• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

Support Our THP Military Members

To say the least, Thank you for your service Matt.

Be safe and get back soon buddy. We'll all be missing you.

Just warning you... Your Wife might be giving you an ear full about this "Brandon Lloyd" guy sending too many F***n bubblemailers while your gone :lol:
Once a Marine, Always a Marine. God Bless you Matt and the Marines that you will serve with. Ooh Rah Devil Dog.
Leaving March 26th. for training at Ft. Jackson.....then on to Bagram, Afghanistan. Seems like a long time away...

It isn't! :P

Gonna be traveling to the FOBs to instruct on DEMIL and scrap management. As an E6, it sounds like a pretty good gig.
Pauly, when you know your addy, forward it to Rocketman, never know what might show up in the mail~ ;)
Didn't know you were Navy Paul!!! Whatcha do for us in the reserves buddy? Your description sounds Ordy to me. Active duty Mineman here...currently training some of your reserve brothers and sisters in what it is to be a Chief! You may be next!
U.S. Navy veteran - Vietnam Era here; my dad was U.S. Army - Korea...I guess it runs in the family. Back in the day, the only CARE packages we ever got was from our immediate families, if at all. Glad to see the massive support from everyone...makes me proud to have served & even prouder to salute those who currently serve in this "awkward" political era when it's way more uncool to be among the few who have that sense of duty to their country. If only more understood that freedom isn't free & that someone has to be willing to fight for it. If only they could realize that:

"...A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard or reserve - is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to, & including their life" - all so that our people could enjoy the freedoms they have as American citizens..."
I had a message from Matt this evening. he is on the ground safe and sound. Because of the operational nature of his unit we are going to be holding his address to just those mention in the first post. If anyone would like to send him anything from some snacks to just a letter of support please contact one of us and we sill make sure that you are connected with the next one sending so that your addition can be included. I'm sure that there are some others that will hear from him directly. We would only ask that you remember to keep any personal information between the two of you, but let us know how he's doing plus I'm sure he'll be in here to make some posts.

Have a great weekend everyone.
I'll probably get banned for saying this, but....

In putting together a couple boxes for the AnySoldier thing, I picked up some Tapatio's at the dollar store. I also picked up some soy sauce and Worchestershitshire sauce...(also for $1 each)...just on the wild thought that some people might like something other than hot sauce. :eek: (God Forbid!) And since it was right there, I grabbed the garlic powder and some other kind of seasoned salt. Anything for the food~~~~
Ann, there's a special place in Heaven for you and yes it's stocked with the good brand of Box Wine :)

Hey Y'all, I had a PM from Matt today. With the limited amount of time he can get online right now he asked me to post it to his Farewell Sauce thread under the Hot Sauce Threads. He also posted a great story to romey6's Glogso, go check them out and then come back here and leave him a message.

Ann I think that was very thoughtful of you, we are sending products to enhance food flavor and if we only send spicy products I'm sure there will be a decent amount of soldiers that are left out of the food enhancement. Thanks for sharing this because I have reflected on it and it will influence what we put in our care package, whichni will try to make more inclusive!

Xo Nicole
Matt's September care package is going out today at lunch. :cheers:

I'm really glad to see this is getting traction after my failed attempt a while back ( http://thehotpepper.com/topic/27338-anysoldiercom-hot-sauce-and-you/page__hl__anysoldier )

I may have been too new here to get people's attention, so I'm stoked that it's gaining momentum.

Also agree about putting anything (even Tapatio) into care packages - for my monthly anysoldier package I usually solicit friends for paperback books, hand-held games, etc. Soldiers have a lot of down-time too, and boredom kills the spirit. don't underestimate the value of a paperback book - if you use flat rate shipping the book weight won't matter, and it's not like these folks have a library to go to. Playing cards, an old domino set, small cribage board - anything to help them kill time.

just more ideas - after doing this for years I've received loads of feedback from friends/family who have served.
Hey whats up everyone! I have a few spare minutes, and as Bill has so kindly put it, I have been "stalking" the forums a bit lately. It is just so hard to get in and out! I find myself going in for a quick post here, or there, and next thing you know, it is 3 am and I have to be up in a few hours to douse my breakfast with some of Bill's delicious hot sauce or Jamies powder. Not to be redundant (you can read the whole story in Jaimes log), but you should have seen the kid's face. He will NEVER question the power of some red powder in a little baggy again....:rofl: :rofl:

