• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2021

Hi all!

Although I'm pretty old around here, this will be the first Glog.

I have been growing peppers on the balcony since 2014. Last year I switched everything to hydroponics and I am very happy with it.

Here is the growing list:

Hanging pots:
- Fatalii 6
- Fatalii Red 2
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Papa Joe's SB 3
- Scotch Bonnet MOA 3
- Black River SB 1

Floor pots:
- Pimiento de la Puta la Madre 3
- Lemon Drop 2
- Chile Rayado 4
- Jalapeño M 4
- NuMex Vaquero 4
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Tepin x Lemon Drop 3
- "Aji Cito" (Panama) 1



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Wow, lots happening there, SN! I need to not
wait so long to visit again. Have been buried
under yard and garden lately, but looks like
you are doing great, and you have the best
seat in the house!
Carry on, my friend!
Wonderful photo from the street SN! Thank you! Your neighbors across the way thank you as well, I'm sure. Awesome.
Nice harvest! You will be filling that basket before long!
If your jungle gets much taller you won't be able to see
out of your balcony!
DownRiver said:
Wonderful photo from the street SN! Thank you! Your neighbors across the way thank you as well, I'm sure. Awesome.
Thank you!
Not only the neighbors look but also those who pass by.
I'm still amused by those who stumble because they forget to take their eyes off the balcony.  :rofl:
ChilliCrosser said:
Amazing use of space.  Looks like you have those hangers well chained so no need for a hard-hat zone underneath in high winds  :scared:
Thank you!
I do not worry. The chains withstand a much heavier weight. And the wind produces only a harmonic oscillation because the pots are caught between them through the drain pipe from below.
Pimienta de la puta la madre, beautiful plant with lots of pods.

Two siamese Papa Joe's SB.

A very interesting knot on Scotch Bonnet MOA (my 2019 seeds, original from Refining Fire Chiles), 6 pods and two flowers.

Beautiful colors on a Numex Vaquero

A welcome guest
The plants are doing very well, they are starting to fill the whole space. They started drinking almost 50 liters of water a day.
An unresolved problem is the temperature of the water in the tank. These days it has reached over 32 ° C (~ 90 ° F).
A picture with Numex Vaquero full of pods:

A Lemon Drop flower with 8 petals.