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health Something is wrong, officer...

Well, I don't know what to think... I have been checking my germination station day and night and nothing. It now has been 10 days since planting time and not one has come up. I would account this for normal except that mold has developed in some of the tray cells. Could it be that my seeds were dead from the start?

Well that would be it for my super hot chile hope for this year. Maybe some will germinate, or I could even be panicking. That would be so like me...
What kind of plants? It took somewhere around 18 days for my Bhuts to germinate last year.

I'd probably put a fan on that to try to get rid of the mold.

Mix a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in with your water before you feed.

You can also try feeding with diluted chamomile tea (room temp).

Be patient. I wouldn't trash them until the 4 week mark.
Ten days is not outside the normal range. At 20 days I might start to panic. I can't remember what you set up is like, but if you're concerned about the mold, could you do the peroxide in the water next time you water?
Thank you for the tips. I will panic again in 10 days. It's just that it has never taken this long for at least a couple to poke out.

Also, do I have to have the heat mat on at all times? I read somewhere that nigth temps should be lower or something along those lines.

Once again, thank you for the reassurance
IMO...the seeds need to be constant temp between 82-86F...
I think that last year, I read an article that suggested lowering the temperatures at night could improve germination of..erm, some or all peppers. I really can't remember the details, I just sorta made a mental note that it might be something to consider if I had difficult to germinate seeds.
im in a similar situation here. 25 test seeds of 5 species planted 2nd or 3rd feb and still nothing. but i might have planted them too deep so no negativ feedback to the store yet ;)
I keep my heat mat on 24/7 and have been getting 1st germination in 5-7 days. Depends on the seeds obviously, but some are just stubborn. Give them time and don't let the soil dry out all the way.
yeah i have to agree... be a little more patient, do the peroxide thingy and wait is my advice..

good luck, hope you get a few hooks this season...
Pam said:
I read an article that suggested lowering the temperatures at night could improve germination of..erm, some or all peppers.

I do it that way by necessity and it seems like the little buggers like to pop up over night in the cooler period (65-70F) and keep their heads down during the day. I've had seeds germinate as early as 4 days this way, but usually 7-14. I could swear they like the light/dark periods too, but that's probably my overactive imagination.

When I get super impatient as to what's going on I take and scrape away some soil with a toothpick until I can see a seed or two. They're usually germinated but not above soil yet so I rebury them.

[edit] Oh, and that let's me see if the seeds are too deep. Sometimes they 'sink' due to soil consistancy or watering techniques.