• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2021

Hi all!

Although I'm pretty old around here, this will be the first Glog.

I have been growing peppers on the balcony since 2014. Last year I switched everything to hydroponics and I am very happy with it.

Here is the growing list:

Hanging pots:
- Fatalii 6
- Fatalii Red 2
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Papa Joe's SB 3
- Scotch Bonnet MOA 3
- Black River SB 1

Floor pots:
- Pimiento de la Puta la Madre 3
- Lemon Drop 2
- Chile Rayado 4
- Jalapeño M 4
- NuMex Vaquero 4
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Tepin x Lemon Drop 3
- "Aji Cito" (Panama) 1



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How's the flavor of Fatalii Red?
I'm not too fond about the prototypical chinense perfumey/flowery flavor and I much prefer bhuts and some red/brown supers.
Congrats for the huge harvest!

Thank you!
For neighbors in the area, the balcony is already a common sight. There are a few years in which they have been able to get used to this.

@Datil, for me Fatalii Red does not resemble the aroma of Fatalii Yellow. It has a fruity aroma, slightly sweet and the spiciness is much lighter and less aggressive than the Yellow Fatalii. The taste is far from Bhuts.

I have some more pictures of the harvest.
Papa Joe's SB, my seeds.

