• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKER'S "Whats old is new for 22 glog"

I've put this off long enough and now it's time to start "gloging".
On January 1,2022 I picked the Brainstrains again.


1423 grams this time.


And that means two more 1 1/2 pint jars for the freezer.


And they're still alive and producing.


Frost warning for my area tonight so I picked another handful of Equadorian Sweet Rocotos.


Because of the frost possibility I decided to clean the Brainstrain plants of any ripe pods. Got another half a basket or about a kilo.


It’ll be a shme if they get a “Brain Freeze” tonight as they are loaded with flowers/buds.



Anyway, I’ll know for sure in the morning. If the old plants get smoked tonight there are new ones started in the shed.
No more severe than frosts are down there,
wouldn't remay or some other frost cover
protect those beauties?
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I remember seeing an example of the striping on Peppapeach somewhere before and couldn't for the life of me remember where. I guess I know now :-) Thanks for sharing.

Interesting trait and obviously akin to the Sugar Rush Stripey mutation, which makes sense given the shared parental lines.

Looking forward to seeing what variations I can find and relationships between thin/thick striping when I do a big F2 grow out this season on one of my recent crosses.
@ChilliCrosser Same here and I just found it back!
It was Matt Layton last summer and he sent seeds back to Chris Fowler, Peppapeach and Sugar Rush Peach (+ stripey variation) father.
