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Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense

Can you tell me what's wrong with my Rocoto Inca plant Charles?  I barley water it, meaning i try not to over water my plants.  
OCD Chilehead said:
Great pictures. Awsome plants. I hope mine come out half as good looking as yours. Thanks for sharing your growing experience. Good luck. Oh. If you don't mind me asking what kind of lights did you start them under ?
Thanks, I use 125W CFL
Pulpiteer said:
Took me forever to get caught up here. As everyone has said, your plants look great! Good luck this year. You are off to an early and great start. What zone are you in? When's your plant out date usually?
Thanks, It's variable here because of the mountains, somewhere between a 5 and a 6...
jedisushi06 said:
Can you tell me what's wrong with my Rocoto Inca plant Charles?  I barley water it, meaning i try not to over water my plants.  
I don't know, it actually looks kind of fine.  I'd guess standard things like too much water, not enough light, too small of a pot, not enough nutrients etc... will probably do better once you pot it up and it can get outdoors... sorry not be able to say exactly.
I brushed a few aphids off my overwinters today, and I think most of them are probably going to make it.
I didn't take any pics, but will post later.
Here's my list of overwinters:
Chiltepin Tarahumara
C. galapagoense
CGN 17020 (C. frutescens)
St. Lucia Bird (C. frutescens)
Lota Bih (C. frutescens)
Cumari do Para (C. frutescens)
Guwahati Bhut
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice selection of overwinters. And thanks 125w CFL noted. Damn aphids. I have a 8x10 rose bush in the yard. Last year it got covered with aphids when it started budding. Nothing on my peppers. Must have got lucky. Good luck.
Once the plants are outside I don't have any problems at all with aphids, they don't like being sprayed with the hose...
jedisushi06 said:
Hows that shabu doing?
Shabu is great, it's a very strong plant.
Some close-ups of my overwinters.
CAP 501 new growth:

CGN 17020:

C. galapagoense:

It was warm enough for the plants to get outside for a couple minutes too:
C. galapagoense overwinter:

Yellow Bhut:

Dorset Naga:

Group shot:
Another thing I've been putting off is counting how many final-destination pots I'll need this year.  I got the number of varieties right (15 or so), but I have probably twice that many actual plants.  Last year the largest pot size I used was a 5-gallon, which is probably even somewhat small, but I noticed a 3-gallon pot seems to be enough to give me a few pods and not take up too much space on the patio.