• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2022

It is time to start the new growth for 2022.
Link to my grow log 2021.

Last fall I kept a Tepin x Lemon Drop plant that I tried to grow as a bonchi. He's not the best candidate for that, but he looks pretty good. It even has a flower that seems to turn into a pod.

I will sow C. Chinense on February 20 and C. Annuum on March 6.

Here is the growth list:

Suspended pots:
- Fatalii - V1 2021 / Semillas - 3
- Fatalii - PaulG - 2
- Purple Thunder F4 yellow/caramel - PaulG / Pepper Guru - 2
- Trippaul Threat F3 yellow - PaulG - 1
- Papa Dreadie SB - Sawyer - 4
- Aji Jobito - Semillas - 3
- Farm Locoto - Samaipata - Pepper Guru -1 (Growdown Throwdown 2022) I hope the seeds arrive soon. The envelope has been sent for a month

Floor pots:
- Lemon Drop - V1 2021 / Semillas - 2
- Goliath Jalapeno - PaulG - 4
- Tasmanian Black - PaulG - 2
- Chilhuacle Negro - Semillas - 4
- Prik Khi Nu - Semillas - 2
- Ancho Mulato - Semillas - 3
- Tepin x Lemon Drop - V4 2021 / az1000 - 3

Growth will be hydroponic just like last year.
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Vivian! Looking good in Romania, my friend!

The Goliath Jalapeńo and Tasmanian Black
are doing well for you - I like the flowers on
the Tasi Black! The pods on the Goliath look
true to form, sort of long and slender, tapered
cylinders. Has any variegation manifested it-
self on the Goliath Pepper?
Thank you, Paul!
I really like Tasmanian Black and Goliath Jalapeno. Thanks again for the seeds!
No variegation is seen on Goliath peppers yet.

The flowers on my tasmanian black are not completely purple, unlike the flowers on your plant...

I think I've seen flowers like yours on my plants. I'll check tomorrow and I'll tell you.
@MarcV , this is a flower from a plant kept in the shade.

I measured this Vezena Piperka pepper today. It seems to me that it is growing very fast. I will measure and see the difference tomorrow.

Prik Khi Nu forked to a height of almost 60 cm. Instead, it has side shoots right at the base.
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I always thought that Prik khee noo peppers were Frutescens... i would expect a more compact and bushy growth with tiny leaves. You know for sure it's Prik khee noo?
On the other hand, your peppers grow about four times faster than mine. Might have to take a look at my nitrogen feed for next season! :think:
I've been catching up with your glog and it looks like you're off to a great start this season. Your balcony should be a jungle again in no time.

BTW, I'm growing SLP's Prik Khi Nu for the first time this season and I've been surprised by how quickly it's been getting big. I'm hoping for great productivity from this one.
I always thought that Prik khee noo peppers were Frutescens... i would expect a more compact and bushy growth with tiny leaves. You know for sure it's Prik khee noo?
On the other hand, your peppers grow about four times faster than mine. Might have to take a look at my nitrogen feed for next season! :think:
It's the first time I grow them. I have the seeds from Semillas and they are classified as C. Frutescens.
I use Canna Aqua Vega and Canna Rhizotonic at first. Now I'm starting to add Canna PK 13/14.

I've been catching up with your glog and it looks like you're off to a great start this season. Your balcony should be a jungle again in no time.

BTW, I'm growing SLP's Prik Khi Nu for the first time this season and I've been surprised by how quickly it's been getting big. I'm hoping for great productivity from this one.
Glad to see you CD. :)
I like to hear that you grow Prik Khi No, we can compare growth and productivity. :)
It's the first time I grow them. I have the seeds from Semillas and they are classified as C. Frutescens.
I use Canna Aqua Vega and Canna Rhizotonic at first. Now I'm starting to add Canna PK 13/14.

I'm using mainly solid organic fertilizers, i think the nitrogen isn't readily available at first and needs to be released first before my plants can profit from it. I had some rawit last year that started out slow like most of my peppers this year, but they became about two meters high by the end of summer only on the fertilizer i applied in the soil mix.

