when #1 was setting pods; later #2 started to flower but never set. #1 has quit setting now, 100F is too hot for it. None of the others are flowering now.

Here's a small update.

Garden 7-16-11


Getting really crowded. The Silver Queen corn is coming in now.

There are cantaloupe in there somewhere.

Rocotos and Manzanos aren't producing much.
It's too hot now and no more sets lately.

Rocoto #1 continues to bloom though.
Nice garden looks like you have a 5 oclock plant jam going on.
Thats a good thing though looks like you have a fruitful garden gowing.
Hey Harry, none of the others were flowering when #1 was setting pods; later #2 started to flower but never set. #1 has quit setting now, 100F is too hot for it. None of the others are flowering now.

My largest Rocoto flowered through similar heat but failed to set fruit. Any day that hit around 35 °C resulted in about a couple of weeks of sterile flowers. I have a Yellow Manzano plant that like your #2 never set any fruit but it managed to flower through the hotter months.

Do you know what the maximum temperature was at which the Red Rocoto #1 managed to set fruit?
Beautiful plants SS. I always had to hand pollinate my Manzanos. Wet a small brush and transfer the pollen to the other flower centers. I did it at noon with the sun shining bright and had good luck. With out hand pollination, I got nothing.
Hey SS quick question, what type nutes do you use and how often do you use them? I saw the direct feed and am very interested.

You are definitely one of the go-to guys for garden guidance. Kinda like the Yoda of chilis.
Beautiful plants SS. I always had to hand pollinate my Manzanos. Wet a small brush and transfer the pollen to the other flower centers. I did it at noon with the sun shining bright and had good luck. With out hand pollination, I got nothing.

I forgot about this particular aspect of my Rocotos. I hand pollinated all of my Rocoto flowers. If the Red Rocoto #1 managed to set fruit without had pollination then it would be a better Rocoto to have than the varieties I have.
Beautiful SS, do you have a guide to get you through that jungle :dance: :dance:

Thanks LC, no guide, but I may need a machete before the season is done. :lol:

I love that garden shot SS! that is pure beauty man!!


Thanks Kevin, I just wish it would cool off a little.

Nice garden looks like you have a 5 oclock plant jam going on.
Thats a good thing though looks like you have a fruitful garden gowing.

Appreciate it RouteBound. Picking is very difficult though and access conditions aren't improving. :)

My largest Rocoto flowered through similar heat but failed to set fruit. Any day that hit around 35 °C resulted in about a couple of weeks of sterile flowers. I have a Yellow Manzano plant that like your #2 never set any fruit but it managed to flower through the hotter months.

Do you know what the maximum temperature was at which the Red Rocoto #1 managed to set fruit?

Around the same temp, 95F, and the weather is unusually hot here this season. The peak temp was probably a little higher, but that was when the high of the day didn't stay there very long. I'm just glad the lows at night here are still in the mid seventies.

Beautiful plants SS. I always had to hand pollinate my Manzanos. Wet a small brush and transfer the pollen to the other flower centers. I did it at noon with the sun shining bright and had good luck. With out hand pollination, I got nothing.

Thanks BigT, I've never had problems with fruit set when the temps were right and never tried hand pollination, but may give it a go to see if that improves things. I doubt much can be done during this record heatwave this season though.

Everything looks so happy you grew the absolute dream garden again SS. Agree with above picture perfect garden shot! :onfire:

Thanks Cappy, but I think it would have been much better if the rows were spaced wider than 30". :lol:

Hey SS quick question, what type nutes do you use and how often do you use them? I saw the direct feed and am very interested.

You are definitely one of the go-to guys for garden guidance. Kinda like the Yoda of chilis.

I don't think the Silver Surfer ever met Yoda.
Thanks for the compliment though.

I started feeding them a little diluted Peter's 25-4-15 which contains micro nutes once every 2 weeks, then shifted to once a month. I've only fed them 3 times this season; 1 and 3/4 cups the first time and 1 cup the last 2 feedings with the injector set on its lowest setting. They'll get another weak dose at the end of this month. I use a low phosphorus fertilizer because my ground already has ample P and use only very weak doses of the stuff as they get most of what they need from the 25 cubic yards of composted manure I incorporated into the soil last season. They get watered with the drip system once per week for 2 hours, which is about the time needed for the injector to empty itself on the lowest setting.

I forgot about this particular aspect of my Rocotos. I hand pollinated all of my Rocoto flowers. If the Red Rocoto #1 managed to set fruit without had pollination then it would be a better Rocoto to have than the varieties I have.

I've never used hand pollination, and if the temps are right no problem with fruit set.

Sheesh, what a beautiful garden. The plants are so healthy and unblemished that they look like they were grown inside.

Thanks WC, I wish they were inside where it's a lot cooler. :)

Beautiful garden Silver_Surfer very happy healthy plants,that is the way to go great job. :)

Thanks man, now if only the weather would improve.
Garden 7-23-11

Garden lower end, my little orange ID flags are slowly sinking.

Peppers upper end

And a few closer plant shots

7 Pod Barrockpore

Douglah X Scorpion

Bonda Ma Jacques

7 Pod Brown and 2 Aji Panca peeking over the top in the background.

7 Pod Yellow