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Store-bought Thai Basil...growing from cutting


This'll rule if it works. :-)

I bought bags of fresh Thai Basil at a local store. Beautiful stuff. So fresh it was near growing still.

So, I thought hmm...I wonder if it would root?

Did some Interwebz research, and found that rooting Basil from a cuttign is dead simple.


So, I did it.

Used a regular styro cup, a nice prime stalk, some clingfilm to keep bugs out and support the stem, and just water with a few drops of peroxide to kill baddies (my tap water sux), and a couple drops of Superthive.

Changed the water out about every other day. If there was any slime/etc. building up on the stem, I washed it off under the tap with lukewarm water.

Light is just a 35W CFL about 3" away.


The Setup.

In less than a week..I saw this...wooohoooo!

Rock on.

I'll let it grow just a while more until there's true roots, than it's dirtnap time 4 ya!

Considering how hard to find and pricey Thai Basil is around here, I'll be in heaven if I can grow some at home.



Hope it works for you but it was easy to grow from seed. Very aromatic, more so than any other basil I've grown. Supposedly, the aroma can even give you a buzz, something like pot.

It can...I've munched on it and ya do get a buzz. Tasty stuff too.

IDK where I'd get seed locally...the only garden store is miles away and I don't drive. I do get a ride to buy food every month though, so it was there. :)
Hi there,

I have been doing something similar to that too. I rooted it in potting mix instead of water. The only basil seeds I can get locally are sweet and bush basil, so I might as well get some fresh stuff. Herbs in Canada is not cheap either, about $3 for an oz.

But I have to say, growing basil is addictive. Next year, you can grow many basil plants with the seeds produce by this one. On the other hand, grocery basil lack varieties (here anyway). There are over a hundred varieties.

These are varieties that I'm going to buy/trade for, maybe next year.
-Pesto Perpetuo (beautiful, productive, long season, non-flowering)
-Genovese (pesto machine)
-Siam Queen Thai Basil (for asian dishes)
-Lemon/Lime/Mrs. Burns/Sweet Dani Lemon
-Minette (a miniature)

You can trade varieties of basil seeds in gardenweb.com
Hope The Cloning goes well for you it looks like it already has! we might have to do a basil swap some day. I have some varieties you might be intersted in!
Well, today the roots were getting a bit tangled, so time to plant!

No pix as would be just a plant in a pot. Pretty sure ya'll can imagine it... ;)

I carefully piled around my usual 3:1 Pro-Mix/Perlite mix with some slow-release TerraCycle worm-poo fert added in a 4x4" container and gave it a good drink.
I love ph0 so I always have thai basil growing. I actually did the same thing on a whim, but simply put a store bought piece into a cup of water and let it sit for a week. It had tiny roots so after a week I just put it in a pot of soil and grew it next to my peppers. I still have several plants growing strong. I sometimes steep some in water for a nice aroma around the house.
Yeah, I first discovered it eating some Pho in a tiny local Cambodian restaurant. They piled on the basil and between that and the chilies ya get bloody stoned. :D
That's how I ended up with my Thai basil too. I have one that's nearly three years old. You can save the seeds at the end of the season or try to keep it alive as a cutting. I'm lucky here, most basil varieties will survive outside and regrow in the spring.