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So I bought..........

After losing my yard, my plants & seed stash to the floods in January I spent the short, occasionally cold winter pondering what to do with a clean slate.

So I bought 300 Douglah seeds

thanks Neil

Neils plants came from my plant - the alphanerdz douglah we're calling them

just ebay'd myself a new pH meter too.......i can see where this is heading :hell:
G'day Omri, how are you holding up mate? I've been dropping through now & then but not much to talk about lately. Look at me I'm posting because i got seeds :D
Well may you get many, many other seeds! I honestly missed you.
So how is everything with you and your little boy? I'm sure he's not so little by now. :lol:

The 300 seeds statement kinda blew my mind away... are you really aiming for 200+ Douglah plants? that's just nursing evil on a commercial scale!

It truly is awesome to have you back. :cheers:
Well may you get many, many other seeds! I honestly missed you.
So how is everything with you and your little boy? I'm sure he's not so little by now. :lol:

The 300 seeds statement kinda blew my mind away... are you really aiming for 200+ Douglah plants? that's just nursing evil on a commercial scale!

It truly is awesome to have you back. :cheers:
Haha - will be using my yard & a few of my neighbours yards just to grow these - so no more seeds needed.

Me & boy are good, rebuilt house, he starts high school next year & will be youngest & smallest there...& only 2 belts off his black in Ju-Jitsu....he seems to have his $#!* together, but pre-teen so they inform me it's too early to tell if my plan has worked :P

well i'm hoping to grow 300 plants :D I found if there's one chilli I cant live without, it's douglahs, & this strain was nothing like any of the other douglahs obtained on this side of the planet.

It's good to see you again too mate. Heard you had your turn of c&@p this year as well. Are you on the mend?
Sounds like your going goooood Bent, what ju jitsu is your son doing? BJJ?My son's bee n doing BJJ & MMA for a while now , I hope he keeps at it!!!
Haha - will be using my yard & a few of my neighbours yards just to grow these - so no more seeds needed.

Me & boy are good, rebuilt house, he starts high school next year & will be youngest & smallest there...& only 2 belts off his black in Ju-Jitsu....he seems to have his $#!* together, but pre-teen so they inform me it's too early to tell if my plan has worked :P

well i'm hoping to grow 300 plants :D I found if there's one chilli I cant live without, it's douglahs, & this strain was nothing like any of the other douglahs obtained on this side of the planet.

It's good to see you again too mate. Heard you had your turn of c&@p this year as well. Are you on the mend?
That car crash really changed my life. at first I was worry it'll take time 'til I get back to work, but now I'm in a wheelchair, obviously unemployed and just trying to hold myself together and survive the worst time of my life. I do think it'll get better, though. growing some chile plants as well. some are from my own stock, some from dear friends on this amazing community and some, like you, from Neil. I'll be growing the same Douglahs. ;)

Wow that's really great! your little kid has grown up. Ju-Jitsu huh? badass! :D
I'm really happy to hear all is well. :)

Hope you decide to stick around like in the old days. you're a major part of what THP is to me.

Take care :cheers:

Your friend,
Sounds like your going goooood Bent, what ju jitsu is your son doing? BJJ?My son's bee n doing BJJ & MMA for a while now , I hope he keeps at it!!!

Have to be honest, I don't pay enough attention. That sounds bad doesnt it :P he learns from sensei Doug .....this guy http://www.bmaa.biz/site/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=21 so i think its a bit of a hybrid form. The pics on the dojo walls have him with everyone from bruce lee & chuck to 80's glam movies :D

I do know they ask me to sign off that he's behaved in an appropriate manner before each grading & thats a good thing
That car crash really changed my life. at first I was worry it'll take time 'til I get back to work, but now I'm in a wheelchair, obviously unemployed and just trying to hold myself together and survive the worst time of my life. I do think it'll get better, though. growing some chile plants as well. some are from my own stock, some from dear friends on this amazing community and some, like you, from Neil. I'll be growing the same Douglahs. ;)

Wow that's really great! your little kid has grown up. Ju-Jitsu huh? badass! :D
I'm really happy to hear all is well. :)

Hope you decide to stick around like in the old days. you're a major part of what THP is to me.

Take care :cheers:

Your friend,

Mate I'm really sorry to hear that....that really sucks. Please don't hesitate to email me of any bullshit thats going down or any help you're needing I know how to & only too happy to get things happening if needed.

so you have the alphanerdz douglah too huh......did you see DD's FB post on eating a "razor thin" slice with cheese & a cracker :lol:
Mate I'm really sorry to hear that....that really sucks. Please don't hesitate to email me of any bullshit thats going down or any help you're needing I know how to & only too happy to get things happening if needed.

so you have the alphanerdz douglah too huh......did you see DD's FB post on eating a "razor thin" slice with cheese & a cracker :lol:
Yes I did! those baby Douglahs looked evil! :lol:
Is the "alphanerdz douglah" the same you grew from that single seed?

Thanks dear friend.
Yes I did! those baby Douglahs looked evil! :lol:
Is the "alphanerdz douglah" the same you grew from that single seed?

Thanks dear friend.

Yes it is from the same single seed. BB took clone cuttings off the plant, the seeds of those went to a few people including Neil who thankfully grew out a few & thats where we got our seeds. I'll tell you now, it has a large root ball.
Sorry about your bad news but i think its cool how the Douglah you started has now come back full circle! same ones that i am growing for the second year this year being better than the last for the douglahs. oh and cheers again for the info it was a while back but i emailed you to find out a bit of info on them.
I cant wait to see pictures of a mass Douglah grow! good luck man you more than deserve it after all thats gone on!
Yes it is from the same single seed. BB took clone cuttings off the plant, the seeds of those went to a few people including Neil who thankfully grew out a few & thats where we got our seeds. I'll tell you now, it has a large root ball.
Awesome story and good to know. :D
Theres quite a few people that think those Douglahs are the hottest stuff they have ever tried Bently, i know that they make kick ass powder!
I'd be one of those people Nova - having grown it next to the scorp, i figured it was hotter - a different kind of heat though. I suppose there'll be a test one day
Can't wait to see all those Douglah plants man! It will keep me going through our cold winter here when it kicks in