• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

And so it begins, another year of growing some peppers. This will be a sort of continuation of last year
as several of those plants are still going(and many got whacked and ended up on the burn pile). 
Anyway, I have 3 trays of peppers sown and many have germinated already(mostly annums). I wanted to compare several different jalapeños for taste in real time. This tray is all jalapeños, ten types from 7 different vendors. The seeds in block 3 are from 2014.

Another tray with annums at each end and mostly rocotos in the middle(and they're taking their sweet time).

We had a very strong thunderstorm last night that dropped two inches of rain fairly quickly. Ahead of it was a VERY strong burst of wind that blew over my big Brainstrain plant. It's tall and probably hit the ground hard.
These were on the ground when I tipped it back up.

Luckily only a few small branches were broken.
And life goes on.  
Can't really like either of those last two posts SB.
I got slugs, but not crawling up my friggin screen lol!
Glad the Brainstrain weathered the storm without much damage - beautiful plant. So, whatcha gonna do with the pods?
DownRiver said:
Can't really like either of those last two posts SB.
I got slugs, but not crawling up my friggin screen lol!
Glad the Brainstrain weathered the storm without much damage - beautiful plant. So, whatcha gonna do with the pods?
Yes, it looks like the Brainstrain plant will be fine, and there are quite a few pods still,on it. As far as the pods that fell off, I'll see what all ripens up. I have no clue what to do with green superhots. Any suggestions?
Demented said:
Spicy bread and butter pickles. 
Those might be a little TOO spicy for this old man. I eat peppers or things that include peppers 7 days a week but I don't like the heat to be much more than a sweaty forehead!  
Anyways, I put all the green and less ripe pods in a paper grocery bag with two of my ripening mangos(that produce ethylene just like bananas). I'll see if they get ripe in a few days.
I went out to check on the Brainstrain plants yesterday evening and #2 plant was showing a bad area.

This was no rabbit, the damage was 7 feet up! After closer inspection I found the culprit.

It tried to get away but didn't quite have enough clearance under the old mower battery!

Anyway, here is a view of the #2 plant.

And the #3 plant, which is finally starting to grow out.

And plant #1 recovering pretty well after the crash to the ground.

I guess I may have to put this back into service for night time inspections.
I threw a few seeds in the dirt on July 7 for a little fall/winter run. Many may not germinate as they are OLD and some got super heated in the moving truck when I moved. We shall see. All of the ones up are from seed saved this season, they seem quite viable when fresh.

I thought I might as well do some tomatoes too!
My two Aji Oro Rocoto plants. They looked kind of sickly for a while but now aren't looking too bad.


Here ate my two Rocoto Pisac Amarillo plants. These seem to be especially fast growing compared to the others.


Here's a pretty good looking Antep Aci Dolma coming along on the second round of pods.

PaulG said:
Pretty impressive, SB! Don’t know if I’ve seen a
BrainStrain loaded like that.
That one is certainly loaded up, and it is looking like plant #2 is going to be similar but the pods are all green yet on that one. 
I finally got around to harvesting the pods off of the #1 Brainstrain plant.


And here is how they weighed up.


A few days later I picked a few more.


So, I ended up with about 260 pods from this plant at this time. I blended them up, put them in 1 1/2 pint straight side jars and into the freezer they went.

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