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Sky's 2010 season.

I would, but no seeds left.
But yeah, I'll just have to enjoy the feeling of wanting them until I can grow them and protect them. It'll make the first bite of one even sweeter an experience.
Lookin' terrific Sky! You got da' fever and I enjoy your enthusiasm....

I got loads of Aji Limon seeds that you could have sprouted and up to good size in 6 weeks. Not the Aji Lemon Baccatums but rather the Aji Limon Chinense. Small, about inch to inch and half but ooooh so nice! They make a superb powder! Just say the word if you are interested.

Finally found a local place that sells Pro Mix BX.
$27.99 for a 3.8cu ft bale of Pro Mix BX with Mycorise.
I'm happy.
Time to repot a few of the larger specimens into 1 gallon containers.
Loving the sun today.

Edit for:


Fatalii, Chocolate Hab, Red Savina, Yellow Scorpion CARDI, 7 Pot Yellow, 7 Pot Jonah, 7 Pot Barrackpore, and a Bhut Jolokia repotted into some Promix BX. I'm eager to see how much better they do than my earlier repots that went into an inferior product.


All of my repots so far. in addition to some same-as-above plants, there's also a manzano, an Antillais Caribbean, and a Black Pearl in there.


Douglahs. These things are mocking me. Started them much later than the others, but still having a bugger of a time getting them to go.


Wee little Datil and a Naga Morich, these are also late starts.
Great price on the Pro-Mix. It's $40 around here.

As good as the stuff is you still have to feed the babies. Best of luck diver.
Everything is looking good SD, Pro-mix is some good stuff.

Thats the same price i get it here Patrick $40, which i think is very good for the bahamas
nice. gotta love the pro-mix. Even just seeing a picture of it feels good. I found some here for $25 which made my day. It's hard enough to find it as it is, let alone at a good price so I got some extra for next year. that'll do the trick for you!
Plants are coming along nicely SD. I see a few of yours have a little sunburn and the same happened to a few of mine. Put them out when it was cloudy for several days, followed by a week of unseasonably hot temps and sun and I didn't pay attention. They'll grow out of it.

I wish I could find a bag of the BX around here just to see what commanded such a premium price.
Found some aphids on my plants, and one was gobsmacked with the little f'ers. been using neem oil/soap, no avail, bought some pyrethrin today to take a different approach.
Can't wait for ladybugs to show up so I can stop with the chemicals.
Hope this doesn't bite me in the ass...

...but I'm pulling the trigger on a few plants.
I have a few extras and they're going in the ground.
/crosses fingers
/crosses toes just for the hell of it

Edit for:


From left to right:
Chocolate Habanero, 7 Pot Yellow, 7 Pot Barrackpore, and a Habanero Red Savina.
If they look a little short, they're buried deep. Figured I'd sink them well and trim the bottom leaves later.
All plants had nice root development in the bottom of the 1 gallon bucket they were in as they had been repotted up some time ago. The only thing I'm worried about is a late frost, but hopefully fortune does indeed favor the bold. Some cedar mulch on top of the soil. Spot in the middle will be for a French Vanilla Marigold I'm going to pick up in a few days.
Looking great! If you get a late light frost, just cover the plants with a frost blanket or a sheet to protect them and they should be fine.

Two more in the ground.


Antillais Caribbean habanero on the left, 7 Pot Jonah on the right.


The six I have in. The four I transplanted yesterday look good, no wilting or anything.

The middle section, with just the two in it, is going to be my Red Bed.
The section to the right, out of frame, is going to be my yellow bed, and the one by the gate is going to be my brown bed. Dunno why but I got it in my head to be a pepper racist with those three beds, keeping them all one color of pods.


Final resting vessels for my Black Pearl and on the right is a Tequila Sunrise. Figured they should be good in a 1 gallon container. I don't really want them getting too terribly large. Enough to get some fruit from them, I want them to be ornamentals.
So I go out this morning to check on everything.
Doves ate my f'ing Tequila Sunrise.
I'm going to kill every last one of those bastards. They are now in the same category as pigeons. Kill on sight.
Skydiver said:
So I go out this morning to check on everything.
Doves ate my f'ing Tequila Sunrise.
I'm going to kill every last one of those bastards. They are now in the same category as pigeons. Kill on sight.

Ya know...reading about all your troubles with birds has me a bit concerned since there are quite a few rather large crows in this area. I'm hoping it doesn't become a problem. I really do not want to have to place netting over the entire back yard :eh:
Maligator said:
Ya know...reading about all your troubles with birds has me a bit concerned since there are quite a few rather large crows in this area. I'm hoping it doesn't become a problem. I really do not want to have to place netting over the entire back yard :eh:

I've never personally had a problem with crows/raven and my plants. I'm quite fond of them, very handsome birds. The doves here, though... My yard has been a haven and a paradise for birds for 20+ years. Abundant food, fresh water, and I generally don't mess with them if they're not a pigeon.
No more.
Pigeons are larger and tend to flock.


Pigeon. AKA the spawn of hell.


Mourning Dove.


Dalek. AKA what I'm taking my new mindset from. EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE.
Skydiver said:
I've never personally had a problem with crows/raven and my plants. I'm quite fond of them, very handsome birds. The doves here, though... My yard has been a haven and a paradise for birds for 20+ years. Abundant food, fresh water, and I generally don't mess with them if they're not a pigeon.
No more.

You apparently haven't raised much corn. ;) Crows love to start at the end of a row of new sprouts and pull them up one by one in order to eat the sprouted kernel. Doves will do the same if given a chance.

Good luck with your bird problem.