Sorry 'bout the glitch... still learning how to use my new "smart" phone. Sometimes it seems like it's smarter than me... 

Devv said:Plants continue to impress Rick
Dirt day is fast approaching![]()
FreeportBum said:Wow Rick you plants look great! I've been slacking at reading glogs due to the connection being really slow but it looks like it's finally fixed. Looking forward to following along. Cheers
Superhot Sim said:Bossing it Rick, plants are looking stellar my friend, and glad your flowering /podding up on some, really looking forward to seeing these nice healthy plants hitting dirt.
Your on top buddy.
Sent from my VFD 900 using Tapatalk
Devv said:Plants outside woot!
You know I had critters hitting our compost bin; I had some leftover mesh that's used for stucco that works really well. They were eating most everything we chunked in there from the kitchen.
My brother in Ohio heavily mulches his Garlic too. Will it freeze if you don't do that?
Carry on bud!
OCD Chilehead said:You've been busy my friend. Row cover is doing its job. I like the composter. I have that same timer. I love the meter.
Keep up the good work.
tsurrie said:Great work man, that garden looks nice. Now it will be time for the peppers soon, right? Those peppers look like monsters compared to what I've got. Gotta start thinking of narrowing down, a bit larger pots and some better nutes.
It gets pretty hot here on sunny days too. I open up the ends of the row cover before I leave for work to let out excess heat and close it up again an hour before sundown if I can. That way I trap some of the warmth before it really starts to cool off for the night. If I can't do it then, I close it up as soon as I get home.randyp said:Looks good Rick.I would chance a low row setup, but with my hours I would come from work and all would be fried
stickman said:
I'd be happy to start getting pods now Uros, and the Aji Oro is starting to supply them, but the Chinense varieties are likely to drop their flowers until it warms up a bit more here overnight. The daily low temperatures are gonna mostly be in the 40s with the occasional dip into the upper 30s for the next few weeks. They'll need to stay in the 60s consistently for optimum fruit set.
Fortunately, the Pubiscens varieties seem to be less fussy.
Do you have access to liquid nutes for hydroponic growing where you are Uros? I've been having excellent results with General Hydroponics organic series.
tsurrie said:
You will soon have the temperatures they need, I bet the weather will change for the better. General Hydroponics you say? I bet I can get a hold of something similar if not the exact product. I can see I can get a lot even online, FloraMicro series seems like it could work, what do you say?
Will also check the other stores asap. Thanks for the info Rick!
Trident chilli said:Time is closing in Rick for your scheduled plant out ... great to see the plants hardening off and to have pods too ... hope to plant out myself in the next couple of weeks
stickman said:
The FloraMicro series should work for you Uros. I went with the General Organics series because I wanted to give a boost to the soil-dwelling microbes, and it's supposed to be formulated for just that. I certainly can't argue with the results.
I also made a few substitutions to use up some similar products I already had on hand in the same amounts... I used Neptune Harvest fish emulsion instead of General Organics BioMarine and substituted General Hydroponics RapidStart for General Organics BioRoot. I also substituted Fox Farms Tiger Bloom for General Organics BioBud. I absolutely included the optional Black Diamond Humates and added the General Hydroponics ArmorSi which is a solution of Potassium Silicate. The Silicate was supposed to make the plants stronger when they include it in the cell walls and more resistant to disease and insect infestation when they use it to make a waxy cuticle on their outside surfaces. We'll see about those claims when the plants go into the ground, but it does seem to be working as advertised.
tsurrie said:
Damn that's a lot of products but you seem to have it figured out. Will check them all and then decide. What about Chili Focus, have you used that one anytime ?
S'right brother! Just gotta get past a little predicted cold spell tomorrow night and they're going into the ground! I'll hedge my bets by keeping them under the low row cover until we get overnight low temperatures in the 50s... Then the gloves come off.Datil said:All looking lush mate!
Is the Piment Cabri from my seeds?? I forgot what i've sent you
Plant out is around the corner!
Datil said:Is the Piment Cabri from my seeds?? I forgot what i've sent you![]()