Looks like @CaneDog has the same experience with the pkn from semillas. Prik khee noo on steroids! 💪
@SineNomine - Those flowers on the Tasi Black are
probably associated with the tiny lateral branches
growing out at the nodes. In general it looks to be
growing out much as mine did last season. A really
nice looking plant. Should be a heavy producer for
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@SineNomine - Those flowers on the Tasi Black are
probably associated with the tiny lateral branches
growing out at the nodes. In general it looks to be
growing out much as mine did last season. A really
nice looking plant. Should be a heavy producer for
I have three plants that seem to want to turn each flower into pod. They are beautiful plants!
Peppers start green and change quickly to deep black. Is red the final color?

Vezena Piperka pepper grew another 1.5 cm (0.59 ") in two days and thickened.


OW Tepin x Lemon Drop that grew well indoors in a two liter jar for a year (~ 0.5 gal) enjoys the new 8 l bucket (~ 2 gal).
I have three plants that seem to want to turn each flower into pod. They are beautiful plants!
Peppers start green and change quickly to deep black. Is red the final color?
That’s right, Vivian, they ripen to a nice, smoky
dark red color.
The three Tasmanian Black plants from @PaulG produce very well and produce flowers continuously.
Tasmanian Black 20220605.jpgTasmanian Black 20220605_065634.jpgTasmanian Black 20220605_065656.jpgTasmanian Black 20220605_071831.jpg

The two plants Vezena Piperka are recovering after I took down the pods with blossom end rot.
Vezena Piperka_20220605_070027.jpgVezena Piperka_20220605_070033.jpg

I have three Ancho Mulato plants from Semillas. They are beautiful and productive. The pepper in the picture has a blossom end rot. Initially I thought it was starting to turn brown, but it is very soft in the colored area.
Ancho Mulato_20220605_065800.jpgAncho Mulato_20220605_070041.jpgAncho Mulato_20220605_070051.jpgAncho Mulato_20220605_072657.jpg

A Chilhuacle Negro remained a dwarf, but it bears flowers. The other plant recovers well after I accidentally broke most of its roots when planting.
Chilhuacle Negro_20220605_070135.jpgChilhuacle Negro_20220605_070205.jpg
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OW Tepin x Lemon Drop has adapted well outside and produces continuously. I have already eaten a few peppers and it continues to ripen.
OW Tepin x Lemon Drop 20220605_065723.jpg

Prik Khi Nu plants grow very tall and only now have they started to bloom.
Prik Khi Nu_20220605_065815.jpg

This Lemon Drop plant grows very compact and is very productive unlike last year's which grew tall and messy.
The saved Lemon Drop plant has its first flower.
Lemon Drop_20220605_065837.jpg Lemon Drop _20220605_065853.jpg
Most C. Chinense are delayed due to low temperatures during the night.
Papa Dreadie G3 from @Sawyer. I have three flowering plants. The fourth plant was broken by the wind, but now it is recovering and growing beautifully.
Papa Dreadie SB_20220605_070223.jpgPapa Dreadie SB_20220605_070610.jpgPapa Dreadie SB_20220605_070627.jpgPapa Dreadie SB_20220605_070439.jpg

Aji Jobito from Semillas have pods.
Aji Jobito _20220605_073509.jpgAji Jobito_20220605_070845.jpgAji Jobito_20220605_070854.jpg
I noticed in these plants that the flower petals remain on the pods for a long time. It looks a little weird. Picture from May 24th.

Fatalii plants grow evenly and have many flowers. Some set some pods.
Two plants from @PaulG
Fatalii PaulG _20220605_071137.jpg

Four plants from my seeds
Fatalii V1_20220605_071105.jpg Fatalii V1_20220605_071150.jpg
The aphids almost disappeared after the series of sprays.
A visitor at the end of the feast.

Mint grows well, Thai Basil and Bolloso Napoletano have sprouted.
IMG_20220612_111458.jpg IMG_20220612_111435.jpg

Tasmanian Black. Did I say I like it? I say again: I like this variety! Two twin peppers right at the base of the stem.
IMG_20220612_092201.jpg IMG_20220612_112823.jpg

The first color appeared on this year's plants. Lemon Drop.