• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SoCalChilehead 2012/2013 grow log

This will be my first grow list/grow log, so hopefully everybody enjoys. This November will be my first complete year of growing experience and it was entertaining and stressing at the same time. This season hopefully I can implement everything I have learned through various threads and have a great 2012 season
. I will start everything from seeds and maybe keep three plants from my existing season. Well now to my list:
Red Trinidad Scorpion 1
Trinidad Scorpion Green 3
Trinidad Scorpion yellow 1
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion (2 or 4 hopefully)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T 2
7 pot Chaguanas 2
7 pot Brainstrain red 1
7 pot Brainstrain yellow 1
7 pot Jonah 1
7 pot yellow 1
7 pot Burgundy 1
7 pot Brown 1
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia 1
Bhut Jolokia Peach 2
Bhut Jolokia Red 1
Bhut Jolokia yellow 1
Black Naga 1
Fatalii yellow 2
Peach Scorpanero 1
Large White Habanero 1
Congo Habanero 1
Sweet Habanero 1
Habanero Red Savina 1
Thai Dragon 1
Assam 1
Wasp 1
Large Hot Cherry 1
Giant Jalapeno 1
Wild Brazil 1
Holy Mole 1
Cayenne Thick 1
Broome Chile 1
Tobango Scotch Bonnet 1
Naga Morich 1
Zavory Nabanero 1
Aji Joe Mystery Hot Mix from Indian (1), Baccatum (1), Hot (1)

Thanks again to all the members for their help on the vast of information found on the THP forum and ability to build my grow list.
Thank guys. Glad to help I have seen positive results from the tea which I am enjoying, but all you need is either good compost or wormcasting pile, unsulphured molasses, and fish/seaweed your good to go. I was planning on making a worm bin later in the season to get fresh wormcasting and worm jizz, as fellow members refer to it. Shadowchilli grow log is currently expermenting with Nova worm jizz http://www.thehotpep...__1#entry558376
Well its been a while since my last update, but here it is I have transplanted the Holy Mole into a 5 gallon root pouch.
The soil mix is not my final mix just temporary consist of Fox Farm Ocean Forest, Vermiblend, and vermiculite and add some Mykos to the transplant.

This the Holy Mole into it new home

The plant in the back is a Trinidad Scorpion Green which I used as a temperature gauge and got a bit of a frost burn decided to leave him outside,since I have two more inside. I also scored at my local hydro with Botanicare products the gallon size for around $23-28 and 4 quarts $6 each since they ran out of the bloom gallon.

Once I get the 8 bales of peat moss and do my final transplant of everything I will update again
Thanks for watching all opinions and questions are welcome in this glogs
...and the tea would probably look delicious if I was a pepper plant!Glad you posted the Holy Moly, my first round of starts had the Holy Moly and my red Brains became a victim of gravity-but definitely gonna start another round when I get back to the world this time.Looks like your gonna have good year!
Thanks everybody hopefully all the information I have learned here will show once harvest comes. I found sometime to take a break and post an update and two awesome packages that came hopefully you all enjoy through my experience.
This thanks goes out to Aji Joe within the envelope I found new additions Carolina Cayenne, Trinidad red seasoning and yellow seasoning, rattlesnake anaheim, inca berry, chocolate and red scotch bonnet, thai hybrid, yellow jamaican scotch bonnet, Pasilla, Yellow devil tongue, red rocoto, new mexico sunrise, poblano, chiletepin, new mex big jim, corno de toro, infinity, arabibi gusano, white 7 pod, black naga jolokia, yellow 7 pot x TS, gold cayenne, Trinidad Scorpion FG, and 7 pod primo, chinese 5 color, and tomatillo. I wish I could grow them all but from this list only 7 pod primo, red rocoto, and New Mex Big Jim or Corno de Toro haven't decided between these two.

Next thanks is to Orangehero sent me Not 7 Pot red primo, Red Douglah, Pimenta De Neyde, Trinidad Scorpion Morouga blend, and Trinidad Scorpion Morouga. I will grow the Not 7 pot red primo and Pimenta De Neyde I haven't decided whether or not to grow the Morouga yet.

This AjiJoe 2 mystery super hot, mystery baccatum, Mystery indian, Zavory habanero (memory of Joe niece Amanda)

My plants are doing well and the ones moved outside seem to love the Giant jalapeno has exploded with flowers so excited to start seeing fruit soon.






I hope you all enjoy and like I always and questions and advice are all welcome here.
Wow...your plants look freaking GREAT!!! Great job man! Not too far from a harvest!!! Isn't Aji Joe awesome! He's always sending out seeds...

