• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

synclinorium's 2012 Grow Log

I haven't actually started seeds yet, but it will be happening in the very near future... this year's growing season will almost certainly be cut short for reasons I won't go into, so I'm trying to avoid going crazy seed starting... think of this as a healthy start on my overwinters for the year.

I've narrowed down my grow list to the following for 2012. With a couple exceptions I only plan on doing 1 or 2 of each variety, and some might be cut for space reasons, TBD. The superhots will be going into the trays as soon as I get my supplies, with the rest following shortly afterwards. My setup is slightly less ghetto than last year, but don't expect anything too fancy. Anyway, the selection, including any overwinters that make it to plant-out:

7Pod Brain Strain Yellow
Aji Amarillo (3 strains)
Bonda Ma Jacques/Datil/Fatalii
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia
Cumari/Cumari Pollux/Cumari o Passarinho in some combination
Prik chee fa/Prik ki nu
Red Rocoto
Trinidad Scorpion BT
White Habanero
Wiri Wiri

Considering the fact that this growing season will be short, I didn't really want to bother with more pubescens or baccatums aside from my overwinters, and the wilds and superhots I'm just doing for fun. I'll probably do several more Aji Amarillo plants than the rest, as they are mild enough that my housemate uses them on a regular basis, so I won't feel bad about leaving plants with her.

I'm also open to suggestions for other varieties. I'd like to have as broad a flavor profile as possible without turning my entire backyard into a pepper garden (not that I would have an issue with this if I owned property, but I don't think my current landlord would appreciate it...)
Several different serrano strains out there...we get some that look each way in the stores.

Your plants look FANTASTIC. You once again have me jealous from Socal, which is hard to do! Great job on your start! Bravo!

Oh yeah...and TOP!
Thanks! And nice looking serranos. I love seeing the variability among a single variety.

Like I mentioned, I have two strains of White Hab, one that is a bit larger (I'd say 2 centimeters on average) and with the typical irregular Habish appearance, and the other is round and TINY. The former has only just started producing, so here's my modest harvest from today, one single Wiri Wiri pod in the lower left, with a bunch of Datils and the White Habs for a size comparison. I think I'll keep growing them out to see if I can get something larger (at least Wiri-Wiri sized). As it stands, they're a pain to harvest, but I do like how the plants look when they're in full production mode.

Although it would be a ton of work...a bunch of those dried and in a pepper mill along with some peppercorns would make a great table seasoning! The pequin variety I have going are beautiful plants. Low, bushy...almost vinelike, but the pods are less than 1/4 of the size of the habs in your pic. About the size of an airsoft BB...hmmmm.
Although it would be a ton of work...a bunch of those dried and in a pepper mill along with some peppercorns would make a great table seasoning! The pequin variety I have going are beautiful plants. Low, bushy...almost vinelike, but the pods are less than 1/4 of the size of the habs in your pic. About the size of an airsoft BB...hmmmm.

My thoughts exactly. I usually just dry them and grind them up, or toss a few diced fresh into food. Since they're so small it's easy to control the amount of heat. These wouldn't be such a trouble to harvest if not for the fact that they are firmly attached to the calyx. I've been wanting a plant with white upright pods, so this will probably be my main crossing endeavor. I'm thinking White Hab as one of the parents and either Pequin, Bolivian Small Red, or Mini Mini as the other parent, just to see what happens. I guess I could also try the Wiri Wiri, but they're so similar I don't think it would result in anything too exciting.
Ha, so I go back out this afternoon and it seems this heat is causing almost every pepper on the plants to ripen. So, another brief update is in order.


7Pot Brain Strain Yellow.
Smooth skinned, but early pods are often wonky.



I also got very excited when I saw the Datil cross ripened. Still not positive it's a cross, but I think this is a bit extreme for even an early pod. In a case of whodunnit, I probably should have waited to see if it ripened to red, but I'm fairly positive the White Hab is the father again. In an interesting twist, the pod was all flesh and no seeds. Taste is similar to the Datil.

Second pic is a size comparison between the Datil cross, White Hab, and Tepin. Interesting thing about the White Hab I never noticed before, the calyx looks almost identical to the Tepin, though this may be circular logic as I'm fairly positive the Tepin is actually a Tepin x White Hab.

Moral of the story: keep your White Habs away from your other plants...


C. eximium C01225 pod. Strange pod habit on this one. The chileman database says that it comes from Egypt, but other than that I have very little info.


Closing shot of the Aji... okay I should just call them Aji Habaneros as I'm 90% sure that's what they actually are. The Aji Amarillos are taking their sweet time, so it'll be a while before I can do a taste comparison.
Your Tepin is about 4x the size of any of mine. That's a cool pic! Are the plants close enough together or in containers where you could snap a pic of all three together??? Great stuff!
Your Tepin is about 4x the size of any of mine. That's a cool pic! Are the plants close enough together or in containers where you could snap a pic of all three together??? Great stuff!


