• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spicy Chickona's MMXIII Grow Log

Hello everyone.

Wasn't going to do a grow log this year, but then thought maybe someone could learn from my mistakes. ;o(

So here we go. last year I started my plants mid January and paid the price with mr frost, it was difficult watching everyone starting their plants.

Start off with the building of the new grow light boxes and maybe will get some germination going by tomorrow.





Thanks for stopping in! Cheers - Jeff
Some of you may know about the pepper shack, well we are expanding the section under the porch and thought this would be a good opportunity to replace the dirt in the raised circle beds.
The next few pics are of it just getting it done and not surprising that there is about 20 inches of top soil here and quite a chore to remove it down to the sand layer. The tiller does a nice job of loosening the soil making the job a tad bit easier.




Thanks for stopping by and giving me a hand. lol ;o)
Cheers - Jeff
dang it man!!!!!      looks fantastic :dance:         oh by the way i go by a motto of "never trust a man in velcro shoes" :rofl:
but thats not saying much since i run around bare foot most of the day,and when i do ware shoes they usually flip flops