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Spider catches snake in web: "OMGWTF"pics included


Real or fake? I'm leaning toward fake because wtf would a black widow want with a snake?
JayT said:
That's either the biggest spider ever or it's fake
It's not that big. some spiders get a lot bigger. black widows are usually relatively small, but they're poisonous as hell.

I thought black widows injected this "soften" material to their victims and then drank them. it's pretty hard with a snake, isn't it?
Black widows don't get very big i thought. I've seen one in person before. It was on the bottom of a couch I was moving into my new apartment. Only reason I even saw it was we had to turn the couch on its side to fit it through the door. I almost shit my pants and made the whole operation stop until i could run to the store for spider killer. Black widows are not welcome in the living room!

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Black Widow Spider Fast Facts (taken from National Geographic Website)
Type: Bug
Diet: Carnivore
Average lifespan in the wild: 1 to 3 years
Size: 1.5 in (38 mm) long, 0.25 in (6.4 mm) in diameter
Weight: .035 ounce (1 gram)
Did you know? Black widow spiders are considered the most venomous spiders in North America.
Size relative to a paper clip:

If this is accurate then the snake in this picture is most likely only about 8-9 inches long. I guess that would make it possible.
Txclosetgrower said:
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I might be way off in saying this, and please oh please Tallstorykiller, correct me if this is the case!!!!!!! but This spider looks like (not saying it is, only LOOKS) the 'Huntsman spider' that we have in Australia....

If it is then I have heaps of these things in and out of my house....They are good for keeping the bugs away....:lol: and they are not harmful to humans with only a little local minor swelling if bitten (which you never really hear of)

The Huntsman Spider
I've seen plenty of Black Widows here and most of them were on the small-ish side but we had one monster sized one once that basically brought a cook-out to a halt. We were doing chicken and burgers and ribs on the grill and one of the kids kept F**king around with something on the underside of the grill. We kept telling her to stay away from the grill cuz it's hot but she kept coming back and pokeing something with a stick. Finally my buddy decides to see what's so interesting and sticks his head under the grill and winds up face to face with a very agitated black widow who had to be a good 2 and quarter inches big(and she had a huge egg sac in her web as well. Needless to say, the grill almost wound up in the freakin canal.

Now i've seen wolf spiders down here that are almost the size of your hand, and they'll freak you out big time.
I have tons of black widows around my property and what I have found is just like most things, they are more scared of you then you are of them. Whenever I touch their webs they run and hide. But I have managed to catch some good sized ones. A couple looked fake because they were so large and I kept them in two litre bottles and fed them till they died, with their legs curled up when dead they measured a full 1 1/16 inches. Its abdomen was almost a full inch across. That thing was nasty.