Things have been going well here, only been in country for a few weeks and I realized I was definitely wrong about one thing. I used to joke with my wife that I was semi-looking forward to deploying so I can actually get a full night of sleep.....after a few short weeks I am banging my head against the wall and wishing for 7 hours and 1 midninght baby crying for his passy wakeup! lol! I am not gonna lie, things have gotten MUUUUUCH better since the eras that the above vets have posted about. Even though I am in the middle of nowhere, I still seem to get a decent internet connection and enough midnight bandwith to face time with the wife and kid. It is worth every penny, and believe me, they are making a killing off of the service. I was pretty worried at first about leaving a 6 month old and him not remembering me when I get back, but I swear to you, every time my face is on the screen he just gravitates to it and doesn't stop laughing and talking. The only problem is that he speaks Latin, and I do not, so he could be cursing me for being away...oh well, I guess I need to invest in Rosetta Stone. :)

I have been spreading the pepper love here, and everyone already knows me as the pepper guy. The first time I walked into the chow hall and sat down with my plate, broke out a bottle of homemade sauce and doused my food, I can't seem to keep people away from it! It is like they gravitate to the "special sauce" and powder and before I knew it, there was sneezing and sweating everywhere! I have told just about everyone I met about this place and how awesome the people are, and they are amazed. I think my Captain is more excited about the pkgs than I am! He literally makes asks me 3 or 4 times a day to bring the sauce or powder to chow. I finally just gave him a bag and now he carries it in his jacket pocket and it goes on EVERYTHING. I even saw him sprinkling a little bit into his protein shake. :crazy: to each his own!

But anyways, not to end on a sad note, but if you have been following the news, one of our bases was attacked and we lost a few Marines. It kinda puts things into perspective and makes me greatful for every day I have and the people that are around to support us. I find that even those that disagree with the wars, and policy in general, still support the troops. The support is overwhelming and I thank God every day for it. It is funny how waiting for a simple bottle of hot sauce makes getting up each day an adventure.

Thanks again and Ill be back around shortly.


they really should have a :hotsaucecheers: emoticon!
Matt, I'm very glad to hear from you and to know that wasn't your camp that was attacked. Believe me, I pray for the safety of our troops every night and when I hear the reports of our losses I pray for the families and for those upon whom it falls to have to deliver that news. As LDHS said

Stay Safe Brother :BOLD!
I have been spreading the pepper love here, and everyone already knows me as the pepper guy. The first time I walked into the chow hall and sat down with my plate, broke out a bottle of homemade sauce and doused my food, I can't seem to keep people away from it! It is like they gravitate to the "special sauce" and powder and before I knew it, there was sneezing and sweating everywhere! I have told just about everyone I met about this place and how awesome the people are, and they are amazed. I think my Captain is more excited about the pkgs than I am! He literally makes asks me 3 or 4 times a day to bring the sauce or powder to chow. I finally just gave him a bag and now he carries it in his jacket pocket and it goes on EVERYTHING. I even saw him sprinkling a little bit into his protein shake. :crazy: to each his own!

Where are you stationed? My son is at MCAS New River and lives in Jacksonville, NC
MGOLD is overseas, but his address is not public information for security reasons. When he checks back in here (he checks in when he can), he'll likely respond to your post directly, just wanted to let you know what's up if you don't hear from MGOLD right away.
Whats up everyone! I have been in and out for the past week or so but really haven't had enough time to post. I got an amazing package from LDHS earlier this week and if I can just get the damn restrictions lifted, I would post a picture. But until that happens, let me try my best to describe the awesomeness that came.

Let me caveat this with, I was running low on sauce and powder. I had about half a baggie of Jamie's hell dust, and a bottle or so of some stuff that I brought with me. So this package was timed perfectly! LDHS sent me sauce, some pickled peppers, stickers, AND TSHIRTS!! He sent over a bottle of LDHS Green, two Red, and two Orange, AND some Unlucky Squirrel sauce. It was even the perfect time during the day, right before dinner! So I grabbed a bottle of sauce, and headed off to chow. The sauce was a great addition to the "meat", as it added a bit of firey garlic to it. I have since had it on eggs, meat, and plain noodles. The guys who won't come near the powder or the crazy hot sauce just down this stuff, and they are even starting to branch out and ad a "pinch" of some powder here or there. Honestly, this stuff is packed with flavor and has enough heat to get ya going. I am going to try the Orange label tomorrow, which is the hottest of the three. I am really looking forward to breakfast!

Also, he sent over a few shirts, and I am thinking of creative ways to choose who gets them. They are definitely a hit and everyone wants one, so whatever I choose I am sure I will have max participation.

Hopefully I can get the net restrictions lifted so I can upload photos soon. Thank you so much LDHS and Bill for organizing it. It means so much to me and the guys.
