• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

stc3248, 2013 Grow log, Season's Greetings and Season's End

Well here we go again! Those that saw my grow last year know that I was plagued by virus issues and many other problems, but I was still able to pull off the most amazing grow of my life. By season's end every plant was infected. Some keeled over, but others just kept right on trucking. I learned a ton, and hope to use it to pull off a season without that virus making a repeat appearance. It will be tough. I had huge numbers of pods, and many hit the ground and rotted, so there are sure to be some infected volunteers that show up. My grow this year will be MUCH smaller and focused on the varieties I liked best along with a couple new ones I really wanna try out.

First a couple of my money shots from last year...




I plan to use a similar grow setup to start with...here are a couple pics of how it looked...


My setup evolved as the season began. I started with a single t8 shoplight...the two shoplights and ended up with a single row of CFL's down the center hooked into a 4' power strip the the two shoplights angled in from the sides. The light from the sides really seemed to promote growth at the lower nodes...so for this year...

I bought some more CFL's Mix of 100w and 75w equivalents. The 100w eq were around $10 for 4 at HD and the 75w were $3 for 6 at COSTCO!!! Also bought some splitters for the sockets and here's what the power strip looks like now...

This thing feels like its giving you a sunburn from 6' away...I alternated 100/75 on each side all the way down...Instead of the mylar I am going with foil sided foam sheathing...

My "plan" with this stuff is to make the Shelf unit more of a grow tent type setup. Hoping I can use the lights and a small space heater to maintain a constant temp in the mid 80s. I am also going to "try" to use magnetic tape to attach this stuff so access will be easy. We shall see. May get too warm...but easy enough to vent if need be. I am going to try to keep them indoors much longer this year. I put them out to early last year, and some of the late starts that stayed inside until the night time temps were higher passed many of my early starts that were already in the ground.

My final dilemma is the wife says 20 plants...and I have all these awesome seeds! So I am going to see if the wife's # is sort of like the over the counter dosage...the full prescription strength is double, so I am aiming for 40. I will start almost twice that # though so if you're near SD be watching this glog around plant out, I will be getting rid of some plants...

Well here is the list for now...If something you sent didn't make it I still have them, and will get to them some day. Momma is already pissed! :rolleyes:

Tepin 15 (seed train 2012)
Pequin Chiapas (Griff87)
Bird Aji (Seed Train 2012)
Cumari (Romy6)
PI 438638 (Romy6)

Jamaican Hot Yellow (My Seed)
Goat's Weed (My seed)
Explosive Ember (My seed)
Tri-color Variagata (Seed Train 2012)
Numex Centennial (the next seed train)

Ultra Pube PI 585266 (SocalChilehead)
Manzano (farmer's market)

Yellow Aji from Peru (Paul G)

Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN 1974 Via Pr0digal_son)
St Marteen Marigot Mkt Yellow Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Jamaica Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Belize City Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)
Fatalii (Pulpiteer)

The Supers
Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SilverSurfer via Coheed via Romy6)
Yellow Cardi Scorpion (Romy6)
Yellow 7 Pot Brain Strain (Unknown Source probably the next seed train???)
Yellow 7 Pot (Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot Brain Strain (Romy6 Had some from Jamie and got some more from PaulG)
7 Pot Congo SR (CMPMAN 1974 via Pr0digal_son)
7 Pot White (SocalChilehead)
7 Pot Monster Infinity (gnslngr)
7 Pot Primo (MGold via PaulG)
Douglah (Pr0digal_son)
Trinidad Scorpion Moruga (Bakers Peppers)
Bhut Jolokia Indian Carbon (Pr0digal_son)

7 Pot Barrackpore (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )
HP22B aka Carolina Reaper (soon to arrive from DocNrock :dance: )

Ummm...I count 32ish varieties. May scrub a couple off, but may not!!! Thinking I can get by with the Ornamentals and Wilds as long as I keep them small and Bonchi them to look perdy for Momma??? :rofl:

I think I will skip most all of the grocery store available varieties this year so I can grow more of the good stuff...That's if for now everybody! Hope you all have a great season!!!

Wow all kinds of things happening here. "From Pods..to Rich's"...as in a steller looking ferment.
I have to apologize, lately its been like a polar plunge for as my time in the glog world is usually a quick visit. I just have to find more time... maybe at night.
Anyways, heres where all the action is and I can't pass this one up. Shane your garden is killing it this season. Heck, mine won't look this good even when it peaks! I'll have to show my wife some of plant, pod, and harvest shots...I can tell you what she'll say right now," What's he going to do with all that?"....take that as a compliment.
Looking at your ferments reminds me, as I was telling Annie the other day I have a couple of Scotch Bonnet 1/2 gal ferments in my basement. One will be 2 yrs old this Oct 1st and the other will be 1 yr same date. I'll have to crack them open soon to check the ph and if its a go and doesn't smell like Canel #5 then I'll make a small batch sauce. Hey good luck with your process...it'll sure beat store bought !
Enjoy your weekend...
I’m far behind and will probably be falling further next week starting new contract/consulting, aphids and mites be hitting me hard now … but even then I’ll make it a point to keep up da reading/viewing da eye candy here brethren ^_^
You gotta be feeling great and you deserve it!!! Awesome pulls, "My Brain on Jamaican and Belize Weed+Smoke," killer pod shots, lovely tomatoes, etc, etc, etc …
Looking forward to seeing da finished sauces … have a great weekend mon!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Nice pod shots Shane. And the money even better. As for the mater sorry man. eBay.  :(.

