• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2013 Glog - Time To Pull The Plug on 2013

I'm pulling things together to get ready for my next growing season. I bought NuMex variety seeds from Sandia Seed company in New Mexico, Hot Paper Lantern Habaneros and Antohi Romanians from Johnny's Select Seeds in Maine and Korean varieties from Evergreen Seeds in California. Due to the unbelievable generosity of a number of THP members I've also gotten seeds to a wide variety of chiles from around the world. Special thanks to BootsieB, stc3248, romy6, PaulG, SoCalChilehead, joynershotpeppers, highalt, cmpman1974, smokemaster, mygrassisblue, Mister No, chewi, KingDenniz, orrozconleche and most recently and spectacularly, Habanerohead with a great selection of superhots and peppers from Hungary!

There are eleven varieties of Hungarian peppers in here, mostly the early, thick-fleshed, sweet ones that range from white through yellow to purple and red.., plus Aji Lemon Drop, BJ Indian Carbon, Naga Morich, Bishop's Crown and TS CARDI Yellow! Now I just have to go through my seed bank and match the space available to what I want to grow. Thanks Balázs!
Hey, bro, the Omnicolor is really coloring up nice.  Your whole grow
looks great - off to an excellent start!  Hope the rest of the summer
treats you well!
Rick you are kicking into high gear and not looking back, things continue to look more awesome if there is such a thing and I know it’s all your hard work plus attention. Your Krimzon Lee paprika pods look huge, I love it \o/ plus all the others …
If they’re not producing already they’re full of flowers getting ready to produce, is there any one plant that isn’t? If so, I doubt it will be long before she produces for your, awesome grow!
All your foodies look great, I'm now hungry and have to bow out for a few minutes. A few crackers with choco scorp dip should do the trick till dinner.
*Lourens, your detailed description lamb, chicken and Sosaties didn't help me either, you sure know how to hurt me ... hahaha
:dance: plants have really moved into 5th gear, lot's of growth and setting of pods. Your doing an awesome job, Rick  :clap: The 2 Fish plants I have also haven't variegated yet, hopefully now they got feet in soil that will change as with yours.
Well, that certainly wasn't expected... we got about 5 minutes of hail this afternoon when a pop-up thundershower came through.
I couldn't even use Balasz' method to protect them because most of the peppers are too big. Fortunately, the damage was limited to a very few direct hits, and mostly a little collateral twig breakage. Everything is in good shape except for the Tomatillos... if they hadn't been in tomato cages they'd have been on the ground, but as it was, they all got shoved to one side by the wind. I'm thinking now I'm going to have to stake them up to support them better or the next squall will take them out along with the cages. Whew... dodged a bullet...
stickman said:
Well, that certainly wasn't expected... we got about 5 minutes of hail this afternoon when a pop-up thundershower came through...
I couldn't even use Balasz' method to protect them because most of the peppers are too big. Fortunately, the damage was limited to a very few direct hits, and mostly a little collateral twig breakage. Everything is in good shape except for the Tomatillos... if they hadn't been in tomato cages they'd have been on the ground, but as it was, they all got shoved to one side by the wind. I'm thinking now I'm going to have to stake them up to support them better or the next squall will take them out along with the cages. Whew... dodged a bullet...
Wow! crazy spring weather continues....glad you didn't have any real damage!
Ma Nature is using every trick in the book this year!
We caught the edge of that system as well. No hail, but a series of 8 thunderstorms passed by. It was quite the evening.
Glad to hear that the hail didn't completely trash anything. 
PIC 1 said:
Rick your plants are producing well for so early in the season. I like the community garden....its filled up nicely with a variety of goodies.
If your looking for hot weather....then it's on the way. We've had a few days of it and the plants love it.
Great updates !
Thanks Greg! I love this time of year, when the harvest starts coming in. Thanks for the heads-up on the incoming weather pattern. The peppers will make good use of a weeks warm temperatures! :onfire:

PeriPeri said:
Hey, what are you saying - I'll come pick chillies for bananas lol
Ooookaaaay.... but not for peanuts, right? Hey, if you ever do come to Florida, I'd be willing to bet you could sell out there as well!

Bodeen said:
Looking great man.  My fish hasn't variegated yet.  Time will tell if I got a wrong seed or wrong label or if the plants are just being difficult.
Glad to see your pods setting. 
Thanks BD! I hope the same for you... I have to get over there and check out your glog to see how you're doing in the heartland...

PaulG said:
Hey, bro, the Omnicolor is really coloring up nice.  Your whole grow
looks great - off to an excellent start!  Hope the rest of the summer
treats you well!
Thanks Paul, yourself as well! June's been pretty cool and wet for you too, eh?

WalkGood said:
Rick you are kicking into high gear and not looking back, things continue to look more awesome if there is such a thing and I know it’s all your hard work plus attention. Your Krimzon Lee paprika pods look huge, I love it \o/ plus all the others …
If they’re not producing already they’re full of flowers getting ready to produce, is there any one plant that isn’t? If so, I doubt it will be long before she produces for your, awesome grow!
All your foodies look great, I'm now hungry and have to bow out for a few minutes. A few crackers with choco scorp dip should do the trick till dinner.
Thanks Ramon, definitely appreciated brother!
WalkGood said:
*Lourens, your detailed description lamb, chicken and Sosaties didn't help me either, you sure know how to hurt me ... hahaha
He does too! And don't get on the wrong side of his scorpio tendencies, yo ;)

Devv said:
Glad to see things warming up and taking off!
Explosive growth is imminent !
Good job Rick!
Yeah and those foodies:)
meatfreak said:
:dance: plants have really moved into 5th gear, lot's of growth and setting of pods. Your doing an awesome job, Rick  :clap: The 2 Fish plants I have also haven't variegated yet, hopefully now they got feet in soil that will change as with yours.
Thanks guys... I'm having fun, and I hope you are too.
Stefan and BD... I've never grown the Fish pepper before this season, so I won't presume to predict your outcome, but I hope they work out as advertised for both of you.

