• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home.

First off our selection started off with all the super and extremely hots 36 varities from multiple venders including some good folks here at THP. Will have another couple of trays of the medium hots and the other things required for my salsa in about 4 weeks., which will give me an additional 5-6 varities.


Then the equipment a couple of 2 tray mats with thermostat, 4 72 cell trays with domes, a whole grip of rapid rooter style plugs and the table my blue eyed wife put together


First thing was to soak the seeds in a germination solution I got from the Chilli Seed Co in the UK and distilled water for 12 plus hours in Dixie cups


Then the work began after soaking the plugs in distilled water I seeded the plugs and filled the trays. I have a corresponding sheet for each tray to identfy what is what in the cells. I assigned each variety a number for ease of identification throughout the grow. When the same variety had multiple venders I added the letter A, B etc., depending on my supply of seeds some plugs got 2 seeds while others only 1. Those with 2 in the plugs where marked with an x on the sheet. I figured this gave me the greatest chance of ending up with what I wanted to have in the end.


In the end there is 4 72 cell trays filled for a grand total of 288 starts. They were placed on the heat mats with the temp set at 86 degrees. At this point I have decided not to fill the tray underneath with water, that may change. I am misting the plugs with a spray bottle of distilled water.


Well there you have it, the start of my first season. Thanks to all who provided seeds and offered your input not to mention put up with all my questions .. lol
Yea they felt a little dry so they had just been misted. I'll try and post some pics of the other plants tomorrow. I'll pot them up this Saturday then they go over to my partners place as ai make room for my babeees !

Thanks will do tomorrow !!

Cool! Sounds good!!!
Well folks today is day 5 of my mis-guided adventure as well as my birthday ( shameless plug ) and even though I'm still stymied by the edema running rampant amongst my older plants I was pleasantly surprised to find several hooks!

Here's an Infinity one of my favs


A White Giant Hab ( Thanks Tuca )


And others , Dorset Naga, Jamaican Hot Yellow,
Red Savina ( Thanks Rich ) Aji Lemon, and many others



I even saw a tap root on a Bhut Jolokia the pepper that has eluded successful germination in my presence so all and all off to a good start I think.

The plan is to pot up all these tomorrow into 5 gallon pots and transfer them to my partners place to make room for the germinating baby's

Here's some pics of the plants I started as experiments, Butch T's, Infinitys, Caribbean Habaneros, as well as some Jalapenos and an Orange Habanero





Today was transplant day. I potted up 8 plants into 5 gallon nursery containers and put 3 Jalapeños down due to a bad case of edema. I potted 2 Butch T's, 2 Infinitys, 3 Caribbean Hab's and a 3 headed Orange Habanero. These were all grown as experiments and the experiments continue. I potted 2 into a bulk soil called White Lightening which I can get for $46 a yard it feels a little heavy as its 20% topsoil, 1 into a mix of White Lightening and peat , 3 into Fox Farms, 1 into Black Gold and 1 into a White Lightening Black Gold Mix.

The Root Balls looked good



This Butch T got Fox Farms as its a fav


Here they all are they will all be moving to my partners place tonight to make room for the baby's


Here's a baby Butch T and another experiment a 3 headed Habie


Here they all are taking in some sun behind the wife's Z28 sexy ain't they?

Wow...almost like you photoshopped that green in there! Gonna be watching your soil trails. Still trying to find something that I really like that is still reasonable $$$ wise.

Keep 'em moving...I would consider your "experimental plants" pretty damn successful!

Wow...almost like you photoshopped that green in there! Gonna be watching your soil trails. Still trying to find something that I really like that is still reasonable $$$ wise.

Keep 'em moving...I would consider your "experimental plants" pretty damn successful!


Thanks Shane the bulk soil while a good mix is 20% topsoil and is heavy. Think I'm gonna have to go with something else. They did turn out good but now they are going to my partners care and he is a real newbie .. wish him luck! Where are you? Have you ever used Happy Frog ?
Spanks, thanks for taking the time to post the 'test plants.' You have a real talent for sure.

Good thing you tested the bulk soil. You sure you couldn't do an extreme add of perlite or vermiculite, along with the peat?
Thanks Shane the bulk soil while a good mix is 20% topsoil and is heavy. Think I'm gonna have to go with something else. They did turn out good but now they are going to my partners care and he is a real newbie .. wish him luck! Where are you? Have you ever used Happy Frog ?

They have it at my nursery (Poway is just outside San Diego). Sounds like it is the ticket! Couldn't convince the wife that $18 a bag for potting soil was a good idea. She expects to come outside and everything be nice, green and beautiful...for free. lol To make matters worse...she is not a pepper fan.

Good luck to your buddy...no pressure, lol. The plants are only perfect. Way to set the guy up!

Spanks, thanks for taking the time to post the 'test plants.' You have a real talent for sure.

