Strange fatalii plant & my plants

sp33d said:
Dude that is one funky stem!!

Nice plants bud..
Thanks dude :) I took a look at your profile, I'm disabled too and like you, I find gardening is really therapeutic.
AaronTT said:
Looks fine to me. Nice fruit set.
Where did you get your greenhouse setup?
Thanks dude. I'm in the uk and bought it here -
I went for the 3meter x 2m x2m thinking that it would be big but you know what it's like, I grew far too many seeds and could'nt get rid of any.
I'm using 36 litre recycled sacks :)
Terravexti said:
Doesn't look like a pepper to me.
leaves are quite different I agree with Terra
Yeah it's really weird.
It was from a packet of fatalli seeds, it was the last to germinate from the packet and didn't really get the loving attention my other plants did.
It was tiny for a long time, when it got bigger I pinned the shoots down to form that 'Y' shape, I'm going to turrn it into a bonchi :)
Actually I just had a closer inspection and it gets weirder there is a really strange flower on top..


I have seen something similar with the stem before, I had a plant last year that where there should have been a triple split, the stems remained fused together.  Had a very . . . laminate appearance, kind of like your stem.  It was also strange looking (the stems throwing off the normal leaf arrangement).  I haven't seen the flower thing before, though.  Your plants/seeds/growing medium been close to any herbicides that could cause polyploidy plants?

PaulS said:
The other side;
That plant looks like it is vomiting flower buds :P
chsy83 said:
I have seen something similar with the stem before, I had a plant last year that where there should have been a triple split, the stems remained fused together.  Had a very . . . laminate appearance, kind of like your stem.  It was also strange looking (the stems throwing off the normal leaf arrangement).  I haven't seen the flower thing before, though.  Your plants/seeds/growing medium been close to any herbicides that could cause polyploidy plants?

That plant looks like it is vomiting flower buds :P
Did the plant you had last year fruit normally?
No herbicides at all here and all the plants were grown together from seed.
It grew really slowly and ended up having a low yield compared to its siblings. I was hoping for the opposite… but yours is already different from mine based on the flowers.