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I know y'all cook up some great steaks so post them up in here....

I'll start us off…


Getting up to room temp

Throw it on the grill...


Steak, mashed taters with Five counties cheese waiting to melt on top, and some peez


Juices flowing…


Yum! What u got?
Started with this: 1.1lbs bone in rib eye

Added nufin but sea salt and dried birds eye chilli at this point

Glazed with A1 sauce ('bout 1 Tbs) at the last 2 minutes of the cook then off to rest for 5 minutes

Yeah...not too bad.  Coulda gone 2-3 minutes less.

Plated up with rocket dressed with EVOO and sea salt and two fresh baked dinner rolls
Very tasty looking steak DTS.  Thumbs up for the A1 glaze!  I know alot of steak eaters and foodies in general frown upon the use of A1, but love that sheeit.  I'll add a bit to my burgers, steaks, hamburger steaks, anything that is beefy.
Looks goodern' hell DTS!
Myself, I ain't a friend of A1.
Dunno' why.
Just not my flavor I reckon.
Heinz 57 is what pushes my flavor buttons.
But I don't use it on a good cut like a ribeye.
BTW here in the states we call that bone in ribeye a cowboy ribeye.
I really need to man up and slap a bigass ribeye on the flat top.
That would be so aso...msct...xxt..fpht......ughjjjjjjj......
Sorry 'bout that.
Just had a little orgasm fantasizing about ribeye on the flat top.
True story.
That's just beautiful there, DTS! But I'm with TB on the A1. To me it's "seasoning" for people who don't know how to use real herbs and spices. But yeah, some people really dig on it, so good for you if you're one of them! (I KNOW you know real herbs and spices!)
Ok, TB didn't like my last post, and that's all fine and dandy like. My son never fixed the other skewer of bacon-wrapped sirloin, so he's getting the "you snooze, you lose" treatment tonight. Here's round number two, this time seasoned with ginger, naga powder, and thyme:

Don't know what's up with the pic and don't really care, but let me assure you the meat is closer to red than it appears in that pic. 
Good Lord and have mercy G.
That's meatness is one of your most hot blue and righteous posts ever.
And for the record I thought I DID like your last post.
In fact, I can't remember one of your posts I DIDN'T like.
Okay, maybe it was a curry one, or some such, but othern' that...
That meat pic you'd have to be brain dead not to like.
Scored some ~1lb boneless ribeyes for $4.99lb
Marinaded in McCormick mesquite , Worcestershire, fresh ground smoked pequin powder, garlic, seasalt and smoking over some mesquite wood. 



Finishing on the grill as soon as wifey gets home then it's off to work for the 6pm-6am shift... full moon this weekend and I'll be by myself in a giant petroleum facility... did I mention I have an irrational fear of werewolves? Been having nightmares about them since I was born. 
JayT said:
How the HELL do you find ribeyes at $4.99lb???  Local Try N Save now has them at $13.99
Yeah were they stolen? lol  Its $12.99 around here.  I would have bought a bunch of that and put it in the freezer.
Don't get me started on the price of meat ... oh, and, on the weekend, it's $2-3 higher for Delmonico here ...
Here, pay extra to retain this fatty band ...
Fuck Off ...
PS - I fucking hate it when the fucking forum software changes case on Fuck to fsck ...
F**K ...
There, finally.
I want my capital F ...
Now, Fuck Off.
grantmichaels said:
Don't get me started on the price of meat ... oh, and, on the weekend, it's $2-3 higher for Delmonico here ...
Here, pay extra to retain this fatty band ...
f**k Off ...PS - I f**king hate it when the f**king forum software changes case on f**k to fsck ...
THAT.F**K ...
There, finally.
I want my capital F ...
Now, f**k Off.
That is alot of f@cks Grant. You could be me, and be at back to back communion parties from 1-5 and 6-10. Trying to figure out when my wife will realize she is designated driver. One of the choices for lunch is sliced flank steak, hopefully it is good.