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Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense
Thanks Walt, I'm using Promix...

I used Pro-Mix before. I loved the first month and after it just slowed down and had problems like yellow leaves and stunted growth. Idk but I think you have to fertilize after 3-4 weeks? I might give it another shot, even for starting them it's a good mix.

I had a little fertilizer mixed in, they seem fine, so I won't worry too much about it until they get outside.  Right now I'm just hoping for good root, stem, and leaf growth.  I thought it was interesting how the chinenses all started forking at the same time.

Nice, I heard some people mix Osmocote slow release ferts with ProMix and get awesome results. That's staring to get me thinking, but idk... :think:

Vegas_Chili said:
Nice, I heard some people mix Osmocote slow release ferts with ProMix and get awesome results. That's staring to get me thinking, but idk... :think:

Yeah, that'll do it.
Devv said:
Do you cut them back at all?
No need to so far...
maximumcapsicum said:
Not sure about the frutensces... Where did you get the seed? Would be very cool of you were growing a bhut primogeniture. Again I am struck by the desire to make a pepper wiki. Only so many hours in the day.
GA Growhead said:
Seriously beautiful leaves. Doesn't look frutescen at all at this point. Will be cool to see what she turns out!
Chris (cmpman1974) shared the seed.  The plant looks exactly like it did last year, I did not believe it was frutescens until it flowered and gave me fruit.
Ok, I finally moved some of the plants down to the basement where it's cooler and they will get dim natural light only:

I've been procrastinating mostly because of these guys, ragged overwinters/aphid vectors... well they do have their merits too ;) :
Spicegeist said:
Chris (cmpman1974) shared the seed.  The plant looks exactly like it did last year, I did not believe it was frutescens until it flowered and gave me fruit.
How cool is that... it's nice to know where the seeds you shared originally came from. I'm also growing Dilley Street Tamwork seeds I got from him last year.
Here's a pic of a C. galapagoense I'm growing, seed is from the robust plant I grew in 2013:

I had more plants than I needed, so I left a few in the windowsill.  The plant on the left is being grown with just natural light that comes in through a south-facing window:

Just a fun little plant to grow:

Also, in the overwinter pic above, the plant on the bottom left is my 2013 C. galapagoense overwinter, I think it will make it just fine.
stickman said:
How cool is that... it's nice to know where the seeds you shared originally came from. I'm also growing Dilley Street Tamwork seeds I got from him last year.
Here's an old thread on the Lota Bih if you're interested and haven't already seen it: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/4703-lota-bih-jolokia/
stc3248 said:
maximumcapsicum said:
Lol! I had the same thought as I rotate my guys tv loser to the light... This spot is working well for ya? Well time to let someone else have it for awhile!
Hm, yeah funny logic... the light is to support them only until they are strong, but not until they're monsters.  They won't thrive in the basement, but they'll survive, which is exactly what I want for them during the couple of months until I can put them into their big pots outside.  I think some people time things so that when plants get this big they can put them outside right away... I want them to be a little bit older before that happens.  I still have some weaker plants getting strong under the lights, when they catch up I'll start doing some rotations, and maybe I'll pick a couple of winners for the year.  Right now I have a few that are really quite awesome: Naga Morich, Shabu Jolokia, Naga King are in the running... but I have a few that are just slightly behind but very strong too...