food Some food I cooked (JayT's Flog)

Pride of Lions


Damn you use like 155 spices like G too lol.

Looks great.
If they die.  They die.  Gives it character.  Like I said, it came out of the jar, I wasn't picking sesame seeds out of it and adding them later.
Check out 1973's burger with sesame seeds too....
Season With Spice (Reese & Mark) are the penultimate online sellers. The handwritten notes rock, but the newsletter steals the show ...
Alynne got me to LOL, too ...
Stinkin' Aussie Bastige!
I swear you can't live with these people!
No wonder The TB is the way he is.

He totally just egg bombed my thread right after I said no more.  And to think, all the nice stuff I have said about him lately.  I take it all back I hate that guy.