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Superhot Flavor

In my opinion the superhot I like best is the:

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They are likely from the same genetics but have adapted to different geographic locations and have gained their own characteristics. There have been many trials that show differences in size, productivity, and number of pods per node.
They are likely from the same genetics but have adapted to different geographic locations and have gained their own characteristics. There have been many trials that show differences in size, productivity, and number of pods per node.

Damn good answer.

The one I haven't tried is the fatali, now the hands down leader! I have some seeds for next year. Next year I have Fatali, 7POT, and assorted non-bullet habs on deck.
I was talking to armadillo too! I told him that members are happy to send seeds, you stepped up to the plate 5 seconds later and proved my point, I then congratulated my self in a most undeserved manner for my sheer dumb luck of being proven right!

Then you prove me even righter....(?:() by offering to send me seeds!!

Thanks! I have all I need.
I voted for Fatelli -- The sauce from these peppers kick my ass (in a good way) nice flavor I plenty of dried ones this year so I will be experimenting with powders in the Belly Rub
I have never actually rubbed my belly after something tasty, but maybe that is the reference.

In other news: At least we finally have some evidence that superhot peppers have saved lives!
cheezydemon said:
I would trade for seeds here Armadillo. Even if you have none to trade, members are incredibly willing to help.

Chiliac said:
I can send some with the sauce, no problem!

cheezydemon said:
:cool:I'm good!!:beer:

Chiliac said:
I was actually talking to Armadillo! :hell: Not that I wouldn't send some to you if you were in need, though!

cheezydemon said:
I was talking to armadillo too! I told him that members are happy to send seeds, you stepped up to the plate 5 seconds later and proved my point, I then congratulated my self in a most undeserved manner for my sheer dumb luck of being proven right!

Then you prove me even righter....(?:lol:) by offering to send me seeds!!

Thanks! I have all I need.

Hey Cheezy! Thanxs for the hint! But Chiliac and me already started some trading.
this being the 1st year having fresh fatalii's, I'll have to say I've found a new favorite! the flavor is great + the heat.

billyboy said:
Its the pepper I always get newcomers to try first as their introduction to the "Super Hots"... always leaves them speechless

its funny you say this, a buddy of mine is kinda into hot chiles not a full blown chilehead yet but its only a matter of time now :)
I've given him some milder chiles before & he says they're "hot" & I laugh, well I gave him 2 fatalii pods the other day.
told him what they are.

a day later he says "I cant believe a hot chile could have such a flavor like that, it was good, but damn it was hot, I was sweating for 30 min." :lol:

imaguitargod said:
Still can't believe you didn't list Red Savina....

cheezydemon said:
I don't consider the red savina a superhot, nor any hab. We can discuss it though.

then what about a caribbean red ?
but I saw somewhere a fatalii isnt really a super hot either when you compare SHU's, they were talking fataliis were tops only 300,000 SHU range (maybe I misread it or ?)
fataliis are just like any other really hot habanero.
Good info CH!

I have not read up on them, several here had listed them in the top 5 heatwise, I took that as good.

I'm glad I listed it though, it seems to be a favorite among those who know their stuff.