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Spicegeist 2014 - The Year of the Bhut

This year I'm growing primarily bhut/naga types.
Not much to look at now, but thought I'd kick things off since I'm already starting seeds:

Here's my list:
  1. Red Bhut
  2. Choco Bhut
  3. Yellow Bhut
  4. Peach Bhut
  5. Shabu Jolokia
  6. Naga King
  7. Naga Morich
  8. Naga Suomi
  9. Dorset Naga
  10. Guwahati Bhut
  11. Pale Bhut / Bih Jolokia
  12. Jay's Peach
  13. Fatalii
  14. Lota Bih
  15. C. galapagoense
Jealous of the plants Charles. And since I'm stopping by, I got to say the bhut seeds you sent are really kicking ass and taking names. The Bhuts in general seem to be the strongest of my superhots, and the yellows are exploding! Let's hope this trend continues, though it's looking like I got to move them into bigger shoes by the end of the week, which is gonna do weird things with my light supply. Hope everyone likes indirect balcony light!
maximumcapsicum said:
Jealous of the plants Charles. And since I'm stopping by, I got to say the bhut seeds you sent are really kicking ass and taking names. The Bhuts in general seem to be the strongest of my superhots, and the yellows are exploding! Let's hope this trend continues, though it's looking like I got to move them into bigger shoes by the end of the week, which is gonna do weird things with my light supply. Hope everyone likes indirect balcony light!
Thanks Adam.  I'm glad to hear about the bhuts... hope they keep growing strong for you.
Some plants under the lights.
Naga Suomi:

Naga King:
fern123 said:
The leaves look way too healthy . what are you feeding them?
Very close to nothing at this point... I have a basic fertilizer mixed in with my grow medium, but I'm not going to give them any serious nutes until they can be outside all the time.  Still too cold for that here...
The heat comes and goes.  But today I had another warm, sunny day at 61°F / 16°C, they all went outside:

Close up on some, Fatalii on the left, a nice Red Bhut on the right:
Wow!! All these updates are killer! Not only are you a breeding expert but an outstanding grower! Mad props to you Charles! :cheers:

Do you know what's the science or theory behind plants all forking at the same time? Seems like you gave them all the same conditions and they all forked at the same time?

Makes me believe there's something behind it.

I've Googled just about every day looking at praetermissum pics and most I've seen are tall and they're rarely short. Mine is about 6 inches tall and it's forking already. I want to study that to use it to my advantage ;). Hope we decipher this puzzle LOL.

Thanks Walt, I've been lucky so far this year, my plants are very happy.
There are a number of potential triggers for forking.  My plants are all the same age, so the initiation of forking might just be x # of days with sufficient levels of light?  Not sure... but it was pretty cool to see them all start doing it at the same time :cool: .
The Cummari Pollux (C. praetermissum) was a very strong plant, mine grew large and robust very fast...
HillBilly Jeff said:
I have some annuums that are two weeks younger than my brown morugas and the annuums are forking whereas the moruga and neyde X are not.  Same light and everything....must be in your thumbs.
Well, these are all C. chinenses on my end...
Very nice Charles! The plants are supper happy and showing it.
Glad you got to bring them out in the sun, they simply love it. The only bad thing about them being outdoors is they lose the perfection they have when indoors. Around here the large leaves drop and smaller, more compact ones replace them.
Have a great week!
capsidadburn said:
Charles, I got to agree with Adam about your yellow Bhuts really taking off!  I've moved them, the Naga Suomi and the Lota Bih on into the grow box.
Scott couldn't be more right about the outdoor beauty quality dropping off.
Have a great week Charles!
That is great to hear.  Those are three excellent varieties.  I don't know if anyone else is growing the Naga Suomi either...
It's my fault, it's a Naga Morich from Finland that seems to grow true, but different from other Naga Morichs, so I called it Naga Suomi for convenience.

Oh cool, I didn't know that. Nice to know ;).

maximumcapsicum said:
Amazing plants Charles! You planning on doing any kind of pruning or topping?
No, I just want the roots to grow strong, chinenses tend to branch out on their own, so I don't see a use for that right now...
JoynersHotPeppers said:
Your plants are seriously amazing. I have so much to learn!
Thanks Chris, your plants always turn out amazing, so I don't know that you have that much to learn...
So, no big updates, just a few things.
Two Chiltepin Tarahumaras, the one on the left looks like it crossed with a C. chinense, the one on the right looks like it's growing true so far:

A C. galapagoense, will probably pot it up before too long:

Another C. galapagoense, in a 1-gallon pot, grown with seed from a different pod than the plant above:

Up-close on the fuzzy C. galapagoense, I keep saying it, but these are really fun to grow :cool: :