• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home.

First off our selection started off with all the super and extremely hots 36 varities from multiple venders including some good folks here at THP. Will have another couple of trays of the medium hots and the other things required for my salsa in about 4 weeks., which will give me an additional 5-6 varities.


Then the equipment a couple of 2 tray mats with thermostat, 4 72 cell trays with domes, a whole grip of rapid rooter style plugs and the table my blue eyed wife put together


First thing was to soak the seeds in a germination solution I got from the Chilli Seed Co in the UK and distilled water for 12 plus hours in Dixie cups


Then the work began after soaking the plugs in distilled water I seeded the plugs and filled the trays. I have a corresponding sheet for each tray to identfy what is what in the cells. I assigned each variety a number for ease of identification throughout the grow. When the same variety had multiple venders I added the letter A, B etc., depending on my supply of seeds some plugs got 2 seeds while others only 1. Those with 2 in the plugs where marked with an x on the sheet. I figured this gave me the greatest chance of ending up with what I wanted to have in the end.


In the end there is 4 72 cell trays filled for a grand total of 288 starts. They were placed on the heat mats with the temp set at 86 degrees. At this point I have decided not to fill the tray underneath with water, that may change. I am misting the plugs with a spray bottle of distilled water.


Well there you have it, the start of my first season. Thanks to all who provided seeds and offered your input not to mention put up with all my questions .. lol
Kickin ass... Looks great, I have an Infinity growing, just what is it? I can't seem to get a straight answer...

From what I understand it was an accidental cross that a guy named Nick Woods in the UK found in his garden. He had it tested and it tested out somewhere 1.2 million scovilles, He sent me a couple of pods they were smallish but almost dripped oil when I cut them open. Not sure I cleared it up there is a degree of mystery to it from my limited experience I would say they have a Butch T/7Pot look to them

Well I know what at least 4 of them are!

From your lips to my grow table sir!! Let it Be !! lol
Well got home tonight and found another 56 peppers popped and ready for the light !
And yeap there were a few Butch T's and various 7 Pots but no Brain Strains yet : ( . Today is the 8th day and we have 112 out of 288 popped. 22 of 32 Infinitys are up very impressive. Will update the grow list this weekend.
Looking wonderful Robin congrats!

Give them Brain Strains plenty of time to go before giving up on them please. I hate to give up on a seed before 30 days.

You don't need the light timer for the seedlings as they can use light 24/7. I've read around here that you can start backing off after six or seven weeks.

Keep up the great work!
Looking wonderful Robin congrats!

Give them Brain Strains plenty of time to go before giving up on them please. I hate to give up on a seed before 30 days.

You don't need the light timer for the seedlings as they can use light 24/7. I've read around here that you can start backing off after six or seven weeks.

Keep up the great work!

I'm not giving up on any of em not yet anyways ,
Thanks for the encouragement but I learned all this from you guys !
Well the trays are filling in fairly well. I put another 48 under the light tonight for a total of 160 out of 288. I have 6 varities that have produced no hooks so far and they include Brain Strain Red, Brain Strain Yellow, SB7J, Bonda Ma Jaques, Caribbean Blend, Morouga Blend. On some varities I have them from multiple venders and some are doing better than others but then we are only 9 days in. Here's a pic of one of the trays


Peppers up that I got from folks at THP Red Savina, Red Savina/Fatali cross, Fatali, Pointed Yellow Hab, 7 Pot Barrickipore, Scorp CARDI, Tuca Hot Chocolate THC, White Giant Hab.

Most pleasant surprise was the Chocolate Hab I got today and the Douglah .. oh and the .. uh ..
the .. ** blushing sheepishly** .. the Peter is UP!
Well it's high time I got round to updating the Glog which I will work on tonight and tomorrow. Man so far this project has kept me hoping. We are busy with projects in two places. I am germinating a grip of hotties here and watching over some older plants and helping turn my partners garage into a mini grow room for the transition into planting weather. For tonight we'll start at his place. Here's a pic of his garage that we cleaned out today. We are turning a corner into an 8 x 8 room. We will insulate it and have purchased a small edenpure heater.


