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hot-sauce So do you guys think your mouth can be conditioned to hot sauces?

Im asking because today I was using Daves Ultimate Insanity, which is his hottest sauce, straight on some Burritos. Id pour out a nice glob of it on every bite of the Burrito. A year ago I wouldnt have even attempted soemthing like that. Now Im not saying its not hot as I do have the pain jumping around in my mouth and my nose is running but its not that bad and Im actually enjoying what pain Im getting. Before not so much.

So am I "conditioning" my mouth to hot foods? Will I eventually be able to eat a Scorpion Pepper whole and sit there like our buddy Neil from Oz? :hell:
Of course you are conditioning yourself for hotter stuff. Have you tried eating a fresh habanero or something similar? I've never had Dave's products, but if that's his hottest normal retail sauce, than i'd wager you could handle that scorpion. I used to think Tabasco sauce was too hot. Now, forget it, eating whole habs pretty often. They're still hot, and still hurt, but it's not so bad. Now, getting used to the ringburn? That's the tricky part.
Too true!!! I remember the respect I was treating Tabasco sauce with, as if it was the hottest thing ever (to a lot of people it probably is!).
And as you said: as much as your tongue may be able to take, the ringburn will always be severe! :)
Lemme see here if I went back maby 4 ish years ago..enjoying a mix of DM MKII and defcon1 for wings and otherthings and enjoying it think I would have anyone they were nuts for eating it like that lol..Oh yeah tollerences deffinatly do build.
Conditioning regimen for the new chilihead using defcon products..

1. Start with DefCon 3 to determine your heat level sensitivity...1 day

2. Next is DefCon 2...use it until you can drink it....3 - 7 days

3. DefCon 1...make a bunch of chicken wings and eat as many as you can every day increasing the amount of DC1 each service...21-30 days

4. Start mixing DefCon Death Match Mark II with DefCon 1 and eat wings...
Increase amount of DM MKII every time you eat the wings...

5. If you can get some DefCon 0....try that mixed with the DefCon 1...

Its funny a few years agp Id buy these hot sauces and barely use any of it and end up leaving it at a friends house or something and now I have bottles of these sauces and theres only half the bottle left and Ive only had them for less then a month. Im hoping to be able to eat a Scorpion Pepper when it harvests real soon.
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Lemme see here if I went back maby 4 ish years ago..enjoying a mix of DM MKII and defcon1 for wings and otherthings and enjoying it think I would have anyone they were nuts for eating it like that lol..Oh yeah tollerences deffinatly do build.

I'm a big fan of mixing the two on wings as well. I was actually planning on making a batch for dinner tonight! I'm all excited now that you reminded me:lol: Also, the anwer to the original question. Yes, you can most definitely build a tolerance to hot foods. I love habs on my food, and I love them. However, I really want to try some naga's, or something similar on a sandwich or something now. I hear Fatallis rock on pizza too!..........I just have to wait longer:lol:
You'll know when you are ready for it and you'll also find out pretty quick if you thought you are ready for it but weren't, so don't worry! :)
It works in reverse too. If you spend any length ot time not eating your hottest sauces, and then go back to them, you'll find you can't eat as much of them as you used to.
Chiliac said:
You'll know when you are ready for it and you'll also find out pretty quick if you thought you are ready for it but weren't, so don't worry! :)

The way I figure it. The worst case scenario is it burns the crap out of you. It's not like one can't recover from it. So I say............when in doubt........just put it in your mouth!:hell::lol:
Ya, i used to like a dash of tobasco in a beer, now i use the juice from rehydrating a dried Naga or some hab sauce...whoohoo. Double Buzzz FTW!
yea got to work ya way up.. if id had tried a whole hab at the start , i may not have continued (welllll, dunno) but did notice at start 1 asian birds eye was hot, then had to put 2 on dinner, then 3, then was too much chilli chopped, so moved up in heat, so yea id say tolorences build, but they same Goo as well..

as long as ya don't don't die, its all good

and if ya don't have a go, you will never know and may miss out on something fantastic..

if die, oh well then dead so it won't matter then much anyway
theHippySeedCo said:
yea got to work ya way up.. if id had tried a whole hab at the start , i may not have continued (welllll, dunno) but did notice at start 1 asian birds eye was hot, then had to put 2 on dinner, then 3, then was too much chilli chopped, so moved up in heat, so yea id say tolorences build, but they same Goo as well..

as long as ya don't don't die, its all good

and if ya don't have a go, you will never know and may miss out on something fantastic..

if die, oh well then dead so it won't matter then much anyway
Ok, I quoted this.......

if die, oh well then dead so it won't matter then much anyway

I love that manner of thinking. That's been my motto for a LOOOOONG time with many things!:cool:
Yeah, I went from just hab sauces to actual habs on food, then hit it up a notch with the nagas and such. I need to have my pods since I ate my bottle of NagaSav and the SBPR in like a week. :D