Killa Pods!.........., Shane the photo with the 30+ pods is amazing! Shoot a picture when they ripen, that would have amazing contrast...
Always a pleasure to see an occasional food shot thrown in.
116 poppers ......that's 58 for you and the rest for me!.............ha
I like that idea with the Orange Habs, makes sense since most of those have the identical size and shape..........I'm firing up my grill right now bro!
That plant may not be true, but its a TRUE-PER!
There are a couple ripening on there to follow!
Glad I could be of inspiration! Had many more popper ideas, but they got vetoed by the Secretary of War and Finance...maybe next time! I wanted to beer batter the hab-poppers and fry them, but that got vetoed as well...
(Nudge) Take your hats off... We're in the presence of greatness!
That must have been some party... I take it you had the people from your duty section over for a cookout? Nice idea with the syringe and the cream cheese.
Thanks man...a great comment from a Master such as yourself. I love to cook, as do you. Especially when the ingredients are home grown. The party was really fun, but just with a couple old friends, some from college and some from Commands past. Good times for sure. The cream cheese syringe I have been wanting to try for quite some time. I really softened the cheese, but think I could have gotten by with a thicker batch. Next batter!
And you didn't invite me to the party
The invitation is ALWAYS open to you...and if you show up and there ain't no party going on, we'll make one!
Those poppers look awesome Shane!!!
Thanks Matt! Comments from a Chef! Woot!
Holy frickin pods man! So many on one node. Truly an amazing sight!
That plant has more pods than I care to count on it. Several nodes with 6-8 pods on them! Most of the nodes with 5+ have dropped a few that were half developed. Kinda a bummer, but I can't complain. If I had that many pods hanging on my node I think I would be trying to shed a few too!
Holy smokes on those Hab poppers! I had a raw orange hab today just for the hell of it, which my stomach is still killin me(empty), after the girl and I got back from doing shopping all day. I totally should have thought of doing this instead. Shane, today, you are my hero for those Hab poppers.
Now I'm a Hero!!!
I had a HOT one today myself not a hab though(pics to follow)! Full stomach and no follow on issues. I started eating a bunch of Orange Habs to try to condition myself a while back when I decided to plant these monsters...maybe it helped, but its still PAINFUL! Had 3 of the leftover Hab poppers today, and they still pack a pretty good punch!
Big Jim...all 4 plants are going NUTS! 1 plant has a few with BER so I added some cal to try to nix it. Note to self...use bigger stakes on these dudes! Never had a green chili type put out this many huge pods!
Yellow Bhut also loaded...just waiting for color on most of my plants...
First one to guess what this one is will get a powder care package...I'll send anywhere.
Little more color showing on the (not) infinities...
Pods finally setting all over my Manzanos...some bigger than these, but thought this was a perdy pic...
Bhut...not going as nuts as the rest, but putting on a few gnarly ones. of my favorite plants all season. Back from near death several times.
and then there's this little dude. Supposed to be a Scorpion, but none of them look too scorp-ish. Dunno what its crossed with...
The harvest shot...Tomatoes, Jals, a few Goat's Weeds and the little devil in front!
New it was a bad dude as soon as I cut it open. The smell was INTENSE! You can see the oil pooling and oozing in there. I ate it outright both halves and WOW! Not a ton of throat burn, but the mouth was on freaking fire for a LONG time. Hit me for 10 minutes then ate some ice cream...and it hit me again. No stomach issues, but this is one bad little dude. This was one of the smaller pods on the plant as well. Gonna be a
Summer! These will pair nicely with my Superman powder along with the (not) infinities. These should throw in a nice long even increased burn...stoked!
More to post if I get bumped before I hit the sack! Holy cow, now the innuendos just happen without thought!