Good thing you tested the bulk soil. You sure you couldn't do an extreme add of perlite or vermiculite, along with the peat?

Yea possibly it already has 20% pumice, but with the top soil it feels heavy. You can tell which pot has it by how heavy it is. The peat make it look better for sure but I'm afraid it won't drain well. It is only $46 a yard so if I'm wrong and it grows well I'll reconsider. I also found another place called Pro Grow that sell mixes to nurserys and they have several mixes and sounds like they have a three part mix including peat that will work for about $40 a yard. I can't remember what else was in it but if I remember it was a lot like Black Gold mix. So will just see how these plants grow out.
Well coming from the guy that tries to fool everyone into thinking he has brown thumb and doesn't know what he's doing his experimental plants look.. hmm.. how do I put this.. uh.. perfect?! Way to go Robin! It takes some people years and years to figure out how to grow starts like that indoors! See.. I told ya starting this growlog would be a good idea :D I think if anything goes wrong for ya this year it's gonna with your experimental plants after they're in your friends care lol. I'd sit him down for an hour while you lecture him on how to grow before handin those babies over! Glad everything's going well for ya, I think you'll like the blackgold soil, I was suprisingly really impressed with it, and it's pretty cost friendly. Good luck with the rest of all your seeds my friend.
Your stuff is really lookin' good, Robin. Keep up the good work!
Thanks again Brandon and Paul for the kind words they are sincerely appreciated. I got hooks before I was ready to deal with them so they stayed in a domed tray longer than I would of liked causing them to be a little leggy. I had to move the older plants first to make room, then set up the room. My wife pitched in and all things considered including our budget I think it looks pretty good. We then moved the 4 72 cell domed germinating trays off the grow table onto some lumber set up on the floor. Then we set up 4 empty 72 cell trays w/o dome on the grow table and hung the light. I have a total of 56 young seedlings/hooks that I moved into the same holes in the empty trays as they were in the germinating tray so that the map I made stays true. I mixed a half strength solution of AF 5-1-1 put a shot glass each of Calmag, Superthrive, and Vitastart B-1 w/ root hormones into a large plastic butter dish. As I removed plugs from the domed trays to the empty ones I first dunked them in this solution. I had the light kind of high so I lowered it to about 2 inches after some advice from guys on THP ; )

So now the germinating trays sit on the floor but it'll have to do for now


By the way this thermostat is by far my wisest investment to date, I love this thing!


Then after a dunk in the dilute AF, Calmag, Superthrive, Vitastart they move to the grow table here.


Then lowered it a little to within a few inches of the starts


Then hooked up the light to my new timer ( I love new stuff ) ; )


Here is an overall view of the room sorry about the elipticlal in the way.

Will try to update the Grow list once a week. Today is one full week, 7 days since starting and I have 56 seedlings/hooks already. I got my first ever Bhut Jolokia started after many failures. So far no Butch T's but do have a couple Naga Vipers and a whole grip of Infinitys. Here is the updated list. 18 of 46 varities are up and roughly a 20% overall germination rate thus far.

Bhut Jolokia 32/2
Trinidad Scorp Butch T 32/0
Naga Viper 20/4
Infinity 32/15
7 Pot Yellow 5/0
7 Pot Red 5/0
7 Pot Primo 10/0
7 Pot Jonah 10/0
Douglah 5/0
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 10/0
7 Pot Brain Strain Red 10/0
Dorset Naga 5/1
Naga Morich 5/0
TS Morouga Blend 5/0
Bih Jolokia 5/0
Morouga Red 5/0
Datali 4/3
Bonda Ma Jaques 5/0
Chocolate Habanero 4/0
Aji Lemon 6/4
Caribbean Habanero 6/3
Peter 4/0
Red Savina 4/2
SB7J 4/0
Pointed Yellow Habanero 4/4
White Giant Habanero 4/3
Trinidad Scorp CARDI 7/1
7 Pot Barrickipore 7/1
Red Habanero 4/2
Red Devils Tongue 4/0
Peruvian White Habanero 4/4
Fatali 4/1
Fatali/Red Savina Cross 4/1
TCH Tuca Hot Chocolate 4/1
Caribbean Blend 6/0
Jamaican Hot Yellow 4/4
56 now...in a week you're gonna be LOADED with plants! Congrats on your first ghost!


Thanks Shane up to now they have been ghost. I planted over 150 seeds got nothing! I didn't have a thermostat at the time and think I was cooking the seed .. I anxious for the Butch T's and the 7 Pots to pop!
My prediction is today!!! At least 1 butch and 7 pot...make that at least 2 each! Good luck! Shane

Haha will hold ya too it. I took a little peak this morning and it seemed another 30 or more hooked. I didn't have time to see exactly what kinds they were but can't wait to get home!