Not sure if I'd call this 7 Pot a true orange, but pretty. The orange / yellow tint can be hard to tell as it's almost a mix of the two. I just retain the name provided to me when I get seeds.
very impressed. How was the heat on the choc big bang naga? do you cross these yourself. would love to see your garden shots if you got em. what is the hottest pepper you have delt with soo far? awesome photos/pods.
No, I don't cross them myself Noshownate. The suppiers of the seed are credit with that!
IMO, the hottest so far is the Douglah, but it's so hard to tell at this level.
I didn't taste Big Bang Chocolate yet. I had no taste buds left that night after sampling a few others.
Below is the mother lode of pods. I'm going to go out on a limb and say of all C. Chinense pods I've grown over the years, nothing comes close to the beauty and size of this monster. I'm growing many other yellow 7 pots, but this particular plant has some real freakish genetics obviously. The pods are 2-3x as large, the plant produces 2-3x as much. WOW!!!
This should take away any doubt as to if HippySeedCo's seed stock is good. lol. If you put one of these whole in your mouth, you've got my respect!!!
The picture says it all. Pure heat and pain. There are so many beautiful Chocolate pods, but this one stands out in my eyes. It's amazing. Talas' Chocolate Habalokia is awesome too!