KiNGDeNNiZ said:
First Time for me growing black pearls and they are great peppers. All your plants look great. What's the UBMC
Thanks King. UBMC?? Ultra Badass Marine Corp

Maybe ya mean UBSC = Unknown Brain Strain Cross
adamk2212 said:
Wow, just wow, I'm going to have to get my hands on those seeds for next year. Keep up the awesome stuff.
Shoot me a PM, have plenty of seeds.
coheed196 said:
Yea i was surprised and he actually made it quite a bit bigger, I measured it again...25 X 28 so guess that means a shit ton of plants next year.
And the year after it will increase in size again.
coheed196 said:
SS I hate to say it...but I think some of your hornworms may have hitched a ride to my house. I cut 7 in half, they were all on the plants you gave me.Time to bbreak out the soap water it seems
Only found 3 so far in my garden and only one of those was on a chilli plant. Those huge moths do get around though.
RocketMan said:
Dang SS, you got the pods going on. That Yellow Primo is killer, Jamie sent me a pod off if his plant, great flavor and killer heat.
Love the Black Pearl, it's a beauty for sure. Are the pods any good?
If ya can get past the seeds (lots of em in those small pods, so remove first) they aren't too bad for an ornamental. Quick sting that fades fast with a slight sweet flavor. I grow em for looks; too many other varieties better for consumption. One of my Yellow Primos is yellowing up, so I'll get to sample one soon. Thanks
melted said:
horn worms run for the hills lol it happens sometimes
Squish em a little and drop on a fire ant bed.
PaulG said:
Wow, stunning Black Pearl. That is what I thought I
was getting when planted mine from THSC. but the
pods were all elongated and pendant.
Got plenty of seeds Paul and you're welcome to some. PM me and perhaps we can work out a seed swap.
30 day progress update.
Thirty days ago plant set out was completed, several types of vegetable seed were buried and wheat straw spread.
Garden 6-3-13
Garden today 7-3-13 Japanese Kamo eggplant was slow to germinate and is a very slow grower.
Squash will be ready to pick in a couple of days.
Have a few pod shots with a bump.