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Stickman's 2017 Minimalist Glog

OCD Chilehead said:
Dinner looks fantastic. Is it like Egg-Foo? Batter instead of egg?
randyp said:
5;00am and you found a way for me to be hungry and miss the weekend. ;)
Cheers guys! Chuck, it's a batter made with egg yolks. You can vary the filling to suit your mood or what's available. We love them with shredded Korean summer squash (Hobak), zucchini, ramps, salad shrimp or scallions.   http://www.saveur.com/pajeon-korean-scallion-pancakes-recipe
Trippa said:
In the dirt!! Let's hope mother nature behaves for the next 6 months !!

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I'll second that emotion Tristan! It's been unseasonably cold here the past couple of weeks, but at least not freezing and we've gotten adequate rain. Most of my chiles have jettisoned their large lower leaves and the new growth has greened up. We just need the arrival of warmer weather and some sunny days for them to begin growing again. Cheers!

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stickman said:
Cheers Giancarlo! Any recommendations for good ways to prepare Cavolo Nero? That's gonna be the next big harvest. :drooling:

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Whoops, sorry Rick, i can't help with that one. :P I barely know that it's used on soup.
Not too much to report this Memorial Day weekend... It's been cool and rainy this last week so the plants haven't grown much. If the current weather pattern holds it may be a couple of weeks until things turn around. At least the Trout fishing's good. [emoji2]

A few pics from the garden...

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Devv said:
Now we're talking, the gardens is "all in" and ready to rock. I can't believe it will be June in a few days.
Sounds like our situations are reversed Scott... It was 97 degrees out your way and you can't believe June is only a few days away, while it was 67 degrees here and we HOPE June is only a few days away. [emoji14]

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randyp said:
Our 80 degree weather arrives this week Rick.Liftoff is on the way.
Good on ya Randy! [emoji106] we're probably gonna be a couple of weeks behind you here. Long range forecast has us in the 80s around the middle of June. I'll try not to be too jealous... [emoji6] [emoji2]

Chiles are growing and greening up here, albeit a bit slowly. Herb bed is doing very well and we're set for greens for the rest of the season. Root crops, nightshades and alliums'll take a while longer. I transplanted a couple of green tomatillos just because... [emoji14] The white clover I undersowed with the tomatoes and half the lacinato kale is coming up after the rainy weather of the last few days. Salsify is looking good too. If you've never seen it growing, it has leaves that look like wide-bladed grass and a root like a parsnip but much tastier. Lastly, the horehound I planted last year is looking really nice right now. That's it for today's dawn patrol. Hope you all had a great holiday weekend and will have a great week as well. Cheers!

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Garden looks great, Rick.  You are set for a very productive
season despite the cruddy weather you've had.  I hate it
when those beautiful pampered chili plants go all yellow
and schizo at plant out time!  It's amazing what a few days
of warm sunny weather will accomplish.  Here's hoping you
get some of that sooner rather than later, my friend!  And
that the pod in the second to last set of pix ripens in a hurry!
PaulG said:
Garden looks great, Rick.  You are set for a very productive
season despite the cruddy weather you've had.  I hate it
when those beautiful pampered chili plants go all yellow
and schizo at plant out time!  It's amazing what a few days
of warm sunny weather will accomplish.  Here's hoping you
get some of that sooner rather than later, my friend!  And
that the pod in the second to last set of pix ripens in a hurry!
Cheers Paul! I've always tried to plant a wide variety on the theory that of one thing doesn't do well, then another will. It was a bummer to have the plants go from looking so good to looking so bad in just a few days and then getting stuck in this cold spell for a couple of weeks and having to wait maybe another couple of weeks for it to finally leave. I suppose I should have left the low row covers up over the chiles, but as busy as it's been lately it would have been quite a chore to stay on top of it. I figure that the plants are working on growing out their roots and will shoot up when the weather finally warms.

OCD Chilehead said:
Looks good Rick. I love all the new sprouts. Garden is starting to green up well.

Do I see a couple tomatillos?
Thanks Chuck, they are indeed... just because... ;)