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So, I couldn't wait until February to plant the seeds I got from Alan so I planted one of each to grow indoors for the winter with the Idea of hopefully getting some ripe pods by January to harvest seeds out of to plant in February (and trade ;-).

I planted one of each:

Trinidad Scorpion Red
Yellow Scorpion Cardi
7 Pot Jonah
7 pot Chocolate

I will post pics up once I get something to sprout. Since I am obviously not doing a full tray, I just have them in 4 cells and I cut those away from the rest of the cells on the tray insert, and have them in a tupper ware container (raised off the bottom of the container to allow for drainage) covered lightly with cling wrap and set on my heat pad. I also filled a 5th cell with just soil, no seed, and have the sensor for my digital thermometer inserted into that cell to keep an eye on the soil temp. Im going to try to keep the soil around 80*F to 85*F. And I am keeping them in my bedroom instead of my grow room so I can keep a closer eye on them.
Its a little bit of a makeshift operation compared to normally growing with the whole operation in the grow room but its only 4 seeds and is only temporary so I might as well keep them upstairs with me :-)

Wish me luck!

Good luck Troy. Tis' a frustrating hobby this pepper growing! lol Stay at it! Good post BTW, very informative and well writen.
I never cover my seeds after I plant them. I just keep my eye on them and mist them with a little water if the soil starts to dry out.

It does seem like you have everything under control so far and I hope they all do well for you. One thing for sure, if you should have any questions about growing you'll be able to get the answers right here.

I dont cover mine up either. I lightly water and spray whenever needed. Usually once a day. As my country is quite hot during the day. I just sowed my 7 pot and scorp seeds a few days before you.

Good luck.
No sense waiting. :lol: I just sowed a few more seeds the other day that I got in a trade. 8 out of 12 already came up after 6 days. Of course, I plan on growing a few plants inside over the winter seeing as how I may not get any of these to ripen before then, but that's OK. :lol:

Good luck!
I took the covers of my trays this spring too to help avoid damp off which has never really been an issue either but it also avoids accidentally smashing a seedling when putting the cover back on. I just had to watch them a little closer to keep them from drying out. I may just uncover these too. Thanks again everyone.!!
Well, I removed the cover. All is well so far and the soil is staying a steady 82.9*F Which is pretty much a perfect temp for germination of most varieties.
Best of luck to you. The northern Michigan seasons are so short I imagine you would have to winter over most of the chinese unless you started them indoors in Jan and had the room to keep them indoors unitl at least june. That is of course depending on where you live in northern MI. I have family in the U.P. and they would have to follow the routine I described for sure.
That's exaactly what I do. I have a finished room in my basement that is heated and I have two 3' by 4' tables in it with 4 twin tube 48" floros on each table and heat mats. I usually start my seeds on the first of feb for the really slow growers and a little later for the fast growers and they go outside around the first week of june.
I had 288 plants down their this spring!!! :-) lots of room

:eek: WOW...and I thought I was busy with a little over 200. I ended up taking 90 or so to work as seedlings and letting other people try their hand at growing them. I have 114 left. Well lets hope I have that many. I may have accidentally killed a few with my soapy water used to kill aphids.

At any rate, best of luck to you this season and keep us posted on your progress ;)