• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Stickman's 2014 Glog- That's all folks!

Hi All,
   I've got Manzanos sprouted and my Bhuts, Lotah Bih and Donne Sali seeds planted so it looks like time to leave 2103 behind and begin to concentrate on 2014. Last year I started some of my late-season varieties right after New Year's Day, but our season was too short to bring the pods to full ripeness so this year I started 2-3 weeks earlier.
Manzano seedlings...

Fruts and Bhuts ;) ...

There are many more varieties yet to plant in the proper turn, and I have 4 overwintered pepper plants from 2013 that I'll report on later. Have a great weekend all!
Stripped plants look good. Glad you're getting out to your beds a bit, even if the weather isn't quite where it needs to be yet.

King Naga looks great! Can't wait to see what he'll do when he gets outside.
I like the stripping experiment, and will be watching for the results.
Here the wind does it for me ;)
I know for sure they will bush out, what I'm interested in is production increased.
Good luck!
Jeff H said:
Nice update Rick. Keep us up to date on the leaf stripping project and how it compares to the non stripped plants.
maximumcapsicum said:
Stripped plants look good. Glad you're getting out to your beds a bit, even if the weather isn't quite where it needs to be yet.

King Naga looks great! Can't wait to see what he'll do when he gets outside.
Devv said:
I like the stripping experiment, and will be watching for the results.
Here the wind does it for me ;)
I know for sure they will bush out, what I'm interested in is production increased.
Good luck!
Thanks guys... this should be interesting. I've gotten somewhat similar results accidentally when I had a gap in the row cover and some of my chiles got partially frosted, but this is the first time I'm doing it on purpose. Jeff (spicychicken) got good results, so I thought I'd try it on a few of my plants too.

Penny said:
Everything's looking great Rick....well done. :dance:
Thanks miz Penny... We only got an inch of snow last night, and tonight it's supposed to get down to at least -6 degrees C... I can only imagine what it's like out your way. Hang on a little longer... spring is coming!
Hey Rick your plants are looking awesome as usual. I will definitely be trimming my young plants this coming season. I will be following your grow with much interest. I have a hunch your Naga King will give you a huge yield. -6 hell, our fridges here in africa don't even go that low lol
GA Growhead said:
The King naga is still a beast!
Hope the snow is gone soon!
Come on spring!
PeriPeri said:
Hey Rick your plants are looking awesome as usual. I will definitely be trimming my young plants this coming season. I will be following your grow with much interest. I have a hunch your Naga King will give you a huge yield. -6 hell, our fridges here in africa don't even go that low lol
Thanks guys for the good vibe guys... I think the King Naga's feeling 'em. :)
It looks like we'll get 5 nights of at or below freezing temperatures until things are supposed to warm back up into the 40s... heck... I'm ready for it!

Here are some of the other "strippers" from this year's grow.



MoA plants are looking a lot better than they did a couple of months ago... much greener and leafier... I up-potted them a couple of weeks ago and they've responded by doubling in size. All 3 are about this size...

The BOC plants are also looking much better right now. I've pruned the lower leaves away below the fork, and it seemed to go a long way toward helping the remaining leaves to green up.

They're also starting to flower up...

The Guwahati Bhut too!

Pimenta Lisa... green phenotype

and Purple phenotype.

And that's 10... more for a bump.
HabaneroHead said:
Amazing plants, Rick!
Thanks Balazs!
Here's a few of your Hungarians...

Sweet Paprika

"Pointed Hot"

And some of the Asians...
Orange Thai


and some Mexicans...
Improved Espanola Anaheim

Jalapeno Coyame

Goat's Weed

Jalapeno Ciclon

A pic of a "non"... the Culantro I started for transplanting when things warm up a lot more...

... And that's 10. Still a few pics of the wild varieties if anyone's interested.
stickman said:
One last "non" pic... this is the Tansy I grew as a companion planting for the veggie garden.

Have a good night all!

Hi Brandon... welcome to the zoo!
Looking good, Rick.
I haven't seen any tanzy growing in ages. When I first started gardening on my own, I used to visit my grandmother on the weekends and pick her brain on plants, herbs , gardening, and old timey stuff. Her mother used to put a little tanzy in the chicken's water to worm them in the spring. It is a toxic plant. It is an aggressive grower (weedy) too and needs management. I think the modern strains may be more garden-friendly though.  I got a start off of hers cause it was still growing along the edge of the garden even though she hadn't thought about it in years. 
Devv said:
All looking nice and healthy Rick!
Can't wait to see them in the dirt, less than two weeks you say?
This weekend I'll finish spading in the leaf mulch/ wood ashes/horse s*** and lay down the IRT plastic mulch to begin warming the soil. We'll see what the extended forecast brings on the weekends after that. If it looks good, I'll plant the Nightshades on the weekend of the 26th... otherwise, they'll go in on the weekend of May 3rd without fail dammit!
JJJessee said:
Looking good, Rick.
I haven't seen any tanzy growing in ages. When I first started gardening on my own, I used to visit my grandmother on the weekends and pick her brain on plants, herbs , gardening, and old timey stuff. Her mother used to put a little tanzy in the chicken's water to worm them in the spring. It is a toxic plant. It is an aggressive grower (weedy) too and needs management. I think the modern strains may be more garden-friendly though.  I got a start off of hers cause it was still growing along the edge of the garden even though she hadn't thought about it in years. 
Good to know about using Tansy to worm chickens... how much did she use for that? I got the seeds for it at Baker Creek, so I think it's an old-fashioned OP variety. My plan for managing it in the garden so it doesn't become invasive is to plant it inside a cut-off piece of 6x12 flue tile that's a bit over a foot long.

I bury it in the ground with about an inch of one end showing and plant inside. Any runners have to go over the top to get outside, and that's when I cut them. This is how I keep mint from becoming invasive too.
44 pages and not even in the dirt, yet? That's crazy!
Glad to see you survived the winter, we really got slammed here. The last of the snow cleared out of of my place a couple weeks ago, other than the dusting we got earlier this week. 
Love the idea with the flue tile, I've been thinking of trying horseradish and that stuff is impossible to get rid of. I'm actually using mint's invasiveness to my advantage, trying to choke out other weeds in a side garden (and I use a ton of mint, so..)