• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Smasehd for life

LoL. Sounds flippin awesome! I AM NOT drinking today. We played hookie today, so probably going to work Saturday now, but worth every minute of last night, man, that chatroom was hectic!
Well hell, no work then you should be plenty recovered and ready for one little drinky poo. See you in chat. Damn. I just realized I could have talked to CJ last night, but I didn't get through. Every time I tried to call it was busy. :lol:
You're Welcome Honey, but it's still OURS, 50-50 right?

Do you like your new iPad? Now we can really get give the full THP experience... hehehe
50/50...my aunt patootie! Like washing dishes is 50/50!!!!!

...giving THP hell????? You betcha! Soon as my finners learn this keyboardthingy!!!
No, Sweetums...no bickering in public....! But you might get away with a lot less smack talk about me now!!!, OooohWeee!

Why isn't the apostrophe key faaaar more accessible???????


JUJU GOT HER KEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scovie...............better straighten up and fly right!!!!!!!

friday night, rednek wine glass at hand, good (but cold!!!) week at work and the job's [DONE] ......still got a shitload of stuff to make this weekend to ship out for zestfest~~~~

Yup, gettin keyed...and wining! Grouting tomorrow, but I dinna care....good way to work off a hanginover mebbe???? Oops......I think this pad is Scots?!?!