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Sometimes I really hate people

I agree with chilihunter for the most part on here, but I know where chilihunter64 is coming from. I think he was just trying to say that even animals should be treated with respect. I'm a hunter and would have wanted to beat that neighbor in the head. They sound like pieces of crap and don't deserve to be pet owners. I willingly kill alot of animals and eat them. It's something that I would prefer to do. If I could get all of my meat by hunting and fishing I would in a heart beat. It means more to me. Now I am considering coyote hunting this year. I won't eat it either. While I'm normally against it(Personnaly as in I eat what I kill.) they are starting to become quite overpopulated in the state I live it. I figured I should do my part. Why? Because having a ton of them running around unbalanced and unchecked is poor for the environment. I can guarantee you that I would make some really warm ice fishing and hunting stuff with it though.;)
Now people that go around killing things with no respect for life and nature in general is another story.(Reverence should be shown for every living creature.) Sometimes your gut insticts and morals let you know the difference between right and wrong.
Pam, I feel for ya. Those neighbors are jerks!!!
I have a similar problem pam...the same neighbor that "lost" my dogs sister has this little puffball runt of a dog which is vicious..he roams anywhere he wants tears up any garbage bag it seems im the one that has to tie him up...I dont see why I should have to but if I dont he causes chaos..most of the time he listens to me im always telling him to go home..he does till I leave...if someone is going to have an untied pet jesus get a fence...neighbors shouldnt be babysitters for someone elses pets
rabbit said:
I agree with chilihunter for the most part on here, but I know where chilliman64 is coming from. I think he was just trying to say that even animals should be treated with respect...

you got it rabbit, that's exactly where I'm coming from! I just went the long way 'round.