• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

Great update Shane … The crowd goes wild as the two 6 footers take center court, it’s a long shoot and BAM it’s pods everywhere, heheh. Great grow job you do mon, matoes look scrumptious, dogs adding that cute factor and pods, well the pods and plants speak for themselves: “we kicking azz!”
May the Pod Jah be with your cross … good luck brethren!!!
JJJessee said:
Great to ketch up. That edited goat weed photo is a beauty. All looks awesome in SoCal. You sure have the making of a Pepper Theme Park. I'd buy a ticket. Porter could be the host.
+ 1 Carl. I think Shane and Jamie could do Pepper Land and Pepper World. (Ya onto something with the theme park; go west coast/east coast, as those named after a certain cartoonist.) Porter and Tebow . . . I see this! Beautiful gnarly poddage shots, Shane! :dance:
 Everything looking tall and green and that shot of Porter is awesome. He is a lucky dog to have such a cool daddy!  Caught Tebow with my monster annumm in his mouth totally out of the soil.  :tear:  I was not happy with him. Managed to get the monster annuum  back in his home but still worried Tebow  will get his revenge after I chased him with a shovel  :confused:  
 Cannot believe how fast your plants are growing and podding up nicely. That Cali voodoo is doing the trick ;)  
Happy Friday !
I am going to cop out and not quote errybody and just say thanks to all the pod envy/cudos/and theme park nominations! Haha I am flattered, but not as much me to blame as the great socal weather and a couple of lucky educated guesses with my setup. The good news is there is absolutely no sign of the virus this year...so far at least. So things are looking great to build one heck of a seed bank! There have been several folks PMing me about seeds for this and that...just stay tuned and I will start stacking them up as they come along. I plan to give away a ton of seeds later on in the season once I have put enough away.
I don't know how white the 7 White gets just yet. Will leave the first few on there until they're ready to fall off to see what's up.
Hmmm, the anthers...yeah I did go back afterwards and try to get them all...but that's such a small flower I may have missed one. I didn't have a magnigying lense and was afraid I was going to damage something. I will do a couple more this weekend, it was more just me trying to stay out in the garden effing off than anything else...if that one does pod up I still think there is a good chance its a cross, because the first two flowers opened that day and I don't think the plant was producing pollen yet. I'll sow them either way...just to see what happens!
Vince...the Yellow BBD has been turning yellow, it was just a few first pods that Silver Surfer was concerned about the pod shape on. It's putting out the real deal pods now...and they're the right color!!! So good to go!!! That has been a nice surprise so far this year.
RM...that damn dog gets a play day every day!!! Hahaha...he only act poor and mistreated when I put the camera on him...or we won't let him come inside to sleep at night. I used to have issues "He's a damn dog...he can sleep outside!!!" but anymore I am glad the two of them sleep in the house as much as I am gone. Maybe he'll lick an intruder to death!
Devv...I will have to put that Charapita next to one of my larger plants this weekend for scale. Its a bush for sure...but it is tiny! Getting bigger by the day. I had terrible luck with my wilds germing this year and really only ended up with the two Charapitas and two Tepins...Hopefully I can overwinter them on the porch and concentrate on germing some more great wilds next season. Flex, Gala...praet hmmmm...

Aight...I think that at least answers all the Q's. I am out the door to head south now and see what my plants are doing for me! These weeks away are really starting to suck! I hear there is an 18 wheeler on its side on the freeway between here (LA) and San Deigo along my route...ughhh. Plus the Del Mar Fair is kicking off down there, it seems as though during the summer everyone wants to leave LA to go to San Diego...and everyone in San Diego wants to head to LA on Fridays. Oh well...100 miles in 3 or 4 hours I think. Glad to hear you easterners didn't get it too bad with this storm!!! Stand by for my typical weekend overload of updates!!!
You're right Shane. My sis and her family staying in SD from June 9-16. She offered but I refused as I hate your SD traffic. I like mine better. Nice to know all are well on your end. I'm liking the weather too it's been warm but not too hot where its causing flower drops.
stc3248 said:
I will get to all the mail later...thanks for all the kind comments. Mega, I just started my feeding schedule, and there has been a definite boost in their growth. Here are a few more pics I took last weekend...

Here is Porter peeking over the Fatalii...
I love it. The Porter commentary still gets me. I've had a lot of catching up to do, but your glog is brutal that way. If I miss a bit, I've got like 5 pages to get through. Plus amazing pod and plant shots - those Belize City Scotch Bonnets are turning out amazing! I hope mine do as well, they look like really cool peppers. And they sound like they taste good too.

Anyway, did I read that right a couple of pages back - that Porter actually does like a plant? The Manzano? Can't fault his taste.
Jamie, I'm the lucky one for having such a cool pup!
Well once again not all peaches and cream...

Came home to several plants really struggling. I guess the addition of the soaker rings caused a bit of a pressure drop toward the end of the line. This one is the 7 Congo SR and this was about 15 minutes after I have it a nice drink. She's back to perdy now. I added a 1 gph dripper in addition to each of the soaker tubes on the few that were struggling. I may have to add valves and throttle the flow back a bit on the ones early in the run to allow more pressure further down. 

Here is a positive note! Yet another pod that turned the correct color...first few Yellow 7 Pots (Pr0digal_Son) ripened up. The first couple were smooth and seedless, but there are some pretty mean looking ones coming in now...