The pods on the tepin cross are a little bigger than the mother, but not by much. Here's a pic of the three, tepin on the left (who needs to get in the ground or in a pot soon, though I'm out of buckets), White hab in the middle, Datil cross on the right. The Datil cross is substantial but very few pods have set, considering there were no seeds in the first pod I'm wondering if this is some sort of self-incompatibility issue. Don't know why it would be, but who knows.


Here's a shot of all of the plants in pots... I have just as many in the ground.
Synch, your grow is really progressing nicely. I love the pod pics, and
the lush, dense growth of your plants!

I used Serranos last year in my salsa, and also to make pepper jelly. You better come up with a plan for them though, because they are extremely productive!
I pickled a bunch last year; not too bad.

Sync, my Serano's look different - shorter, fatter. Kind of like a stunted - more even - jalapeno.
My Serranos are over 2' tall in 6" pots, and they were both pinched back under the lights.
Otherwise they would be even taller already. Last year my serranos grew quite a bit over 3'.
The Early Jqalapenos are more like JRC describes.
Hey, new question. Those "self watering" planters in the front row. Any problems with them holding too much moisture? I just put one of my Manzanos in one, but I took the pan out from underneath to ensure good drainage. Wondering if I should put it back on if its working for you.
I never worried about it. I'm sure it's not good for them to be sitting in water after it rains, but in the summertime the pans dry up so quickly that I don't think it matters. In the spring and the fall it might be worth taking the pans off.
It occurs to me I grow way too many yellow and orange podded plants. The Chocolate Bhuts are still small so it'll be a while before they do anything...



Brain Strain Yellow again. The later pods are looking a bit nastier than the early ones. I can't get a good picture, but they have the sort of pimpling I was expecting.


Trinidad Scorpion F1 cross again. This is just a fun plant. Gets loaded up with elongate irregularly shaped pods. The seller tells me that Ecuadorian Devil's Breath is the likely father, and I concur with that after looking at his pictures. Heat is on the high end of Habs, I'd say, though I haven't tried one straight yet... my housemate made some chili with these last year and threw about 10 of them into the pot, it was nearly inedible for my heat tolerance at the time, and if you were unfortunate enough to bite into one of these... pain. They still have the extreme pungent aroma that the Devil's Breath is known for.
Made my first batch of sauce for the year, 28 Datils put to good use. Should at least have Datil seed to go around now... non-isolated of course. I think half the fun of trading seeds is the occasional surprise, so I don't usually bother to isolate (unless I'm breeding out crosses), and I don't expect it of anyone else.



While working on this I was drinking some of this stuff. Grabbed it while shopping at the Co-op today, never saw it there before... surprisingly tasty, with a nice little kick from the capsaicin extract. "Serve neat for maximum spice."

Quick update; weather has cooled off considerably so I don't think the plants will do much for a couple days... still, I'm hoping a few more Rocoto pods will set given the opportunity.


Our continental climate is very unforgiving for Rocotos, unfortunately, and I keep them around mainly as a novelty plant...


Haven't given this guy much attention, but my Limon overwinter is going gangbuster... may be difficult to see, but I think the pods have as much surface area as the leaves at this point.


Another shot of my weird Datil with the tiny pod(s). So far only the one has set, with about 3 dozen failed attempts. Very odd.


These Aji Habanero are extremely prolific...


C. eximium C01225 pod. Considering this plant has white flowers, this is just an oddball all around.


I had a couple extra 7Pot plants so I stuck 'em in the ground... they seem to be enjoying themselves.


Butch T is also looking happy.
Great progress Synclinorium! Love the white habs too. Interesting find on the Promethius Springs. I'll have to check around for that.

Good season to you
Few more pics of the Trinidad Scorpion cross because it amuses me.



Pods were nowhere near as gnarly last season, pretty much confirming the mother. Ebay seller, partially redeemed.


Shot of the cross in the foreground with the Butch T in the back.


Now THAT's a Brain Strain (Yellow)!
Just the one I took earlier:


The Datil is on the left. It's from last year's saved seed, so I'm assuming it's either crossed with the White Hab or Tepin. I'll wait and see what the other pods look like, but so far nothing else has set.
Yeah...I thought you were talking about that one. Nothing like my Wild Brazil...back to guessing white hab daddy on that one! Everything is still looking great sync!
A couple more shots of the Scorpion cross. This plant is growing on me- I almost didn't overwinter it last year assuming I'd just been plain ripped off, but the seller allayed the worst of my fears (course, you can only trust an ebay seller about as far as you can throw them). Hoping that some of my mystery seed this year are F2s, if not, that'll go on the list for next year.

I mentioned that Ecuadorian Devil's Breath is the suspected father, but I can't confirm this as I've never growth them. Supposedly they have a pungent aroma, a trait shared by the cross. In the interest of not wasting bandwith, here's some pics and description for the plant:

Refining Fire Chiles

Here's a shot of an 'inny' and an 'outy'



Some of them realllly want to do stingers, but I don't know if it's going to happen.