I did get some true osu maters but they've been hit with mites as well. I did get some and will harvest for seeds alone. Ad will plant some. Who says we can't have maters in SoCal in November.  :)

How's the BBG7??

I have 2 of each rennie. The only one with 3 pods is from tex 12 grow. My other 3 have tha damn fungal. See some pod exchanges in the near future ?
Thanks Denniz! I ain't worried about the Maters! These are delicious, plus I didn't have a nice sandwich slicing size before....and now I do! The BG is doing amazing and bleeding a bit...pics upcoming. I ain't too worried about the Rennies...just get me some seed for next season if you don't mind brotha! See you Monday hopefully. Let me know what pods you wanna try and I'll bring a few up!
Pulpiteer said:
Nice!  That "my brain on Jamaican weed" looks nice - how'd it taste?  Or is it still seasoning?  An infinity would absolutely destroy me - worse than last year's brain strain, I've had no fresh pods this year.  You could run a puke timer to see how long I could make it is about all...  Great looking shots!
Thanks we'll have to see on the sauce...moving a bit slow, but it's a waiting game. Won't be ready to sample for at least a month and a half...and I will probably wait longer. I don't wanna make anyone yack, so I'll send the really mean ones to other folks...hmmmm. Wonder who gets a few??? 
PaulG said:
That Reaper is grim, indeed!  
My mouth burns just looking at the pics!
4.0, brother!
Thanks Paul...one of several I am super nervous about. I gotta get off the pot and try another pod soon!
Sawyer said:
I love it when a plan comes together.
Thanks! It has come together and now I need a whole new plan on how to deal with how well it came together...if that makes sense??? :crazy:

PIC 1 said:
Wow all kinds of things happening here. "From Pods..to Rich's"...as in a steller looking ferment.
I have to apologize, lately its been like a polar plunge for as my time in the glog world is usually a quick visit. I just have to find more time... maybe at night.
Anyways, heres where all the action is and I can't pass this one up. Shane your garden is killing it this season. Heck, mine won't look this good even when it peaks! I'll have to show my wife some of plant, pod, and harvest shots...I can tell you what she'll say right now," What's he going to do with all that?"....take that as a compliment.
Looking at your ferments reminds me, as I was telling Annie the other day I have a couple of Scotch Bonnet 1/2 gal ferments in my basement. One will be 2 yrs old this Oct 1st and the other will be 1 yr same date. I'll have to crack them open soon to check the ph and if its a go and doesn't smell like Canel #5 then I'll make a small batch sauce. Hey good luck with your process...it'll sure beat store bought !
Enjoy your weekend...
Thanks Greg! Always an honor coming from you brother, but Mrs Greg too! :party:  To answer mama's question...heck I dunno?!?!?! So many pods! Ahhhh...that new freezer is gonna come in handy! Wow...a two year ferment! That is going to be epic! You got my addy right? :rofl:  Never any apologies necessary from anyone...life happens, and I understand better than you know. So many great Glogs from wonderful members...but it's just plain impossible to keep up. At least it is for me, so I feel ya brudda! Stop by when you can and I am always pleased to hear from you!
highalt said:
The ferment looks awesome!!!  Maybe one of these days I'll give it a try ...
Love the look of that Charapita!  Is it very chinense-y tasting?  I'd almost grow it just for the ornamental value.  
Hey Bonnie! The Carapita does have a Chinense flavor to it, but very mild and sweet. It is a beautiful plant and would be a nice addition for you. It produces early enough and is nice and compact...would be a nice container on your porch for your grow IMHO! 
Sawyer said:
I'm still trying to work up the nerve to try a ferment again.  I tried to make kraut one time and it did not end well.
Haha...I did a ferment last year and it did ok...but I didn't let it cook long enough. Trying to do better this time. I got a few spots of mold on top which I know is normal, but more concerning is it hasn't really started bubbling yet. Fingers crossed I will see some action in there soon.
BrooklynXpat said:
Agreed. That thing looks amazing. Salivating as we speak.
Agreed...I ain't eating one! :rofl:
wahlee76 said:
Those reapers really do look lethal. Beatiful pics
...see above! Ha...I am working up the nerve. Maybe tomorrow if I feel up to it. Thanks for the compliment on the pics! 
JJJessee said:
Yeah, the Jamaican Belieze Brain Weed Smoke looks like a home run. Can't wait to hear the review.
Continued awesome poddage, my friend. :salute:
I can't wait to review it!!! ...but dang it I suppose I have to! Thanks...the pods are crazy right now! Stand by for another nice harvest this weekend!
I hear ya...me too. As with Greg or anyone else...visit when you can man, and I will do the same with y'all's grows! It's all good mon! 
Pepper Don:
Welcome Aboard! OC huh??? Need some plants? I am delivering 74ish plants up to Seal Beach on Monday and you can have a couple if you like! I think they're mostly Morugas or Madballz 7s. Let me know! KingDenniz is picking some up on Monday or Tuesday at my workplace.
Lol...I don't have to stand MUCH official duty, more the always on duty. I am the Senior Enlisted...so I just get all the late night phonecall crap!
Gave everything a dose of Aspirin/Neem/Epsom Salts last weekend. And will hit them again Sunday after I harvest minus the aspirin this time. Trying to boost their immune system and ward off any fungal crap that may be going on and the ES to maybe kick them into gear. They ain't slacking though! A couple pics to show pod #s more than the Macro this time...


Infinity (gnslngr)

Here is your BG 7 Denniz! Kicking A and taking my breath away! 

Here is some bleeding going on on the BG...Woot!

Yellow Billy Boy Douglah (SS V Coheed V Romy6)

Jamaican Scotch Bonnet (Pic1)

Reaper from Doc!

White 7s from Fernando!

Belize City Scotch Bonnet...at least 1.5 billion pods in the upper right cluster! okok...maybe only 1 billion!

Finally the Fatalii from Andy...Wood! Ignore the poor snapped brances from the puppies. I'll get plenty!!!
I got more pics...but no more time. BIG harvest coming up this weekend...I need another big JAR!!! Maybe some "Fatal-Smoked-Weed" Thanks for looking in folks!
Geez Shane, you've got enough poddage going on to rival the nuclear option! Who the heck needs a neutron bomb when you can hose 'em down with wholesale capsaicin!
Wow! That's a lot of heat!
Fatalii looking beautiful. 
Just thinking aloud... You've got an overabundance of really hot peppers.  Stuff so hot it can make folks puke. 
You've got folks under your command making bad choices that affect others in their lives.  You have to "talk" to them and encourage better behavior.
I wish we could come up with some sort of consequence for bad behavior... 
I'm sure you'll come up with something.
WalkGood said:
Wow Shane you are killing it, not sure I could handle all dat work ... looking forward to seeing da weekend updates ^_^
Ramon! How you been brotha? Thanks for the kind words! Here comes one of dem updates!
GA Growhead said:
Awww...shucks  :oops: 
Sanarda said:
I finally got caught up after my hiatus.  Things are looking divine my dude>>>>>  hotness all around.  How do you find the time to keep it all together.?>?>?>
Pia! You gotta keep on this one or you'll be three weeks behind by tomorrow! I am running out of time...but that's what the freezer is for!
stickman said:
Geez Shane, you've got enough poddage going on to rival the nuclear option! Who the heck needs a neutron bomb when you can hose 'em down with wholesale capsaicin!
Whatup Rick? Haha...most victims of my Capsaicin are due to friendly fire. "I told ya it was HOT!" :rofl:
Pulpiteer said:
Wow! That's a lot of heat!
Fatalii looking beautiful. 
Just thinking aloud... You've got an overabundance of really hot peppers.  Stuff so hot it can make folks puke. 
You've got folks under your command making bad choices that affect others in their lives.  You have to "talk" to them and encourage better behavior.
I wish we could come up with some sort of consequence for bad behavior... 
I'm sure you'll come up with something.
Haha...that would teach them a lesson! Haha "Say five Hail Mary's and eat three Reapers!" :rofl:
TXCG said:
Oh man, my plants are getting pod envy. You've got some seriously good stuff going on here stc!
Yeah man...my plants are showing their stuff right now. Only a few more good pulls...then about a month of slow production. They're dropping most of their flowers now with the heat...they'll snap out and start pumping them out in September again.
Aight...so I was gonna pull tomorrow, but wanted to reload the Dehydrator today and start a couple more Jars fermenting so I headed out this morning.
First off I only grew Birgits Locoto for the growdown...never heard of them before??? Let me introduce them to you...

Here is one podded up pretty nice...but that ain't the crazy part! 

This one is just over 8' and the contest doesn't end until Halloween! It overtook it's steel pipe stake, so I had to duct tape a bamboo stake above that. I may have to buy a bigger ladder!

One of the LAST ones to FINALLY start to ripen!!! 7 Pot Congo Sr (Pr0digal_Son) 

Another one that started slow out of the gate was the Giant Twisted Chocolate Hab (CMPMAN_1974 Via Pr0digal_Son) A couple of the smallish first pods are starting to color up though and they're turning the right color!!!

My Barrackpores from Doc don't look very Barrackpore..ish. They look more terrible...and I like it!!!

Here's another... :hot:

Had another pretty good pull today!

Got 'em all laid out nice and perdy...oops! Forgot a bag!

Hmmmm....bout time to move back to the Pool Table!  :dance:  :party:  :woohoo:

Charapita Yellows Sharing a plate with the first pull of Monster Infinities from gnslngr!!!
It for now...gotta get to powdering! Hope your Saturday is kicking A like mine!
Dang, don't know what to say.  Your plants are amazing.  I wish I had those skills.  Can you give me your asprin, neem, epson salt recipe.  Some of my plants leaves are
starting to get a blight or fungus.