We intend to use the existing walls incorporating the 2 windows and throwing up a couple of walls to square it in using 4 x 8 particle board them covering them with 1/2 inch insulation which has a nice silver side to reflect light. More pics to follow once done. Today here in Portland the temps got up into the 60's so we took the plants outside for several hours here's some pics. All and all they are looking good







Here's some flowers


Again overall they are looking ok. At the present they are not set up in the greatest spot but seemed to have handled the move ok. They reveled in the sun today and thus far am not seeing any great differences in the different soil types except the white lightening with the 20% topsoil is a bit heavier. I did notice some yellow pin point speckles on the leaves of the Butch T and some white webbing on the bottom of an Infinity and I'm hoping that we don't have mites. I also noticed this new growth distortion on the plant in the white lightening. Not the greatest pic.


And this on one of the Habies


I hope this isn't foreshadowing bigger issues. Anybody have any ideas? Thinking of spraying with Safers soap the next time I'm over. Well that's it for tonight will update the new grow and germination portion tomorrow as well as the current count with percentages.
Your plants are really progressing and the ventures outdoors sure helps to harden off. Becareful when bringing them back indoors, inspect them for pests. Once mine are brought outdoors if they need to be sheltered from the cold they get brought into the garage overnight not back into the house.

Your plants are really progressing and the ventures outdoors sure helps to harden off. Becareful when bringing them back indoors, inspect them for pests. Once mine are brought outdoors if they need to be sheltered from the cold they get brought into the garage overnight not back into the house.


Good advice Greg thanks might already have a problem am seeing some yellow pinpoint specks on the leaves of my Big Butch T and it's got me nervous gonna spray em this week. Hey what size pot is it you use again in the first pot up. I'm thinking of using a 3.5 x 2 3/4 x 4. Thoughts?
Good advice Greg thanks might already have a problem am seeing some yellow pinpoint specks on the leaves of my Big Butch T and it's got me nervous gonna spray em this week. Hey what size pot is it you use again in the first pot up. I'm thinking of using a 3.5 x 2 3/4 x 4. Thoughts?

The 1st move out of the 72 flats are the 3 1/4 W x 3 1/2 D. Deeper is better for peppers and tomatoes. The next size is 5 1/4 W x 6" D . Last are the 2 gal containers which is the final stage before planting

The 1st move out of the 72 flats are the 3 1/4 W x 3 1/2 D. Deeper is better for peppers and tomatoes. The next size is 5 1/4 W x 6" D . Last are the 2 gal containers which is the final stage before planting


Thanks Greg I'm looking at both 3.5 x 4.0 and 3.5 x 5.0 with the goal of keeping them there as long as possible.

Hello everyone finally getting back to the update. I will get around to the numbers in a min but first want to carch everyone up and share a few pics. Well we are 16 days in and am pleased so far with the progress. I have been moving plugs out of a 72 cell domed tray into a in covered 72 cell tray under the light once they pop. Because of the plugs Im using I can see the seeds after a week I started moving them up the moment I saw a root which I now think was a mistake as I've had several hull bound casualties. I think had I left them in the domed trays the humidity would have helped. The 7 pot primo's were the worse. I have a couple of varities that have not produced 1 single start and they are Bonda Ma Jaques, 7 Pot Brain Strain Red and Yellow and until tonight SB7J, finally got one of those up. A few nights ago I dropped another seed into some of the pots that weren't producing, focusing mainly on Brain Strain ( thanks to Judy) and Butch T which have not done as well as I expected.I think at times I've had the trays to damp then at times they have gotten drier than I would like. I've struggled trying to find that happy medium. I am not watering from underneath but rather squirting the plugs with a spray bottle. I had 4 trays under the light none of which were full because I moved plugs up from
the domes into the exact same slot, last night I consolidated them down into 3 trays. I still have 2 trays domed with 1 half full these include plugs that haven't popped, some reseeded plugs, some fresh new starts and a couple moved back from
the light hoping to pop their caps.

Here's a couple of the trays



Then under the lights


I have some freaks and ugly ducklings also, I have a few that look like this because of seed cap issues.


