food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

JayT said:
Oh for f**k's sake don't post soyrizo in here!!!!
I would love to bomb your thread with soyrizo.
But the very thought of doing so makes me want to hurl.
I mean like BIG chunks of fake flavored soy based ground poo in a trojan condom casing.
XXL size for you senor.
I just plain love you dude.  No homo
I came here to post something and now I have completely forgotten what, thanks.  Maybe tomorrow I will remember.  I'm going to bed.
Bahaha. Now he's got you losing your mind.
That's going to have to wait, I am not making anything but leftovers until after I get back from the mountains.  I am about to eat some pizza and chicken nuggets.  
"Chicken Nuggets".
WTF is that anyhow?
Fried Rooster Balls?
No seriously.
They sell every other part of the chicken.
Ever 'body knows.
You ever seen chicken balls at the grocery store?
Because they all get made into "chicken nuggets". 
You're really eating chicken testes/ballsac/scrotum.

Man...... hahahaha............................. you are correct sir. 
grantmichaels said:
Adrienne Hew
That's a girl, and a smart attractive one at that.  :)
Guy pictured above is Ljubomir Erovic

The 2nd photo doesn't look near as much like you as the 1st.  Replace the V with a T in the last name and that's got to be yer new porno name tho....
So I have a day off and am home with the boys. I couldn't think of a better way to spend the day then some Q and a Bloody Mary to start it off.

On the menu, wings, beef ribs, chicken quarters, and marinated southern style pork ribs. They are being smoked over charcoal and mesquite. I also have a bunch of cheese that is going to be smoked with either pecan or cherry.

Unfortunately because of technology I cannot bring you pictures right now because I have tried three ways to get them from my camera to here and it isn't happening. They are on my computer so at some point if the Heavens allow they will show up. I hate this shit. Do something 400 times and it is fine and then all of the sudden, do it and it doesn't work.

Holy craps, photofuckit actually helped me out. Here's a couple pics of things getting started. The bloody mary pic didn't upload anywhere. Oh well, you just have to trust me on that one.