Badass photos as well...really cool stuff!
I'm always blown away by your plants, Fernando - you make
the most of the California sunshine. The greenhouse frame looks great,
can't wait to see the finished result.
Be sure to post photos of the 6x8 harbor freight greenhouse! I'll
be interested in how your experience compares to mine.
Hello everyone sorry for the delay I first was dealing with sunburn then rain and some hail that did some damage to the leaves, but they have started to comeback mostly all of the plants have harden off and looking great while others are going through the process and other still trying to recover from the hail or slugs. I will try get my final list and few plant that are still inside later tonight. Hope you enjoy and any questions or advice please feel free to post.
Thanks again
Purple tomatillo flower


Cayenne Thick (thanks to SilverSurfer)


Giant Jalapeno there is between 15 and 20 small pods hanging out

Thai Dragon (Thanks to AjiJoe)

7 pod/pot Burgundy buds are forming (Thanks to pepperlover)

New tray with a mixture of Douglah x TS Brown and a few others

Cherry Chadwick tomato

I will post the rest through out the day




Holy Mole (the heavy wind and rain knocked the three peppers I had on it)








White Giant Habanero

And finally my new tomato Lemo Boy I saw this and Hot Banana pepper plants at the homedepot and couldn't resist to add 2 more to the family

Thanks again for watching
I still have a few late starts that I am excited for here is the list of the inside with pics: Naga Morich, Morouga, Pimenta De Nedye (2), Big Jim, TS yellow, 7 pod Boracapore, red rocoto, Not 7 pod Red (2 or 3 haven't decided), Zavory habanero, Bhut Jolokia yellow, 7 pod Brown or burgundy lost the tag.





Starwberries (9) 5 are for me and my family and other for the neighbors

The Final pepper list including the ones inside:
Trinidad Scorpion Morouga
Trinidad Scorpion yellow
Trinidad Scorpion Green (2)
Trinidad Scorpion red
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (2)
Douglah x Trinidad Scorpion Brown
7 pod Boracapore
7 pod Jonah
7 pod Chaguanes #2 (3)
7 pod Burgundy
7 pod Brown or Burgundy (2)
7 pod BrainStrain red
7 pod BrainStrain yellow or 7 pod yellow
7 pod yellow
Not 7 pod Red (2 or 3)
Naga Morich
Bhut Jolokia yellow
Bhut Jolokia Peach (2)
Bhut Jolokia red
Fatalii (2)
Pimenta De Nedye (2)
Peach Scorpanero
Congo Habanero
White Giant Habanero
Zavory Habanero
Thai Dragon
Black Naga
Holy Mole
Tabango Scotch Bonnet
Big Jim
Giant Jalapeno
Large Hot Cheery
Red rocoto
Wild Brazil
Cayenne Thick
Hot Banana
Mystery Baccatum (2)
Mystery Super Hot
Overwintered Limon
Thanks again for looking
Awesome list, Fernando! The plants all look like they are doing
very well despite the little brush with the weather! You have
really got this thing down, man!
Looking great man! The weather is finally treating us right...I see a few 60's in our near future, but I can live with that! Great early pods you got there!

Awesome list, Fernando! The plants all look like they are doing
very well despite the little brush with the weather! You have
really got this thing down, man!
Thanks man yea things are back to normal which is helpful
Looking great man! The weather is finally treating us right...I see a few 60's in our near future, but I can live with that! Great early pods you got there!

I prefer 60's over any rain or heavy wind thanks I saw your harvest I might start picking the cayenne early to and more it into a 10 gallon root pouch if I like the flavor otherwise I move it into a 5 gallon.
SoCal, Really great looking progess you have going on. Very impressive effort! I got a few seeds from Orangehero last year. One was only called Douglah cross. To my surprise it ripened red! I will try to post a link to a pic.


Looking good Fernando. I've just tried Chilacas for the first time this year and fell in love again. Your Holy Mole just made me drool...
Thank you Rick I was able to harvest three, but before I could try them my grandmother washed and toasted them she just loved them I was hoping she would give me a description, but she could say was tasty and can not wait for more. I will be moving them into a 10 gallon root pouch sooner or later for her. So far between the Thai dragon and Cayenne Thick the Cayenne a winner in my book so far between what I have tried since it was sweeter with a nice spicy kick not over powering. The pictures are uploading in Photobucket so it might take some time.

This post might bump together, but everything is looking great still recovering somewhat but the stems have thicken up and producing new growth. The mystery seeds I was fortunate to get from Aji Joe have started to set flowers sorry I can not name them all but everything on my list is what you see there. I was unfortunate to lose 8 strawberry seedlings and Big Jim because because I went out for the week and my father forgot to water and they dried out the strange thing is that one strawberry, TS yellow, 7 pot Barracapore, 2 Not 7 pot red, morouga, 2 pimenta de neyde, & red rocoto survived the semi drought, but like I told him it was ready load list as is so he helpped control my numbers. Any questions or advice feel free to ask or comment. O and while I am here if anybody has 5 gallon root pouch willing to trade for 10 gallon root pouch please feel free to pm we can work something out. I just ran out of the 5 gallon and have to many 10 gallon the place I order from has not email me when they will restock, so I am stuck for the moment.