And a few freaks like these



And now the numbers after 16 days and a few losses we have 196 up out of 288 started, about 69%. 32 out of 36 varities are up. I have another 121 plugs still under the dome this includes some of the original 288 some freshly started to make up for some deficiencies. Some of the original plugs were re-seeded especially the Brain Strains, Primo's, and Butch T's. Here's an updated count.

Bhut Jolokia 32/25
Trinidad Scorp Butch T 32/12
Naga Viper 20/16
Infinity 32/26
7 Pot Yellow 5/2
7 Pot Red 5/5
7 Pot Primo 10/7
7 Pot Jonah 10/9
Douglah 5/3
7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow 10/0
7 Pot Brain Strain Red 10/0
Dorset Naga 5/5
Naga Morich 5/3
TS Morouga Blend 5/3
Bih Jolokia 5/4
Morouga Red 5/3
Datali 4/4
Bonda Ma Jaques 5/0
Chocolate Habanero 4/4
Aji Lemon 6/6
Caribbean Habanero 6/3
Peter 4/3
Red Savina 4/3
SB7J 4/1
Pointed Yellow Habanero 4/4
White Giant Habanero 4/4
Trinidad Scorp CARDI 7/6
7 Pot Barrickipore 7/7
Red Habanero 4/4
Red Devils Tongue 4/4
Peruvian White Habanero 4/4
Fatali 4/4
Fatali/Red Savina Cross 4/4
TCH Tuca Hot Chocolate 4/4
Caribbean Blend 6/0
Jamaican Hot Yellow 4/4

Thanks for stopping by. I welcome any input pro or con ; ). I am also looking for bulk 3.5 x 4.0 or 5.0 pots if anyone has a good source let me know. I found a source out here where I can get the 3.5 x 5.0 but the come in 900 count lots, I'd be willing to go in with someone or a couple of folks if any of you ate interested PM me and thanks again.
Nice progress sorry to hear about the ones that haven't sprouted just don't give up on them. I love seeing the three coty I had happen with my green scorpions what varieties did the 3 coty show up on you.
Nice progress sorry to hear about the ones that haven't sprouted just don't give up on them. I love seeing the three coty I had happen with my green scorpions what varieties did the 3 coty show up on you.

I would have to go look for sure but I had several, seems like the Infinitys had a couple and the 7 Pot Jonah I'll look tomorrow and see there are quite a few.
Wow Robin,

Ton's of seeds sprouting. Are you planting everything outdoors ,... containers or in the ground?

Hey, Robin, looking great, my man. Your germ rates are impressive,
even with the stubborn varieties figured in. I can hardly wait to see your
grow room. Man, space is such an issue. If you need some help, please
feel free to call upon me, Robin. I have a pretty flexible schedule, and
would be happy to lend a couple of opposable thumbs to the tasks at hand,
and I would learn something in the process!

Your transplants are looking awesome, too!
Wow Robin,

Ton's of seeds sprouting. Are you planting everything outdoors ,... containers or in the ground?


Gonnna try and sell about half for funds and pot most up to grow outside and some into the ground. I may have overdid it a tad ; ) but .. hey
it's what I do ..lol .. I just love growing them!

Hey, Robin, looking great, my man. Your germ rates are impressive,
even with the stubborn varieties figured in. I can hardly wait to see your
grow room. Man, space is such an issue. If you need some help, please
feel free to call upon me, Robin. I have a pretty flexible schedule, and
would be happy to lend a couple of opposable thumbs to the tasks at hand,
and I would learn something in the process!

Your transplants are looking awesome, too!

Thanks!! May take you up on that at transplant time if you're game !! You are right about space my wife and I live in a town house with no yard to speak of and my partners place out in Gresham is a small one as well so we have to get creative. I'm not kidding make seek you out at pot up time lol!
Social .. I checked tonight the plants with 3 coty's or misshapen city's are 3 Infinitys, 1 Ghost, 1 Red Devils Tongue and I swear there are a few more but didn't see em. There were several plugs that were double seeded and if two came up I cut the weak one away and I think I must of cut 3 others down.