I think it was Scott that said he didn't have good production with his Poblanos? These are from a packet off the seed rack...I will have to dig it up and shoot you the producer. I grew the same ones last year and only grew one plant this year because it's all I need. I picked about 10-15 per week last year and they were all really nice size. This plant is already about 4' tall and loaded down with pods. I already have 2 stakes supporting it and may have to add a couple more soon.

This cool double pod is on a Sweet Snacking Pepper plant...also see them referred to as Lunchbox Peppers. Seeds came from grocery store pods. (http://www.sun-world.com/products/peppers/sweet-mini-peppers) I didn't know if they were a hybrid or if they'd grow true, but mama loves them so I gave them a shot. Not sure which colors these are but they come in red, orange and yellow...dubbing this pod the Peter+Scrotum Pepper... :rofl:

On another cool note...I was inspecting one of my Primo plants for pods and saw not one but at least 20 Lady Bug Larvae cruising around. They were on almost every leaf! Never seen anything like it. I even took the time to move a few to other plants to share the love...

Here's another aphidinator on the same plant...life is good!!! Ummm unless you're an aphid!

Red Robin Tomato...cool little plants! So many tomatoes crammed into a plant the size of a volleyball! Unbelievable! 

Today's little harvest...a handful of Goat's Weeds, a couple Yellow 7's, a couple Yellow Billy Boy Douglahs, a Yellow Scorpion, 4 Belize City Scotch Bonnets, and a variety of tomatoes...Some of the spoons are starting to ripen small after all. Maybe it was just the abundance of nutes early on that had them so big???

Late afternoons I get a visit from this dude...Flame Skimmer Dragonfly.

Here's a closer view...
Some great things happening out there...corn is tasseled up and putting some ears out. Hope the breeze is enough to get some pollination. First cukes forming also....ahhh some cucumber salsa in my near future. First pods forming on the Red Brains and Primos...The "Freakin Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon" is pumping out insane #'s of crazy looking pods. The Manzano tree is still growing and setting pods at pretty much every bloom...literally hundreds on it already. That plant is already bigger than either my inground or container Manzano got last year and seems to be growing a foot a week...more out than up.
On the down side, I did find several hornworm eggs, mainly on my Aji plant, but I know they're inbound shortly...knowing that and being gone for 5 days every week worries me a bit. A couple of those left unpunished for a week could be a disaster. Pool is as green as my plants again...yet another thing that gets neglected during my week long absence, I poured the shock to it and will brush it and get it headed the right direction...but will come home to it green again next week I am certain.
All but a done deal on the early transfer back to sea duty. Looks like I will be back on a ship in September, hopefully local, but there is a very good chance I could end up Deployed before the year is done. Only time will tell. If I do, I nominate Denniz to come down and take care of my plants on Saturdays until I get back... :rofl:   
Shaping up to be another perfect weekend! Hope yours turn out the same!
Shane everything looks great except the hornworm possibility while away and early deployment, I hope you can train someone to take care of things if you end up having to go to sea early, too bad porter is a dog ;) I’ve been there with the hornworm issue 2 year back … a worm completely destroy a small plant over night, I couldn’t believe how much and fast they consume :(  Early detection is the key, I’ve seen the eggs but how did you find them?
As usual pods and plants looking greeeaaattttt!!!!!
BTW we’re having thousands of dragonflies now as well, loads of them are landing on the peppers and sit still till I walk up and they fly away. Great flying dragon pics you took. Hope you have an excellent weekend brethren!
Great update brother. That specific yellow 7 will get bumpy and brainy.I know what it is like being away from the plants (only 3 days a week here not 5) for long periods of time. I have had a couple close call myself. On the positive side,it is nice to see the growth when you get back. They never grow when you are looking at them everyday!
Beautiful pictures - especially that dragonfly shot, wow!  If you've got that many ladybug larva cruising around, you must have some other things that will deal with those hornworms.  You've got an awesome year going Shane!
Great update Shane, it looks like you are just crushing along nicely. Are you planning on isolating at all this season? I know you are taking a ton of seed stock, so I was wondering what your setup for that was going to be.
Nice update!  
How big do those Red Zebra's get?  I prefer a meaty tomato to one with lots of the gel, so maybe I'll have to give that one a try.
Wow, that Poblano is amazing!  I've never had much luck with them here.  They spend the first half of the season attaining their impressive height, but then there is only enough time for them to produce 4 or 5 pods before the season ends.  Starting earlier this year, I'm hoping to change that.  I've already got a couple small pods going, so I am hopeful.
I am sorry to hear about your likely deployment.  I know that's all part of the deal with your line of work, but it sure won't be the same around THP without your updates to look forward to - all of pics of the monster sized plants, the massive amounts of pods, the (green) pool, Porter, the foodie shots ...
Tremendously performing grow this season. Very nice.
Ever considered pressure compensating emitters? That would solve the watering problem you have at the end of a run.
Spray your plants with Spinosad before you leave and never have a horn worm worry. It won't harm your lady friends and lasts for several weeks.
Shane great update!
Wonderful pics, love the dragonfly.
Yeah it's me that never really gets great Poblano production, mine are 4' tall and have a few small pods, certainly not producing like yours. Now Bell's crazy this year.
Congrats on the harvest, more and more are coming in now...you're gonna have your hands full!
Have a great weekend!
Man Shane, I was way too behind on your glog. So much going on, it's incredible. Your poddage is making me jelly. Awesome awesome pics too. Love the dragon fly and the lady buggers. All I get around here are Asian beetles....Cali's where it's at. I've decided after seeing your glog that my "don't have any time" is really "Im a lazy f&@$er" you've inspired me to change that.

I'll have to try and stay on top of all your wickedness. Keep it up!