• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS Fun with peppers in 2021 GLOG

And so it begins, another year of growing some peppers. This will be a sort of continuation of last year
as several of those plants are still going(and many got whacked and ended up on the burn pile). 
Anyway, I have 3 trays of peppers sown and many have germinated already(mostly annums). I wanted to compare several different jalapeños for taste in real time. This tray is all jalapeños, ten types from 7 different vendors. The seeds in block 3 are from 2014.

Another tray with annums at each end and mostly rocotos in the middle(and they're taking their sweet time).

Mildfruit said:
After digging through your glog, I have a sudden need for more jalapeños in my grow! Love the big jalapeño varieties! 
It's hard to have too many jalapenos. They are one of the most versatile peppers out there. Many say that you can just buy them in the store, and that is correct but if you grow your own you can select the type(s) you like best. 
I also think everyone should at least try rocotos. There are many great tasting varieties. 
Here is my first Monzano Giant Red Rocoto pod for this year (that I just chopped up and used in my scrambled eggs).
I finally found out what the rocoto plant behind the garage that's half dead is. It looks to be Pineapple Rocoto. I remember now that I had gotten one of those to germinate a while after moving down here. Seeds were from GIP.

And now it is becoming apparent that the off-pheno peppa-peach isn't even peach! It'll be interesting to see how this surprise pepper tastes.
I went out and picked some more peppers late today. No jalapenos today but quite a few others.
Pic from left to right
Rocoto Montufar, a Monzano Giant Red Rocoto and a couple of Gelbe Reisen Giant Yellow Rocotos, a few Peppa-Peach, Sugar Rush Peach, and Equadorian Sweet Rocoto.

One of the Equadorian Sweet Rocotos is a siamese specimen........of two different phenos.

For the inquisitive. 
Weight of the Rocoto Montufars

Weight of the Sugar Rush Peach

Weight of the Equadorian Sweet Rocoto
A few pics of a few of this years rocoto plants.
Monzano Giant Red Rocoto with pods.

The first nearly ripe pod on my first ever Rocoto Pisac Amarillo. Seed courtesy of Tybo.

Rocoto Rio Haulugo with pods.

Aji Oro Rocoto showing a few pods.

A good ol' Rocoto Montufar with a few pods starting to ripen
An update on the Brainstrain plant(s). Three sizes proportional to when they germinated(they were weeks apart). Regardless they all continue to grow.
First is the largest of them, getting to be a real tall one.

A few pods on the big guy.

And even some baby brains on the big guy.

Next is the middle one.

A couple of pods on the middle one.

And the smallest one, but still coming along.
A pic of the PeppaPeach container.

Some PeppaPeach pods, including a pod off a plant that was supposed to be a PeppaPeach. These are featured in my FLOG.

It seems as though they get a little red striping past the ripe peach color.

Here's a cut-away pic of the Siamese Equadorian Sweet Rocoto. One pod is the standard two lobe, the other is a four lobe.

A pic of a variegated Scarletts Chili X Poblano F2 and some nice striped pods.

Here is a cut-away of the NOT PeppaPeach pod. This is the first ripe pod so it may or may not be the same as later pods. An initial taste test tells me this pod has medium-low heat and an unpleasant bitter taste. Maybe it would make a good powder??

ahayastani said:
All good, but that Brainstrain is absolutely awe-inspiring :thumbsup:
Yes, the Brainstrain plants are certainly putting on a show in the grow! This is one of many plants I grew over the years because of a review by Nigel Carter. Here is a link to his review of the 7 Pot Brainstrain:
Demented said:
Gotta love the almost daily aphid infestations.  :flamethrower: 

That 2:1 DE/Sevin dusting is OP.
And this week I’m seeing the first of this years stink bugs. Hopefully there won’t be as many as last year, they’ll suck the pigment right out of a nice pod!
Picked a few more today. Equadorian Sweet Rocoto, PeppaPeach, Rocoto Montufar, Gelbe Reisen Giant Yellow Rocoto, "NOT PeppaPeach(which I believe now by shape and tail is probably Sugar Rush Red, see pics), and. Giant Red Rocoto.


And last but certainly not least, Brainstrain pods.