food STEAK!!

JayT said:
Oh so you should have know it was me because of the crappy photography?  It was nearly dark.  Geesh.  You can't live with these people.
Yeah but you changed your avatar to fuckin' Wheebz.
That kina' makes me think "grant michaels" when I look at it I dunno'.
Is that rayciss or some sheeit?
And somebody else, maybe GM had another Kool-Aid guy for an avatar.
Just like THP.
I'm not the smartest man in the world and in fact my I.Q. is only 6.
But I use all 6!!!
Even with an I. Q. of 6 I can tell some trickery is afoot.
Yeah, he's even talking kinda normal. This is not good!
EXACTLY!  Maybe he took his thumb ring off and the blood is flowing normally.  Who knows, but I know the universe isn't right tonight.  I ate quinoa and the TB is talking normal!  

grantmichaels said:
Pretty sure TB just said big, bearded dudes all look alike ...
Wheebz is big pimpin' ...
Wheebz once told me that he forgot to turn his swag off one night and woke up covered in bitches.
True story.
Hurry TB!!!

JayT said:
I'd take Hustler over Playboy anyday.  Those bitches are too high maintenance 
Yeah but jusst look at SF's meat flappage.
Imagine the possibilities, the scenarios'.....
I foresee SF's steak food porn soon.
Looks like PLAYBOY porn to moi.
Deathtosnails said:
Does it really need safe handling instructions ffs?  We don't have that shizzle on our packaging here.
Sadly yes.  We live in a world of CYA(cover your a$$).  If they didn't put that and someone got sick, the lawsuits would be never ending. 
How many folks doing a flank,skirt or bottom sirloin flap today? :) put a couple in a kitchen sink marinade of cilantro,thyme,garlic,shallot,ginger,soy,agave,serranos,rice wine vinegar,smoked paprika,patron,lemon and lime juice this morning. Pics later tonight if they look good ;)
FreeportBum said:
How many folks doing a flank,skirt or bottom sirloin flap today? :) put a couple in a kitchen sink marinade of cilantro,thyme,garlic,shallot,ginger,soy,agave,serranos,rice wine vinegar,smoked paprika,patron,lemon and lime juice this morning. Pics later tonight if they look good ;)
I guess that would be no one  :D   :beer:   