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So my wife was looking at my Scorpion plant last night and came in and said.........

Honey you have atleast 3 good sized peppers on your plant. My respone was "whatever". She said seriously some look. So I go look and sure enough on the inside of the plant are sone good sized peppers, the little bastards have been hiding on me. The yhave been growing for awhile and you can already see the wrinkles on them and the little tail on one. You cant see them at all unless you dig through the plant because it is so thick but Ive got peppers coming and Im happy!!

Second thing she said was about leaf curl and I never thought about it until she said it. We were looking at her Gypsy pepper plant beside my Scorpion plant and I commented on how weird it was that all of my leaves curl and hers do not at all. She said that it was a warning to animals passing by. She said which plant would you eat something off of first the Gypsy or Scorpion just by looks? After looking the curl gives the plant a strange kind of menancing look and makes me think something just might not be right so if I had to choose just one on looks looks of the plant I wouldnt touch a pepper off of that plant if I didnt know what it was but her plant looks so smooth and friendly Id easily grab one of off hers. Makes sense.
Necrocannibal said:
Second thing she said was about leaf curl and I never thought about it until she said it. We were looking at her Gypsy pepper plant beside my Scorpion plant and I commented on how weird it was that all of my leaves curl and hers do not at all. She said that it was a warning to animals passing by. She said which plant would you eat something off of first the Gypsy or Scorpion just by looks? After looking the curl gives the plant a strange kind of menancing look and makes me think something just might not be right so if I had to choose just one on looks looks of the plant I wouldnt touch a pepper off of that plant if I didnt know what it was but her plant looks so smooth and friendly Id easily grab one of off hers. Makes sense.

Congrats on the scorpions :-)

Cant say that I accept that theory about curling leaves intended to give plants a menacing look. Animals dont see things that way. Menacing looks are generated by appearing as large as possible and by making loud, threatening sounds. Scent is of course one of the biggest factors in the animal world.
I honestly dont think curling leaves is a self defense mechanism because I dont see it having any effect on animals.

Remember, peppers have their own very effective defense against mammals already. It hurts when you eat them. Only humans are dumb enough
to eat them anyway ;)

Whats left? Birds? I just cant see birds, with no ability to reason at all, attaching any significance at all to curling leaves.
This reaction to curling leaves is your human emotional response to the sight.
What are the odds that birds would have the same reaction to the aesthetic appearance of curling leaves as a human?

This is of course just my opinion.
Leaf curl is caused by temperature problems cold/hot

and nice to see your scorpions where hiding from you lol sound like beastly pods iam sure..have to get your wife to do a bit of the gardening after seeing her plant being more healthy :lol:
Glad your gettins some scorpions!! I've been eying a few different kinds of peppers and still all I have to do is stare. No ripe ones yet:(:lol:
Remember, peppers have their own very effective defense against mammals already. It hurts when you eat them. Only humans are dumb enough
to eat them anyway

LOL! That's hilarious, Skyjerk! I'd love to see some pictures, too, Necrocannibal. Even better, would be a video of your garden! I really enjoy seeing other people's gardens. It sounds like you have a beauty!
Hey good for junior!The 3 I have from that batch are loaded.Don`t be surprised if you get over ran.