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Smasehd for life

Rymerpt said:
Check out this guy. I bet Scovie could do this and then cook breakfast.
But now I'm old.
But oh boi, when I was younger....
Wait. Is that me 20 years ago? :beer:
Husker21 said:
It's that time again.
Let's do this. :cheers: :beer:
sicman said:
Im no sure i could hang with myself 20 years ago? I would either die of a over dose or kick the shit out of me.
I think I would try my best to beat the shit out of the '20 years ago me'.
I would soooo lose.
Damn I hope I could take 20 years ago me. Would be embarrassing to get my arse whooped by a 13 year old! At least I know I could drink that me under the table!
hahahaha Meathead.
20 years ago I was 25. I lived for bar fights. In High School I was a fighter too. 5 high schools in 3 years because of it.
I would only try to kick his [my] ass because I was a punk ass bitch that thought he knew everything.
What a shit-head I was [am]. :rofl:
I so much miss my 20 old self I was so rad!  :rofl:
In honor of my killer friend, JT, I am havin' a Pickle Shot (or three). You're da bomb Dude. 
(yep, pretty sure I covered all the best decades in this post.)  ;)
(andgotalittlebuzzy)    :party:
I loved me at 20.  I would just tell myself that I don't know as much as I think (thought) I do (did).   Thanks for the toasty CJ.  You rock g/f!
No one seems to drink around here anymore.  I hate drinking alone.  In fact, I usually only drink alone when I am by myself.
I once had a dream of a corndog food truck with all kinds of sausages. Haha. One day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's gettin' tipsy wit me??? So my neighbor backs into my fence (I just built last fall, cause it fell) and bust three planks. Mind you speaks almost no english. I walk out and he's devastated with guilt, talking bout "I'm going bank n' pay you". Wait what? jesus christ Salazar (not his real name to loaded to remember) you got like 14 kids (of which might say are the best behaved and respectful on the block) don't you dare go to the bank and get me money, I have two planks in the garage and the third ones not that bad. And he's arguing with me :rofl:  NO SALAZAR, NO DINERO!!! une vino, no worries... you see he works at Jacuzzi Vineyards, and I know he has a few cases lying around.
morrel of the story: three planks=three bottles of Montepulciano
The party is in here.
Jay said so!!!

That serious dude!