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Super Hot Variations - Comments - 2009

It's pretty intriguing watching all these super hots develop. I've got 65-70 plants in two raised beds (each 4' x 12').

I've got orange 7s (several sources), yellow 7s (three sources), Douglahs, Choc Habalokia, 7 pot crosses (w/Nagas, Scorpions), Chocolate Bhuts, Gt White Hab x Bhut, different Bhut strains from India, 7 pot Jonah, 7 pot Primo strain, and many others. I didn't grow the Morouga Blend, Dorset Naga, Bhut or Bih Jolokia, or regular TS this year. I'm kind of getting super hotted out. lol. I won't grow in this quantity again.

THe 7 pot Primo strain is unique and awesome. Kind of a hybrid between a Scorpion and 7 pot and super pitted. I love it.

Yellow 7s are out of this world from a size and production standpoint. Orange 7s are super productive too. FYI, all the strains Sara has passed to us are huge producers IMO. Real treasures.

THe Chocolate Bhuts are wicked looking too.

These may be inedible to some, but they sure are beauties for the most part.

if you told me five years ago that all these crazy varieties would be available now, I'd have thought yeah sure.

Lastly, I'm growing a Red Savina strain from '01 seed passed along to me from a famous chilehead calendar producer. These are absoluely gigantic pods. They haven't ripened yet, but this plant is a huge producer of massive pods. This ain't your typical Caribbean Red lookalike reported as a Red Savina. I'm looking forward to tasting it as I never believed what went around as the Red Savina was true to form. :)

Fun stuff.

Thanks AJ, well except for the pure pain you put me through. It took 10 minutes to feel my tongue tonight. lol. These are baby size compared to some other yellow 7s on other plants. I shudder in fear of some of these. I've never seen such large pods on C. Chinense I swear. Freaks of nature!



Patrick, I didn't take any pics of the raised beds recently. They are not too impressive compared to what you see here from AJ, PRF, and others. :) Considering how horrid the season started, I'm not complaining at all. I'm thrilled some pods set and I'll get a crop. My goal was to preserve varieties and collect seeds and it's going well. Some of these I wouldn't have gotten the chance to grow again.
great looking pod Chris...I have 5 yellow 7 plants and have only gotten 2 or 3 pods total so far...they are simply gorgeous plants and hopefully when the weather cools a bit, they will start mass production...
One of the yellow 7s (nice one pod-wise) has 75-100 monster pods. I get worried the plant stem will crack soon. THis one plant just has better genetics than the others as production is 3-4x more and pod size is 2x bigger at minimum. Interesting.

No pics of the Primo 7 pots yet....they are buried in a forest of plants. lol. When they ripen, I'll take some pics. They're fun to gaze it. They almost seem to be saying 'I double dare you to bite into me sucka.'
Just a question.

Since you're raising so many different varieties in such a compact location, won't they cross pollinate and then your seeds are not true to the original?
Ratdz said:
Just a question.

Since you're raising so many different varieties in such a compact location, won't they cross pollinate and then your seeds are not true to the original?

There is a risk unless you isolate plants or flowers.
They can cross, but I must say I've had very high success rates with varieties coming true over the years from my own saved seed. I just don't have the time to bag every blossom. Growing to me is a hobby. If I went commercial, of course I would have to take more precautions (unles you're Pepper Joe). Most people I send seed to show pics of the true strains I sent them.

I grow my peppers close together but you just have to be smart when you pick a pod to save seed from. Pick the perfect looking pod and open it up and if there are just a few seed or if they look dark off color in any way get rid of them. A pod that contains true seed is usually loaded with a bunch of tan colored seeds in a cluster of the placenta. Pretty AJ yellow 7 Pot pod Chris, I have a couple plants that got late starts. I just learned a lesson of don't judge a chili by how it looks. Got 1 seed to sproat of a Brown 7 Pod directly from Sara. The pods have an almost chocolate long skinny look to them but I cut up a couple for seed and was so intrigued by the color of the inside, not like other chocolates that have a reddish tone. This was yellow placenta and top of a beautiful brown so I had to try. Put a couple slivers on a slice of pizza. 20 minutes later I'm finally able to type, lips and mouth were melted to liquid mush. Tongue has an metal taste all over and is tingly. Glad I didn't just throw this pepper in the freezer. Chalk another badass 7 pod in my stables. Here is how they look Brown 7 Pod.
Thanks Chris, thought I was missing something spectacular.

I would love to get a couple of seeds from that massive yellow monster you're growing.

Cappy you and your wicked 7's. If there's a chance for a couple of seeds from your new chocolate one I would like to get in line for a couple of them too.

Great growing you guys.
These look like they want to deliver some hurt to...

The yellow TS has a funny story. It's not the same as the CARDI strain I grow. Years ago I sent seed from a Red TS across the world to a chilehead who grew out a mutant yellow one...it's stablized and not three years in a row ripened yellow. I got seeds for it last year. Funny how the heat spreads around, huh?





Great pics, plants and pods all look nice and dark green. The Primo 7 Pot strain scares the hell out of me crazy skin texture and the pointy tail. Cannot wait for the full report. The Yellow 7 Pot from Neil is like the pinnacle of peppers. Just doesn't get any prettier than than. I hope those peppers turn the bright yellow that we saw on Sara's pod. You will have lots of fruits to harvest in due time looking at your plants, I like how the torch gets passed around as pods ripen in different climates. Thanks for the pics of the great peppers from your garden Chris.:cool: