SV's 2010 Garden List

I have a new issue that is affecting the Habaneros and Lumbre fruit, the bottom of the pepper is turning black on a few fruits and they are dropping off the plant. I searched "turning black" and "black tips" and did not find an answer.

There also do not appear to be enough fruit on any single plant except for the Hab's that have about 20-20 each.

I ated a Tobasco yesterday and that sucker was pretty hot to me, hotter than the green Hab's for sure.
Silver Surfer beat me to it, but I agree that it is BER too. After you add some calcium it should clear up. You might want to hit up a local hydro shop and pick up a calcium supplement there. Just make sure not to over dose or dose too heavy when you first start applying it. In the future you can even crush up egg shells and sprinkle it in and on the soil to help. Bone meal helps but it is a slower release and won't help you with your immediate problem.
I Google'd BER and that looks like the issue, thanks!

I hope it's not too late to save some fruit, I have pleny of Hab's but the super-hots only have a few fruit on each plant.
The plants are all doing ok, they are wilted by the time I get home from work and by morning looking pretty good. If they are still wilted in the morning I have been turn the soaker hose on for about 30-60 minutes and again in the afternoon for about 1-2 hours. I may be wrong but the plants seem quite large and the fruit production low, I didn't think I over-fertilized but it's possible.

The six Habanero plants are loaded with fruit but I have only had about six ripen, out of those six, only two have been un-blemished, the others have had black spots or holes. They are more horizontal that I would like but after the really heavy rains and wind that toppled all my plants I was concerned about breaking the stems if tied them up to vertical.


The Tabasco plants are doing great, I am really looking forward to these changing color. I ate a green one a week ago and that sumbitch was a LOT hotter than I anticipated; in fact, it seemed far hotter than the green Habanero that I tried at the same time. The Hot Cherry is flanked by the Tabasco's on each side.


I really don't know what I have here, I am posting some pepper shots on the board for some help with identification.

I filled a gallon ice cream tub with Orange Hab's tonight, also plucked one Fatali and noticed there are two orange Tabasco's so the plant should look real colorful in a week or so. Those Tabasco's are hot but not a lot of taste to me anyway. Here are some updated pic's of the Hab's with a crazy amount of pods, the best side of the three Tabasco's, a shot of the Orange S Bonnet's and some pickled peppers I canned (jarred? :D) this weekend.




Thanks :D

Sunday I pulled this plant up by the roots and was headed to woods and just happened to notice what looked like a little pod. It is almost 5' tall and totally different than every other plant so I planted it in a five gallon bucket and watered it good. It is very soft looking, light green and very fuzzy. If anyone has a clue what it is let me know, I thought it was a weed :D

I have only posted recent photos of one side of the garden so I took photos of the other side with the mystery plants. Since it just looks like a mass of GREEN I will wait for some pods to develop and then post some pictures. At least two of the plants have purple flowers.


The little guy that saved the plant...

The six Orange Habanero's plants are still in overdrive, they were labeled orange but they are definitely red. The Tabasco is full with pods but they are slow to ripen, same with the Bulgarian Carrot, Fatali and T. Scorpion. The Orange Scotch Bonnet is producing plenty of pods so everyone that asked for seeds will get them.

Pic' of the day...

thats a beginning harvest to be proud of! I know im jealous. Looking forward to seeing some more pics. Looks like some interesting pickled peppers, what do you have in there?