• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Start Me Up - 2022


The Rolling Stones, Nissan Stadium, Nashville, Oct. 9, 2021. My 13th (and possibly final) Stones show.

My first peppers for this season are starting to emerge and get transplanted waiting for spring to come. I took a cutting of the Scotch Bonnet Marabella Market Caramel that I had success with last year and put it a one gallon fabric pot. I'll either transplant the whole thing or take another cutting later on when it's about 8 weeks out from planting outside. See this post here for last year.


The first transplants:


Scotch Bonnet HSH (see this post)
Chocolate Bhutlah CS (Bohica Pepper Hut)
MA Purple (Texas Hot Peppers)

More to come...
My SB MMC seems to be roaring back. Before I put it outside to harden, I trimmed it WAY back... I thought I overdid it, but it seems to be doing okay.


The first pod on my Pockmark Peach has emerged:


My Chocolate Bhutlah CS is turning into a really nice plant. I expect to see pods on it soon.


And today, I saw the FIRST PODS on both the Scotch Bonnet HSH and Sunset Peach. :onfire:
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I'll post pix just as soon as they get some size and shape to them. I think I'm more excited about them than any of the other peppers I'm growing. Hey Marc, the Rolling Stones are performing on July 11 at King Baudouin Stadium in Brussels. I don't know if that's in your neck of the woods or not, but if I lived there, I'd be going... never know when it will be the last time.

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I wish. I'd love to go to Europe. They're playing Liverpool... I could take in some Beatles sites and tours... they're also playing Paris, which I've always wanted to see. I'll just have wait until they come here again...😉
Anyway, I now have a pod on my Chocolate Bhutlah. Every plant has at least one pod except the Death Spiral and the T-Rex Mustard, but they are coming.
Lucky you... I'm still nowhere when it comes to flowering. Only my overwinterers and tasmanian black are growing pods. The stuffing scotch bonnet, while still relatively small, has a flower bud growing. The already larger papa dreadie G3-21 is only just thinking about splitting. All others are still too small for flowering. Temperatures in spring have been high but the last couple of weeks daytime temperature hardly reached 20°C/68°F while at night temperature went down to 6°C/43°F. Not exactly stimulating...
The first Chocolate Bhutlah pods:


The HSH and SP Scotch Bonnets are coming along nicely... both have half a dozen or more pods, and flowering is really kicking in. It's getting HOT here... next Mon-Wed heat indexes are going to be over 100.


That's what I hate about this southern climate... the humidity makes it almost unbearable to be outside. Heat is one thing, but once summer gets cranked up it's like living in a steam bath.
I'm finally getting pods on my Death Spiral (top). This one is already showing a little scythe-like tail. The Chocolate Bhutlahs (bottom) are already looking mean like I know they are going to be. I'm actually a little scared to try this pepper when I get a ripe one. ☠️



I am really pleased with the Sunset Peach Scotch Bonnet so far. This thing is loading up on pods. It's got twice as many as the HSH so far...

After eating 15 or so jalapenos off the plants, I decided to harvest enough for a jar of refrigerator pickled slices. This El Jefe variety is one great pepper, one of my favorites.


For those keeping up with the HSH scotch bonnet, this thing now is starting to really pod up - I counted over 20 on it right now and more coming. This is just a section with a good view of some of the bigger pods.
