SV's 2010 Garden List

Homegrown purple onions, sliced baby carrots, garlic, black peppercorns and Allspice.

Last night I made a batch of Rasberry Habanero jam, I was conservative with the heat but it tastes good. Next time I will double the Hab's, I want more than a tingle, I want a bite!
I am seeing some pods on a few of the mystery peppers now, the unknown is actually cool :D

I cut some Yaupon stakes a few days ago that are 3/4"-1" in diameter and 4'-5' long. I staked up all of the peppers because the older plant are shading the late starters and I am glad I did, we have a nasty storm coming in and it is windy as all hell.



Different plant, same type of pod.


Top of the plant, Hungarian Wax???


Bottom pod, same plant.


Looks like a Cayenne of some type.

I went through my seeds tonight to bag some for trade and I don't have any labeled De Arbol or Hot Banana...okay by me, they have a good flavor and they are hot too.
I am sure ya'll are tired of the same old photo but I am posting this shot to show the scale of the Tabasco, Orange Scotch Bonnet, Fatali and 7-Pod in the background. I propped my fat lazy Lab in the photo for scale, and he is big!

Most all of my peppers have lost their heat. Of all the varieties that are still producing, only the Fatali, 7-Pot, Tabasco and an orange cayenne type have any heat. I think this is due to the heat of summer but I am really not sure.

Friday I did some massive pruning, some on top but mostly the perimeter of the beds so I could get around the plants to harvest.

I will post an updated photo later.

The Leaf Footed bastards are back so I will spray next weekend of possibly tonight if I have time. I leave tomorrow for a 1600 mile tour of Texas to photograph buildings for a presentation.

I may throw down another application of Osmocote and harvest the remaining peppers to get the plants working on a new batch.

I am open to any advice or ideas.
Peppers losing their heat confuses the hell out of me. Are you watering too often? Stress them some, maybe that will get the heat in gear.

Have a safe trip, sounds like fun.
I just found your thread SV. How did the pods end up looking on that hairy plant you almost threw away? I ask because I have an Onza plant that has the same hairy character and looks very similar. Perhaps that is what it is.
Peppers losing their heat confuses the hell out of me. Are you watering too often? Stress them some, maybe that will get the heat in gear.

Have a safe trip, sounds like fun.

It is very strange Patrick. I have watered them when the heat wilted the plants, every 2-3 days.
I just found your thread SV. How did the pods end up looking on that hairy plant you almost threw away? I ask because I have an Onza plant that has the same hairy character and looks very similar. Perhaps that is what it is.

Silver Surfer ID'd the plant as Goat Weed.

The plant is just about dead from lack of water but it did produce about six pods.