Devv said:
Wow! crazy spring weather continues....glad you didn't have any real damage!
Ma Nature is using every trick in the book this year!
Agreed brother!

GA Growhead said:
Jamaican Hot chocolates! yum! I don't think mine have set a pod yet!
Glad everything survived the storm. We had a couple storms blow thru today, but just rain. Hail! not good!
Thanks Jay, I'm sure they'll come through for you when they're ready. You've got a sweet growing setup that's well crafted to fit into its local environment. You're gonna get some monsters this year!
I see I'm outta quotes until I get a bump or the clock runs out...
Awesome update Rick ... Excepting the mini hail storm :( I can't believe how that Hot Fish Pepper has bounced into the season ... Nice one. Now fingers crossed the douglah starts greening up and producing as well and I won't feel too guilty that my seeds were bunk ;).
WooHoOOo... MANZANO PODS!!!.. man.. everyones weather needs to get normal.. 88 all week for us.. im scared as my Greenhouse may not be ready for that warm of a weather.. =D
Peptacular said:
Storms beat my caged up plants bad, I can't even imagine what hail would do. Hope everything rebounds well!
Thanks Tay, They seem to have shrugged off the worst of it. When I went outside to check on them once the rain had tapered off I found that they had protected themselves by making their leaves droop straight down from the stems so they presented edge-on to the falling rain and hail and didn't make themselves a wide target. It was actually a little spooky... they say plants don't have brains, but at times like this I sometimes wonder...
One benefit of their defensive move was that I could see all the way down to the soil under the canopy of my in-ground Criolla Sella, and I see that the pods on it are also starting to ripen. So the two plants are getting closer to parity. If any of you ever plant this variety, I see it's really bushy and requires lots of room... maybe even more than the Manzano.
Stefan_W said:
We caught the edge of that system as well. No hail, but a series of 8 thunderstorms passed by. It was quite the evening.
Glad to hear that the hail didn't completely trash anything. 
Glad you dodged this one Stefan. As extreme as your spring has been up to now I wish you more temperate weather.  I've gotta hand it to you for coming back as strong as you have!  :clap: 
Trippa said:
Awesome update Rick ... Excepting the mini hail storm :( I can't believe how that Hot Fish Pepper has bounced into the season ... Nice one. Now fingers crossed the douglah starts greening up and producing as well and I won't feel too guilty that my seeds were bunk ;).
No worries Trippa! The Douglah is the largest of my Chinense plants right now, and I think it's just making sure it's not getting bulls#!**&@ by the weather before it commits. See again my comments to Tay... ;)
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
WooHoOOo... MANZANO PODS!!!.. man.. everyones weather needs to get normal.. 88 all week for us.. im scared as my Greenhouse may not be ready for that warm of a weather.. =D
DeNNiZ my man! Thanks for stopping by bro', shoot, with all the plants you've got in the ground you've really got it going on and I wonder where you find the time to do everything else you do! I'm sure you're on top of your game and will ride out the heat like you have everything else up to now. Cheers!
Glad to read damage was minimal, not sure there's much one can do with large plants in the little time you have to get them ready to avoid falling grenades. We haven't had hail in a long time but when we do it's normally before winter or near tail end ...
Time once again for the Dawn Patrol...
We had 65 degrees and foggy conditions this morning after a warm and very humid night. The plants were really digging it! There were dropped skirts under all the Annuums in bloom. The only holdouts were the runty plants, but they're pushing hard to get there. Even the established Chinense had dropped skirts!
I did a little pruning on the Chiero

Yellow Bhut

Magnum Orange Hab in the overflow garden

Maya Red Habs... both plants


Jamaican Hot Chocolate

And the new pod on the Yellow 7

The Douglah threw out some more green leaves, so I pinched back the old yellow ones.

The second Omnicolor is becoming quite a bush! It's about 3 feet wide and a little over a foot tall. The Older plant is starting to grow outward a bit now too. Eventually, I think these are going to grow together and fuse their crowns into one huge plant!

Here's the ripening Criolla Sella pod on the in-ground plant

There's 10... I'll post another 10 at lunch. Have a great day all!
Dawn Patrol part II
I think I got another 6 inches of vertical growth on the Manzano this morning after the rain the night before.

Antohi Romanians are podding up

The Thai and Black Beauty Eggplants are budding up too, so in a few weeks I should be starting to harvest them. I like Eggplant as much as I do fresh Tomatoes
Thai Eggplant

Black Beauty

Cherokee Purple Tomatoes

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes

Hobak Squash

Pickling Cukes

Collard Greens

I just love this time of year!
The plants look like they laughed at the hail and said bring it on!
Any time it rains they seem to just jump a few inches.
I have to read up on the Criolla Sella, interesting plant!
Glad things are kicking in!